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Paths to a better life. The Concession. Public bidding performed by State Government, in December, 1997, for the concession of the metro public transportation service passengers of line 1 and line 2, for twenty years, prolong by the same period (*). Operation’s start-up: April, 5, 1998
The Concession Public bidding performed by State Government, in December, 1997, for the concession of the metro public transportation service passengers of line 1 and line 2, for twenty years, prolong by the same period (*). Operation’s start-up: April, 5, 1998 • Objective: Operation and maintenance of the line 1 and line 2 in the Rio de Janeiro subway for twenty years, prolong by the same period. (*) On December 27, 2007 Consórcio Opportrans acquired the right to explore the metro service during 20 years.
Share Holders PREVI FUNCEF PETROS OAS V/T: 45,88% V/T: 23,21% V/T: 23,21% V/T: 7,62% INVEPAR V/T: 100%
Capex(R$, MM) Capex(R$, MM)
Percentage of Cars in Use in the Peak Hour – year 2009 CAPTION: Am - América Metrô Rio (RJ) As - Ásia NovaGroupMetro Eu - Europe CoMET Group Metro Oc – Oceania
Car kilometers between incidentes causing a Delay Greater than 5 minutes to service – Year 2009 CAPTION: Am - América Metrô Rio (RJ) As - Ásia NovaGroupMetro Eu - Europe CoMET Group Metro Oc – Oceania
Covering Tax - 2009 CAPTION: Am - América Metrô Rio (RJ) As - Ásia NovaGroupMetro Eu - Europe CoMET Group Metro Oc – Oceania
StationsCleaning StationsConservation Waiting Time atthePlatform Purchase Tickets Time TrainsCleaning TrainsConservation Comfort StationsLighting Visual Comunication EmployeesService Stationssound system TrainsSound Systems System Security Travel Time Escalators CustomersInformation QualityService in General Customer Satisfaction Survey- IQS Evaluated itens IQS Contractual
Indicators • IRIT (Headway Regularity Indicator) – It is measured on weekdays (morning and afternoon peak hours). Monthly goal is to achieve at least 80% of the scheduled headways in each line. • ICPO (Departures Accomplishment Indicator) – It is measured on weekdays (morning and afternoon peak hours, daytime off-peak hours). Monthly goal is to achieve at least 90% of the scheduled departures in each line. • ION (Remarkable Events Indicator) – It is measured everyday (weekdays, Saturdays and Mondays). Monthly, only 10 incidents in the system can last longer than 2.5 times the scheduled headway. • IQS (Service Quality Indicator) – Must be evaluated twice a year, in March and September. There are 18 specific quality parameters which are measured for each line, besides another one which is related to the general service quality. Each of them must achieve specific pattern targets. These parameters show the railway service usage results in terms of effectiveness and the grades may vary from 0 to 10.
PROJECT • Concession Agreement until January 27, 2038; • Investment amounting to U$ 720 million; • Increase system capacity from 550,000 to 1,100,000 passengers/day; • Acquisition of 114 cars; • Renovation of space inside subway cars; • Completion of critical systems (power, signaling, etc.); • Link of Line 2 to Line 1; • Construction of 2 new stations.
Integrated System After Investments Line 2 passengers heading to Botafogo don’t need to transfer To be built: Pavuna Uruguai Station Eng. Rubens Paiva Efficient transfer to trains at Central Station Acari/Fazenda Botafogo Coelho Neto Interval / slots offered: Colégio Saens Peña and Pavuna Irajá Interval - 4min Vicente de Carvalho Offer – 26,520 slots/hour Thomaz Coelho Pres. Engenho da Rainha Vargas Central - Botafogo Uruguaiana Inhaúma Interval - 2min Central Cidade Del Castilho Offer – 53,040 slots/hour Carioca Nova São Maria da Graça Praça Cristóvão Cinelândia Trains circulating: Onze Triagem 19 trains (114 cars) Estácio Comfortable travel from Tijuca to Downtown Maracanã Glória RioCidadeNova 28 trains (168 cars) Catete Afonso São Fco. Saens Pena Xavier Peña Lgo. do Machado Uruguai Flamengo Hosp. da Lagoa Baixo Marquês de Humaitá 2-minute interval on the greatest demand stretch S. Vicente Gávea Botafogo Maria Jardim Cobal do Angélica Botânico Humaitá Cardeal PUC BartolomeuMitre Arcoverde PUC Jardimde Alah Siqueira HospitalLourenço Jorge AltoLeblon Campos Anterode Quental N.Sa.da Paz PonteLúcioCosta Cantagalo BaixoLeblon Av. Niemeyer Parquedas Rosas Condadode Cascais Praia doPepino General Osório New bus terminal in Ipanema FashionMall Downtonw JardimOceânico Posto 12Leblon Afrânio deMelo Franco Posto 9Ipanema Alvorada BarraShopping Fare-R$3,10 Copacabana Praia da Barra São Conrado Leblon Ipanema
Extension Lines • 2 Lines • Gal. Osório – Gávea 9,3 Km • Botafogo - Gávea * 13,7 Km • 25.000 pax/week day • Fare R$ 3,10 * Open on 11/06/2007
Integrated buses lines • Express • 10 Buses Companies • 15 Lines • 94,7 Km • 40 mil pax/week day • Fare R$ 4,00 Metrô - Supervia • Open on 04/12/2000 • 50 mil pax/week day • Fare- R$4,20 • Intercity • 4 Buses Companies • 5 Lines • 78 Km • 11 mil pax/week day • Fare R$ 4,20
Uruguai Station Mezzanine Mezzanine
Uruguai Station • Investment: R$ 220 Millions • Schedule Deadline: 24 to 30 months • Passengers in a weekday: 20,000 (scaled to 50,000)