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The Media. Chapter 10. General Motors Activity. Entertainment Write a TV show segment about GM cars Reporting the news Write a TV news segment about the closing of a GM factory Identifying Public Problems
The Media Chapter 10
General Motors Activity Entertainment Write a TV show segment about GM cars Reporting the news Write a TV news segment about the closing of a GM factory Identifying Public Problems Write a TV news interview with an expert on fuel mileage and GM lack of fuel efficient cars Socializing New Generations Write a TV show segment showing how owning a car is a very American thing to do Providing a Political Forum Write a TV news segment showing GM auto workers demanding more benefits Making Profits Write a commercial for GM cars
Functions of Media • Entertainment • TMZ, SNL, Shows, etc. • Reporting the News (primary function) • Local News, All-day News (Fox, CNN) • Identifying Public Problems (investigative) • Corruption, use of tax dollars • Socializing New Generations (can this be politically motivated?…is it biased?) • What issues are important? • Providing a Political Forum • Debates, Interviews • Making Profits - commercials (how do you increase corporate support…ratings)
History of the Media in U.S. • The Rise of Political Press (printed material, cartoons) • Mass-Readership Newspapers • High-speed rotary press = produce more papers to sell • Telegraph = obtain information for stories faster • As cities grow larger = more people to sell to • Economy grows = more stories and interests
History of the Media in U.S. • Popular Press and Yellow Journalism • What is Yellow Journalism? Examples? • What is a muckraker? Examples? • Can you believe everything you read? • Electromagnetic Signal = development of radio and television • Radio becomes very popular in the 1920s • TV becomes very popular in the 1950s
History of the Media in U.S. • The Revolution of Electronic Media (Cable TV) • Broadcasting - data is transmitted everywhere • Narrowcasting - data is transmitted to a specific list of recipients • Examples? • Viewers tend to “tune in” to issues that already support their beliefs • Talk Show Politics; Internet Broadcasting • Increases political extremism
History of the Media in U.S. • Internet, blogging, and podcasting • What’s credible? • Pros and cons? • Impact on Politics?
The Importance of Television • In 1963, only 11 minutes were devoted to national news (today, it’s up to 3 hours) • Does that mean that more people know what’s going on?
Influence of TV on the Political Process • Often criticized for being too superficial (does not focus enough on the issues) • Ex. Sarah Palin’s teenage daughter was pregnant during the 2008 campaign • Other examples? • Candidate-centered (news focuses on the candidate…appearance, image, etc.) • Issue-centered (news focuses on the issues) • Media-centered (what’s going to bring in ratings)
Influence of TV on the Political Process • Political figures plan public appearances • Designed to appear “spontaneous” • “Leaks” to the media • 3 types of TV coverage employed by a campaign • Advertising (positive and/or negative) • Management of News Coverage (free) • Developing a good working relationship with reporters • Convincing media to put the right “spin” on a story • Political Debates (incumbents do NOT like…why?) • Most campaigns are now adding an Internet Campaign Strategist
What impact does the Media have on voters? • Most viewers pay selective attention • Focus on coverage that confirms their own beliefs • Media focuses on “horse-race” aspect • Who’s leading in the polls? • Limits coverage of the actual issues
What impact does the Media have on voters? • Media has 3 major roles • Gatekeeper (what are the issues) • Scorekeeper (keeps track of reputation) • Watchdog (close scrutiny of candidates)
Rules Governing the Media • Confidentiality of Sources • Regulating Broadcasting • FCC has more control over broadcast media than media
Rules Governing the Media • Equal Time Rule • Right-of Reply Rule • Political Editorializing Rule • Fairness Doctrine • Should their be regulation?
Prepare for Class Discussion • Work in a group of 3 (one group will have 4) • Draw two “talking” points. • Gather information and discuss responses • 20 - 25 minutes to prepare