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X-ray Spectroscopy of Radiation-Driven Winds of Massive Stars

Explore line profile diagnostics in winds of massive stars, examining models for x-ray emission, Doppler broadening effects, and magnetic wind confinement.

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X-ray Spectroscopy of Radiation-Driven Winds of Massive Stars

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  1. X-ray Spectroscopy of the Radiation-Driven Winds of Massive Stars:Line Profile and Line Ratio Diagnostics David CohenSwarthmore College

  2. massive stars: 20 to 100 Msun 106 Lsun T ~ 50,000 K Carina/Keyhole Nebula (HST)

  3. Chandra X-ray Telescope image of the Orion Nebula Cluster young, massive star: q1 Ori C Color coded according to photon energy (red: <1keV; green 1 to 2 keV; blue > 2 keV)

  4. Whirlpool/M51 (HST)

  5. 1000 yr old supernova remnant Crab Nebula (WIYN)

  6. wind-blown bubble: stellar wind impact on its environment NGC 6888 Crescent Nebula (Tony Hallas)

  7. M ~ 10-6 Msun/yr Prinja et al. 1992, ApJ, 390, 266 Velocity (km/s) Radiation-driven massive star winds UV spectrum: C IV 1548, 1551 Å v∞=2350 km/s

  8. erg s-1 Power in these winds: Lsun = 4 x1033 erg s-1 Lmassive ≈ 4 x1039 while the x-ray luminosity To account for the x-rays, only one part in 10-4of the wind’s mechanical power is needed to heat the wind

  9. Three models for massive star x-ray emission 1. Instability driven shocks 2. Magnetically channeled wind shocks 3. Wind-wind interaction in close binaries

  10. Three models for massive star x-ray emission 1. Instability driven shocks 2. Magnetically channeled wind shocks 3. Wind-wind interaction in close binaries

  11. Winds of massive stars are driven by radiation pressure opacity luminosity mass For the Sun, Gedd ~ 10-5 For massive stars, Gedd approaches unity

  12. The Line-Driven Instability (LDI; Milne 1926)

  13. Consider a positive velocity perturbation

  14. Positive feedback: ion moves out of the Doppler shadow, sees more radiation, gets accelerated…

  15. 1-D rad-hydro simulation of a massive star wind Radiation line driving is inherently unstable: shock-heating and X-ray emissionOwocki, Castor, & Rybicki 1988

  16. Predictions of the rad-hydro wind simulations: • Significant Doppler broadening of x-ray emission lines due to bulk motion of the wind flow (1a. Shock onset several tenths R* above the surface) • Bulk of the wind is cold and unshocked – source of attenuation of the X-rays.

  17. z Puppis in the Gum Nebula

  18. Puppis: 50 Msun, 106 Lsun

  19. Chandra HETGS/MEG spectrum (R ~ 1000 ~ 300 km s-1)  Pup Fe Si Mg Ne O H-like He-like

  20.  Pup Low-mass star (Capella) for comparison

  21.  Pup Ne IX Fe XVII Ne X Capella

  22. Pupmassive Capellalow mass

  23. z Pup The x-ray emission lines are broad: agreement with rad hydro simulations But… they’re also blue shifted and asymmetric Is this predicted by the wind shock scenario?

  24. opacity of the cold wind component wind mass-loss rate wind terminal velocity radius of the star

  25. =1 contours t=1,2,8 The basic wind-profile model Ro=1.5 Ro=3 j ~ 2 for r/R* > Ro, = 0 otherwise Ro=10 key parameters: Ro &t*

  26. We fit these x-ray line profile models to each line in the Chandra data And find a best-fit t* and Ro & place confidence limits on these fitted parameter values Fe XVII 68, 90, 95% confidence limits

  27. Wind opacity: photoelectric absorption Abundances; ionization balance; atomic cross sections Verner & Yakovlev 1996

  28. z Pup: three emission lines Mg Lya: 8.42 Å Ne Lya: 12.13 Å O Lya: 18.97 Å t* = 1 t* = 2 t* = 3 Recall:

  29. Fits to 16 lines in the Chandra spectrum of z Pup

  30. Traditional mass-loss rate: 8.3 X 10-6 Msun/yr Our best fit: 3.5 X 10-6 Msun/yr

  31. Part 2: Magnetically Channeled Winds

  32. The central star in the Orion Nebula Cluster - q1 Ori C - is a source of strong and relatively hard x-rays Chandra image: color coded by photon energy (red: <1keV; green 1 to 2 keV; blue > 2 keV)

  33. Recently discovered dipole magnetic field of > 1 kG : Zeeman Doppler spectroscopy (Wade et al. 2006) Simulation/visualization courtesy R. TownsendMovie available at astro.swarthmore.edu/~cohen/presentations/apip09/rrm-o25-i75-b60-redt.avi

  34. This field confines and channels the stellar wind out to several stellar radii – what is the effect? …MHD simulations (ZEUS, 2-D)

  35. Simulation/visualization courtesy A. ud-DoulaMovie available at astro.swarthmore.edu/~cohen/presentations/apip09/t1oc-lowvinf-logd.avi

  36. Simulation/visualization courtesy A. ud-DoulaMovie available at astro.swarthmore.edu/~cohen/presentations/apip09/t1oc-lowvinf-logT.avi

  37. Simulation/visualization courtesy A. ud-DoulaMovie available at astro.swarthmore.edu/~cohen/presentations/apip09/t1oc-lowvinf-speed.avi

  38. MHD simulations of magnetically channeled wind temperature emission measure simulations by A. ud-Doula; Gagné et al. (2005) Channeled collision is close to head-on – >1000 km s-1 : T > 107 K

  39. Predictions: • Shocks are strong – head-on – and so plasma is hotter; • Hot plasma is moving much slower (confinement); • Rotational modulation of X-ray flux; • Hot plasma is ~1 R* above the surface.

  40. Chandra grating spectra 1 Ori C z Pup 1 Ori C: hotter plasma, narrower emission lines zPup: cooler plasma, broad emission lines

  41. 1 Ori C z Pup H-like/He-like ratio is temperature sensitive Mg XII Mg XI Si XIV Si XIII

  42. 1 Ori C z Pup The magnetic O star – 1 Ori C – is hotter Mg XII Mg XI Si XIV Si XIII

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