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Welcome to Mrs. Kohrmann’s 4 th Grade Class 2014-2015 akohrmann @tvusd.k12.ca.us nves.tvusd.k12.ca.us. Room I-18’s Expectations. We always do our best the first time! We will use appropriate language at all times. We will raise our hands if there is a question/answer.
Welcome to Mrs. Kohrmann’s 4thGrade Class 2014-2015 akohrmann@tvusd.k12.ca.us nves.tvusd.k12.ca.us
Room I-18’s Expectations We always do our best the first time! We will use appropriate language at all times. We will raise our hands if there is a question/answer. We will respect others and their property. We will use kind words to each other.
Students will be assigned homework on a nightly basis. They will write it down in their reminder binders before going home each day. • Your child should be spending approximately 45 to 50 minutes a night on homework, Monday-Thursday, as required by the school district. It will be evaluated on your child’s report card. • Please make sure to check and initial your child’s reminder binders each night. Look for any important information I have listed on it for the week on the Announcements Sheet that is taped into their binder. You will also notice a number that is circled each day in their binder. A “1” is Awesome and a “6” is Stop (student owes 20 min.). This is a daily behavior/participation score. • Homework consists of: Reading for 20 minutes, Math, and a language arts activity nightly. Some nights will have a social • studies or science activity. Study spelling words for test • on Thusday, • unless it is a four-day week. • Homework is checked and collected the next day, • otherwise noted.
Reading Log • Students are to read or be read to for 20 minutes each night. • It should be a “Good Fit Book” for them. • Their Fluency reading log should be filled out and signed by parents on Thursday evening or Friday morning before school. • Their total number of minutes read should be greater than or equal to 80 minutes (the fluency reading may count for • 20 minutes for the week).
Kohr Money • EEEEarn • On-time to school • Answering questions correctly • Getting a 90% or above on tests • Passing timed-tests • Bringing in donations • Bringing in papers ASAP • Class jobs • E • Pay • Not following classroom and/or school rules • Incomplete homework • Losing papers • Tilting on chairs • No name on papers • Losing pencils, pens, • etc.
8:55-9:10-Opening/collect homework 9:10-10:10-Daily 5/reading groups 10:10-10:50-Whole group language arts 10:50-12:05-Math 12:05-12:50-Lunch 12:55-1:10-Math facts 1:10-1:40-Intervention 1:45-2:05-Writing 2:05-2:15-Recess 2:15-2:40-Writing Continued 2:40-3:15-Science/SS/PE 3:20-Dismissal Library : Thursdays-2:15-3:00 Computers: Fridays-12:45-1:30 VAPA: Fridays-11:20-12:05
Some projects for the year • Pumpkin Globe (Sept./Oct.) • Mission Projects (Spring) • Science Fair Project (Spring)
Wednesday Folders
Wednesday Folders • Graded papers will usually be sent home every Wednesday. It will have graded papers and test/quizzes from the previous week. • Please initial on the dated log attached to the back of the folder. This will indicate that you have seen and reviewed these papers. • Any papers graded in pen means that we have corrected their papers together in class. • Emptied Wednesday folders need to be returned by Friday.
Multiplication of larger numbers (all strategies) • Division of larger numbers by 1 digit (all strategies) • Area/Perimeter • Triangles & Quadrilaterals • Fractions • Decimals • Measurement conversions • Ongoing Problem Solving (WAM)
Language Arts
Writing Reading • Comprehension Strategies • Text structure (Informational) • Main Idea and Key details (Informational) • Summarizing (both informational and Literature) • Theme • Poetry • Comparing 2 texts on the same topic • Opinion • Narrative • Informational
*Changing Earth *Rocks and Minerals *Ecosystems *Electricity and Magnetism
California History *Regions-CA *Native Americans *Explorers *Spanish Missions and Ranchos *Gold Rush
Volunteers • Must have current TB test on file & other paperwork on file to help in classroom • Parent Tab on TVUSD website • Be sure to check in and get your VOLUNTEER sticker in the office each time you visit
I appreciate you coming tonight! By working together, we can help your child be a successful learner.