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Substance Abuse Treatment in US Prisons Peters and Steinberg

Introduction. There has been a significant increase in the number of offenders sentenced to prison for drug crimes. Most of the increase has been attributed to changes in sentencing laws and parole guidelinesSentencing Reform Act of 1984Abolished parole for federal offendersSubstance abuse trea

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Substance Abuse Treatment in US Prisons Peters and Steinberg

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    1. Substance Abuse Treatment in US Prisons Peters and Steinberg CJ 365, Summer 2001 June 19, 2001

    2. Introduction There has been a significant increase in the number of offenders sentenced to prison for drug crimes. Most of the increase has been attributed to changes in sentencing laws and parole guidelines Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 Abolished parole for federal offenders Substance abuse treatment is not a right in prisons Marshall v. United States . .

    3. Eight Key Principles of Effective Programs Intensive services are behavioral in nature. Programs should address criminogenic needs: substance abuse, antisocial behaviors Risk assessments are used to identify needs. Services should address multiple problems and individual offenders should be matched with treatment based on needs. Programs should include structured incentives and sanctions. Counselors should be selected based on their interpersonal skills. Minimum educational requirements

    4. Eight Key Principles of Effective Programs Programs should provide a pro social treatment environment that reduces negative peer influences. Relapse prevention strategies should be provided. Relapse training should also be provided to family and friends. Linkage and referral to community services should be provided.

    5. Examples of Substance Abuse Programs California’s Amity Prison Therapeutic Community Three phase program – Serves up to 40 residents Provides treatment for approx 6 months Provides one year of aftercare treatment New York’s Stay’n Out Program Highly structured therapeutic community Treatment is provided for 10-12 months and there is a 6 month follow up program.

    6. Correctional Treatment of Special Needs Populations Rates of both mental health and substance abuse disorders are much higher among non-incarcerated populations. Mental health 4x Substance Abuse 4-7x 3-11% of inmates have co-occurring problems Offenders with co-occurring problems are more likely to: Drop out or be expelled from treatment Be hospitalized Greater risk for suicide and recidivism

    7. Summary Approx. 55% of offenders have a substance abuse treatment problem, but only 10% will receive some sort of treatment.

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