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Floods in the 60’s Slovakia

Floods in the 60’s Slovakia. b y Martina Surovcikova & Jakub Vlcak. The begin of the hell. In 1965 the spring was cold and rainy , suddenly it got warmer . The snow from the Alps melt and the level of rivers rose

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Floods in the 60’s Slovakia

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  1. Floods in the 60’s Slovakia by Martina Surovcikova & JakubVlcak

  2. The begin of the hell • In 1965 the spring was cold and rainy, suddenlyitgot warmer. The snowfrom the Alpsmelt and the level of riversrose • 13/6/1965 the water experts warnedagainst3rd level of flooddanger • 15/6/1965 at 9 o’clock the water broke the barriernear the village of Patince. In few hours the village was completelyunderwater

  3. The water is flowingand flowing • 17.6. high of the Danube was • 801 cm • At 10:30 the barriernear • Číčovowas broken • Whenpeoplethoughtit was • the end of big water, suddenly • the barriernearKollarovo • was destroyedtooon 25th • of June • After108 daysexperts • announcedthe end of the • floods

  4. Statistics • 94 000 hectars of the ground was under the water • 53 693 peoplefrom65villageswereevacuated • 3910housesweredestroyed and 6180onesweredamaged • 1 billion m3of water floodedthisarea • Itcost over 3 billionsof crowns (nowabout100 million €)

  5. Thankyouforyourattention

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