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Stay updated on your child's third-grade schedule, discipline plan, expectation cards, STAAR testing, fact fluency plan, homework policy, and more through this informative guide. Connect with teachers for a successful year!
Ray and Jamie Wolman Elementary Third Grade 2014-2015 Welcome!
Teachers Language Arts/SS • Traci Huss • Lara Searfoss • Allison Herge Math/Science • Morgan Nicholson • LaMonique’ Johnson • Allison Knable (Deidra Allen-sub) Trio • Jana Knight- Math • Neely Wood- Writing/Science • Jenny Schnaidt- Reading/SS
Schedule • 8:00-8:30 Arrival • 8:30-10:35 Block 1 • 10:35-11:25 Specials • 11:35-11:50 Recess • 12:04-12:44 Lunch • 12:50-1:20 ELT • 1:20-3:35 Block 2 • 3:35 Dismissal
Trio Schedule • 8:00-8:25-Agenda/Morning Warm ups • 8:30-9:50-Block I • Switch • 9:50-10:35-Block II (Part I) • 10:35-11:25-Specials • 11:30-11:50-Recess • 11:50-12:13 Block II (Part II) • 12:13-12:43 Lunch (Schnaidt, Knight) 12:16-12:46 (Wood) • 12:43-12:50-Restroom Break, get ready for ELT • 12:50-1:20-E.L.T. • 1:20-1:45 Block II (Part III) Small Group Time • Switch • 1:45-3:25 Block III • 3:25-Pack up/Clean up/Dismissal
Parent Teacher Conferences *There will be at LEAST one conference per student. This will be held in the fall semester. *All conferences will be scheduled during the teacher’s planning period, before or after school.
Take Home FoldersEach Thursday your child will bring his or her Take Home Folder home. Please take time to review comments and expectation card with your child and return on Friday.
Discipline PlanProper discipline will be discussed with the students and expectations will be defined and taught!Consequences for failure to follow social skills:Violation #1 WarningViolation #2 Mark 1Violation #3 Mark 2 (Think time)Violation #4 Mark 3 (Parent phone call and ASD)Violation #5 Office referral**Severe Clause Automatic referral to a principal if a student hurts him/herself, another person, or if a student damages school property.
Expectation Cards(These will go home Thursday to be signed by a parent and returned to school on Friday). RESULTS ON REPORT CARD 0-5 marks in same category = Satisfactory (S) 6-10 marks in the same category=Needs Improvement (N) 11+ marks in the same category=Unsatisfactory (U) 10 SCATTERED marks = Needs Improvement (N) in self discipline 16 SCATTERED marks=(U) Unsatisfactory in self discipline
Katy ISDFact Fluency PlanPurpose-It is designed to help students develop fluency and automaticity of basic facts. This will be accomplished through a balanced approach focusing on conceptual understanding, math fact strategies, and the relationships between operations.
How is it different than Fast Facts ? • Fact strategies will be the focus and they will be worked on in math workstations. The strategies will also be taught by the teacher in daily math instruction. • Fact checks are given throughout the grading period as an informal assessment to inform instructional strategies that are best for each student. These are NOT graded but they are timed and self reflection is an important focus. Time allotment is 1 minute and 30 seconds for each set of operation problems. • 2nd -5th graders will have one timed district assessment at the end of each grading period which will count as one daily grade. (90%) Time allotment 1 minute and 30 seconds also.
How can we help at home? Encourage your child to practice strategies at home using the parent calendar on the grade level website for game ideas and strategy procedures. Talk to your child about improving his/her previous time and reaching for automaticity with basic facts.
K.I.S.D. Grading Scale90-100 A80-89 B75-79 C70-74 D69 or below F
*Planners*Homework Procedure*Homework is due the day after it is assigned unless the teacher specifies otherwise. *Six late assignments will result in an “N” on the report card in the category entitled “Completes Homework Assignments.”*Homework graded by the teacher will count for 10% of the final nine weeks average.
LunchPlease place checks or cash in an envelope/baggie labeled with your child’s first and last name and teacher’s name.Meal Pre-payment system is availablewww.mypaymentplus.comApp- my payments plus
Transportation*Any change in normal transportation of your child must be submitted in writing or via fax with a copy of your driver’s license to the front office prior to 2:00 p.m.Fax number (281) 644-1875
School PartiesFall Party – Tuesday, November 25, 2014Friendship Party-February 13, 2015
Birthdays*Please send store bought treats with ingredients listed. *Treats will be passed out during recess. *Birthday treats may be left at the front office.(Please do not send “treat bags” as these are not allowed. We ask for individual treats , cupcakes, cookies, donuts etc. )
Dental/Doctor Appointments*The best times for appointments are from 11:30-12:40.
Thanks for being here tonight! Please be sure to sign the acknowledgement page in the back of your packet and leave it on your child’s desk.