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晨暉社. 中一級 晨暉社 成立典禮 Form 1 Council, Sun Fai Kick-off Ceremony. 晨暉社. 社訓:如日之昇 Council Motto : Shine through the community 社花:向日葵 Council Flower : Sunflower 社色: 紅 白 Council Colours : Red and white 姊妹社 : 旭晶 ( 中四 ) Sister Council : Yuk Jing (Form 4). 白. white. 晨暉社社歌.
晨暉社 中一級 晨暉社 成立典禮 Form 1 Council, Sun Fai Kick-off Ceremony
晨暉社 社訓:如日之昇 Council Motto:Shine through the community 社花:向日葵 Council Flower:Sunflower 社色:紅白 Council Colours:Red and white 姊妹社:旭晶(中四) Sister Council:Yuk Jing (Form 4) 白 white
晨暉社社歌 晨暉瀛寰景象新,真光照徹世塵,攜手共渡艱難險阻,共沐救主宏恩, 剛強奮勇進德修業,願為正道捨身,齊奔前程當自強,服務社會人群。
晨暉社社歌 高聲歌頌此良辰,葵花向日歡欣,發揚真理匡正時弊,協力組成義軍, 陰翳盡散慈光普照,喜作主愛之民,紅白兒女同奮發,修己立德榮神。
Scene One Mother: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Mother Abbess, from the Nonnberg Abbey. I’m going to tell you a story today and it starts with a young postulant in the Abbey and her name is Maria.
The Sound of Music My day in the hills has come to an end, I know. A star has come out to tell me it’s time to go. But deep in the dark green shad-ows are voic-es that urge me to stay.
So I pause and I wait and I lis-ten for one more sound, for one more love-ly thing that the hills might say. The hills are alive with the sound of mu-sic, With songs they have sung for a thou-sand years. The hills fill my heart with the sound of mu-sic. My heart wants to sing ev-‘ry song it hears.
My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that rise from the lake to the trees. My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies from a church on a breeze, To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls o-ver stones on its way, To sing through the night like a lark who is learn-ing to pray.
I go to the hills when my heart is lone-ly. I know I will hear what I've heard be-fore. My heart will be blessed with the sound of mu-sic And I'll sing once more.
Bernice: Reverend Mother Mother: Sister Bernice Bernice: I simply cannot find her. Mother: Maria Bernice: She’s missing from the Abbey again. Berthe: Perhaps we should have put a cowbell around her neck. Magaretta: (To Bernice) Have you tried the barn? You know how she adores the animals
Bernice: I have looked everywhere, in all of the usual places. Mother: Sister Bernice, considering that it’s Maria. I suggest you look at someplace unusual. Tell me, Sister Catherine, what do you think of Maria? Catherine: She’s a wonderful girl, some of thetime. Mother: Sister Agatha?
Agatha: It’s very easy to like Maria, except when it’s difficult. Mother: And you, sister Sophia? Sophia: I love her very dearly, but she always seems to be in trouble, doesn’t she? Berthe, Magaretta, Catherine, Agatha: Exactly what we have in mind..
Mother: Come here my child. Maria: Oh Reverend mother. I’m so sorry. I just couldn’t help myself. The gates were open. The hills were beckoning and before I- Mother: Dear, I haven’t summoned you here for apologies.
Maria: Oh please, mother, do let me ask for forgiveness. You see, the sky was so blue today. And everything was so green and fragrant. I just had to be part of it. And the bird kept leading me higher and higher, as though it wanted me to go right through the clouds with it. I can’t seem to stop singing wherever I am.
Mother: See, this is Maria, she’s just like a moonbeam that we can never hold her in our hands. Maria, it seems the will of God for you to leave us. Maria: On Reverend mother, please don’t ask me to leave the abbey. Don’t send me away.
Mother: Only for a while. There is a family near Salzburg that needs a governess until September to take care of seven children of Captain Von Trapp. Maria: Seven children and a Captain?
Scene Two Captain: Now, this is your new governess, Maria. You will step forward and give your name. Lisel: Lisel. Friedrich: Friedrich Louisa: Louisa Kurt: Kurt Brigitta: Brigitta Marta: Marta Gretl: Gretl
Maria: Now I have to tell you a secret, I have never been a governess before. Louisa: You mean you don’t know anything about being a governess? Maria: Nothing. I’ll need lots of advice. Louisa: Well, the best way to start is to be sure is to tell father to mind his own business.
Friedrich: You must never come to dinner on time. Brigitta: Never eat soup quietly. All: Slurp!!! Kurt: And during dessert, always blow your nose! Gretl: Don’t believe a word they say, Maria. Maria: Why not? Gretl: Because I like you.
Maria: Gretl, are you scared? You’re not frightened of a thunderstorm, are you? All: No! We’re not scared! Maria: You just stay right here with me. Gretl: Why does it do that? Maria: Well, the lightning says something to the thunder, and the thunder answers back.
Marta: The lightning must be nasty. Maria: Not really. Kurt: Then why does the thunder gets so angry? It makes me want to cry. Maria: When anything bothers me and I’m feeling unhappy, I just try and think of nice things. Gretl: What kind of things?
Maria: Oh, well, let me see. Nice things —Daffodils! Green meadows. Skies full of stars... Raindrops on roses...and whiskers on kittens...
My Favorite Things Rain-drops on ros-es and whis-kers on kit-tens, Bright cop-per ket-tles and warm wool-en mit-tens, Brown pa-per pack-ag-es tied up with strings, These are a few of my fa-vor-ite things.
