JAPAN Nadzak
Write this in your social studies notebook! 7-4.5 Summarize the significant features and explain the causes of Japan’s imperial expansion in East Asia, including the defeat of the Russians in the Russo-Japanese War, the reasons for the expansion in Korea and Manchuria, and the rise of Japan as a world power.
USE YOUR ATLAS! Pages 94-95 • What 2 countries are directly west of Japan? • In what ocean is Japan? • What country is directly west of North & South Korea? • Where is Indonesia in relation to Japan?
USE YOUR ATLAS! Pages 76-77 • What plateau is in the middle of China? • Estimate how much of China is below sea level. • Where country is directly north of China? • What country is southwest of China?
USE YOUR ATLAS! Pages 84-85 • How much of the world’s population lives in Japan? • Where do most Japanese people live in Japan? • How much of the world’s land area is in Japan? • How does the land area of Japan relate to its population?
USE YOUR ATLAS! Pages 82-83 • Estimate the size of Japan in relation to the size of the United States. • Estimate how much of Japan’s land is used for manufacturing & trade. • Estimate how much of Japan’s land is used for crops & livestock. • What do you call seasonal winds that control the climate of southern Asia?
USE YOUR ATLAS! Pages 78-79 • What is the capital city of Japan? • Name 2 other cities in Japan. • What sea is north of Japan? • Japan is about 15 degrees north of what line of latitude? • Where are the Philippines in relation to Japan?
HEY YOU! Turn to the person beside you and tell them 3 things you learned about the geography of Japan!
Do you remember the standard we’re learning?! 7-4.5 Summarize the significant features and explain the causes of Japan’s imperial expansion in East Asia, including the defeat of the Russians in the Russo-Japanese War, the reasons for the expansion in Korea and Manchuria, and the rise of Japan as a world power.
Under the rule of the Tokugawa shoguns, Japan had been isolated from any contact outside the country. • Beginning in the mid-1800s, western powers attempted to open trade with Japan. • In 1853, US Commodore Matthew Perry forcibly opened trade with Japan through the Treaty of Kanagawa. Soon thereafter, other Western powers also obtained trading rights with Japan. Write what’s in RED in your social studies notebook!
Japanese citizens were angered by the foreign involvement in their country. • The shogun stepped down from power, allowing the imperial family to take control of the country and ending the military dictatorships that had controlled Japan since the 12th century. • http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/21f/21f.027/black_ships_and_samurai_02/bss_visnav01.html
In Okinawa, Perry and his entourage paused by the imposing “Gate of Courtesy” in Naha...
These first encounters were not without tense moments. The Japanese, after all, had lived under a policy of strict seclusion for more than 200 years.
The Commodore went ashore with great pomp and ceremony to present his demands to the Shogun’s officials, who had gathered onshore near the then little town of Yokohama.
USE YOUR IPAD! Find out how to pronounce MEIJI • The Meiji Era became a period of modernization for Japan, as the emperor realized that the best response to imperial threats was to become an industrial power. http://www.forvo.com/word/meiji/ • Japan studied Western civilizations and incorporated many similar aspects into it’s own system. Write RED print in social studies notebook!
The Japanese developed a constitutional monarchy with an updated constitution, reformed the military, adopted universal public education, and focused on industrialization and communication systems. • By 1890, Japan was a modern, competitive country, able to be an imperial power in its own right. • http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/21f/21f.027/gt_japan_people/index.html
They had been isolated for centuries and got along just fine!!
When shoguns stepped down it ended what kind of control in Japan?
Japan decided the best way to deal with imperial threats was to do what?
developed a constitutional monarchy with an updated constitution, reformed the military, adopted universal public education, and focused on industrialization and communication systems
Let’s Review! Write what’s in bold or RED in your social studies notebook!
In 1876, Japan forced trade with Korea. • China had similar trading interests, and in an attempt to prevent conflict, China and Japan pledged not to send their armies into Korea.