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Young Goodman Brown 1835

YGB Quiz. 1. What is Young Goodman Brown's wife's name?2. What is the setting (city)?3. What evil figure does YGB meet before venturing into the woods?4. Which of the following symbols/archetypes did NOT appear in the story? Black, snake, river5. True or False: YGB lost his faith. . . View this

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Young Goodman Brown 1835

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    1. “Young Goodman Brown” 1835

    2. YGB Quiz 1. What is Young Goodman Brown’s wife’s name? 2. What is the setting (city)? 3. What evil figure does YGB meet before venturing into the woods? 4. Which of the following symbols/archetypes did NOT appear in the story? Black, snake, river 5. True or False: YGB lost his faith.

    3. View this quick clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBHQtfsB42s&feature=PlayList&p=6A407E8183CAF517&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=46

    4. View this one too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJzcL7BG5iI&feature=PlayList&p=EB573C81708F7541&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=27

    5. Last one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOqTjzxmhvo

    11. Your Opinion Overall feeling from youtube clips? Forests + atmospheres =? How do the first devil slides compare with the second set of devil images? What is modern society’s view of the “devil?” What was society’s view of the devil during Hawthorne’s time?

    12. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) DOB: July 4, 1804 in Salem, MA Dad was a naval captain Ancestors can be traced to the first Puritans to settle in MA and his great-granddad “officiated” in the Salem Witch trials? Nate felt guilty about his ancestor’s involvement

    13. Nathaniel cont. Attended Bowdoin College in Maine with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Franklin Pierce (future president) Most famous work is The Scarlet Letter Married Sophia Peabody and had 3 children

    14. Setting & Themes Late 1600s (1692ish) Salem, MA? what else happened around this time???? Strict Puritan code can be undoing of some and can make some people become suspicious Evil can infect “good” people

    15. Some help Goodman: Husband or master of a household. Goody: (1) Housewife, especially an elderly one, of a lower class; (2) any lower-class woman; (3) housewife or mistress of a household. Cinquefoil (Paragraph 32): Flowering plant of the rose family that has white, red, or yellow petals.

    16. More help King William (Paragraph 13): William III, king of England from 1689 to 1702. Wot'st: (Paragraph 15): Know. Lecture-Day (Paragraph 21): Weekday on which a sermon was given. E'en Go Thy Ways (Paragraph 25): Just (righteous) be thy ways.

    17. Still more help King Philip (Paragraph 18): Nickname of the Wampanoag Indian chief Metacom (or Metacomet). Maltreatment of Indians by whites provoked him into waging what came to be known as King Philip's War against New Englanders in 1675-1676. His defiance instilled fear in the white inhabitants of New England. 

    18. Are you tired of help? Devil's Staff (Paragraph 36): The narrator says, "So saying, he threw it [the staff] down at her feet, where, perhaps, it assumed life, being one of the rods which its owner had formerly lent to the Egyptian magi." This passage alludes to verses 8-12 in Chapter 7 of the Bible's Book of Exodus.

    19. Hope not, here’s some more According to these verses, God directs Moses to tell Aaron, his brother, to cast down his staff before the throne of the pharaoh of Egypt. When he does so, it transforms itself into a serpent. The pharaoh's magicians (magi) then cast down their staffs, which in like manner turned into serpents. However, Aaron's staff consumes the staffs of the magicians. 

    20. Literary Terms 1 Irony: situational and verbal Archetypes: universal symbols—AKA primordial symbols? dark, colors, snake, Symbolism: forest? Eden, Faith Pun*

    21. Lit Terms 2 Objective Correlative: a pattern of objects, actions, or events, or a situation that can serve effectively to awaken in the reader an emotional response…nature mimics YGB’s feelings stormy forest, stormy YGB.

    22. BDA: BEFORE “Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset into the street of Salem Village; but put his head back, after crossing the threshold to exchange a parting kiss with his young wife. And Faith, as the wife was aptly named, thrust her own pretty head into the street, letting the wind play with pink ribbons on her cap while she called to Goodman Brown.”

    23. “Young Goodman Brown” Young? inexperienced, innocence Goodman? title, master of the house, also ironic…is he good? Brown? color of earth…is Brown of the “earth?” Christian ideology about being of the world?

    24. Sunset at Salem Sunset—archetype of death Salem—associated with evil…witches Threshold definition: 2. An entrance or a doorway. 3. The place or point of beginning; the outset. Brown is essentially leaving one “world” to go the “other world.”

    25. Faith Name is symbolic: wife and Christian faith Also young—inexperienced, innocent Pink ribbons—usually symbol of love—also think of infantile images—little girls, babies, bubble gum

    26. YG Brown Refuses to accept Faith’s advice—loaded gun Recognizes and admits his journey is wrong…he has an “evil purpose.”

    27. Devil Meets Brown cordially See the darkness in Brown— “Still they might have been taken for father and son…” This passage also foreshadows Brown’s ancestors’ involvement with evil (link this to Hawthorne’s guilt…)

    28. Symbols Associated with the Devil Serpent-like Darkness Staff…I’ve looked everywhere and I cannot figure out where this symbol comes from…the devil is usually pictured with a trident—similar structure—but where does the trident come from?

    29. Setting? Foreshadowing & Objective Correlative As soon as Brown enters the forest—darkened setting, spooky, gloomy Analyze the following passages; note the mood. “While he still gazed…swiftly northward.” “The cry of grief…” “And maddened with despair…solitary woods at once.” “Another verse of the hymn…

    30. Discussion Items Ceremony and parallels to Christian rituals YGB’s neighbors Devil’s admittance of “sins” YGB’s ancestors’ involvement Connection to Garden of Eden story H’s use of irony…effect? Purpose? YGB’s Faith and Fate

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