Cream col-ored pon-ies and crisp ap-ple strud-els, Door-bells and sleigh-bells and schnitz-el with noo-dles, Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings, These are a few of my fa-vor-ite things.
Girls in white dress-es with blue sat-in sash-es, Snow-flakes that stay on my nose and eye-lash-es, Sil-ver white win-ters that melt in-to springs, These are a few of my fa-vor-ite things.
When the dog bites, When the bee stings, When I'm feel-ing sad, I sim-ply re-mem-ber my fa-vor-ite things and then I don't feel so bad.
Maria: All right everybody, over here. Marta: What are we going to do? Maria: Let’s think of something to sing. Friedrich: Father doesn’t like us to sing. Maria: Well, perhaps we can change his mind. Now, what songs do you know? Lisel: We don’t know any songs. Maria: Not any?
Lisel: We don’t know even how to sing. Maria: Well, let’s not lose any time. You must learn. All: But how?
Do-Re-Mi Maria: (I’m going to teach you how to sing.) Let's start at the ver-y be-gin-ning, A ver-y good place to start. When you read you be-gin with Gretl: (A, B, C,) Maria: When you sing you be-gin with do-re-mi. Children: Do-re-mi?
Maria: Do-re-mi, The first three notes just hap-pen to be Do-re-mi. Children: Do-re-mi! Maria: Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti (Come, I’ll make it easier for you. Listen.)
Maria: Doe, a deer, a fe-male deer, Ray, a drop of gold-en sun, Me, a name I call my-self, Far, a long, long way to run, Sew, a nee-dle pull-ing thread, La, a note to fol-low Sew, Tea, a drink with jam and bread, That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh!)
Gretl: Do Maria: a deer, a fe-male deer, Children: Re Maria: a drop of gold-en sun, Children: Mi Maria: a name I call my-self, Children: Fa Maria: a long, long way to run, Maria: So All: a nee-dle pull-ing thread,
All: La, a note to fol-low Sew, Ti, a drink with jam and bread, That will bring us back to Children: Doe- a deer, a fe-male deer, Ray, a drop of gold-en sun, Me, a name I call my-self, Far, a long, long way to run, Maria: Sew, a nee-dle pull-ing thread, La, a note to fol-low Sew,
Maria: Tea, a drink with jam and bread, That will bring us back to doe Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do Children: So Do!
Do-Re-Mi Encore Maria: (By mixing them up. Listen.) So Do La Fa Mi Do Re (Now you do it.) Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re Maria: So Do La Ti Do Re Do Children: So Do La Ti Do Re Do Maria: (Now let’s put it all together…)
All: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re So Do La Ti Do Re Do Brigitta: (But it doesn’t mean anything.) Maria: (One word for every note.) Maria: When you know the notes to sing You can sing most an-y-thing. (Now, altogether. And…) All: When you know the notes to sing You can sing most an-y-thing.
Maria: Doe Gretl: a deer, a fe-male deer, Maria: Ray Marta: a drop of gold-en sun, Maria: Me Brigitta: a name I call my-self, Maria: Far Kurt: a long, long way to run, Maria & Louisa: Sew, a nee-dle pull-ing thread,
Maria & Friedrich: La, a note to fol-low Sew, Maria & Liesl: Tea, a drink with jam and bread, Maria: That will bring us back to Do
Gretl: DoMarta: Re Brigitta:MiKurt: Fa Louisa: SoFriedrich: La Liesl: Ti Maria: Do Maria: DoLiesl: Ti Friedrich: La Louisa: So Kurt: Fa Marta: Mi Gretl: Re
Gretl: Do Brigitta:Mi Mi Brigitta:MiLouisa: So So Marta: ReKurt: Fa Fa Friedrich: LaLiesl: Ti Ti Children: Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti
Maria: When you know the notes to sing You can sing most … Children: Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti All: an-y-thing.
All: Doe, a deer, a fe-male deer, Ray, a drop of gold-en sun, Me, a name I call my-self, Far, a long, long way to run, Sew, a nee-dle pull-ing thread, La, a note to fol-low Sew, Tea, a drink with jam and bread, That will bring us back to Maria: Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re Do Children: Do!
Gretl: Maria, I’m tired. Maria: Ladies and gentlemen, the children of Captain Von Trapp wish to say good night to you.
So Long, Farewell Maria: There's a sad sort of clang-ing from the clock in the hall and the bells in the stee-ple too, and up in the nurs-'ry an ab-surd lit-tle bird is pop-ping out to say "Coo-coo" Children: "Coo-coo" "Coo-coo"
Children: "Coo-coo“ "Coo-coo“ "Coo-coo" All: To you. Maria: Re-gret-ful-ly they tell us But firm-ly they com-pel us To say goodbye . . .
All: So long, fare-well, auf Wie-der-sehn, good night. Marta & Kurt: We hate to go and miss this pret-ty sight. All: So long, fare-well, auf Wie-der-sehn, a-dieu. Lisel & Friedrich: A-dieu, a-dieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu.
All: So long, fare-well, auf Wie-der-sehn, good-bye. Louisa & Brigitta: We flit, we float, we fleet-ly flee, we fly. All: So long, fare-well, auf Wie-der-sehn, good-bye. Gretl: The sun has gone to bed and so must I,
Gretl: Good-bye Captain & Maria: Good-bye Captain: Good-bye Both: Good-bye.
Scene Three Mother: As you all see, Maria gets along very well with the children, and also with the Captain. And this is the problem that drives herself back to the Abbey. Maria: Oh, Reverend Mother. Mother: Why did they send you back to us. Maria: They didn’t send me. I left.