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Arab Republic of Egypt

Arab Republic of Egypt. Ministry of education. Kafr El-Sheikh Directorate of Education. Fowa Secondary School for both male and female Students. TREES. إعداد:وفاء سعيد الدسوقى. Wafaa Said Al-Desouky. A senior teacher of English.

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Arab Republic of Egypt

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  1. Arab Republic of Egypt Ministry of education Kafr El-Sheikh Directorate of Education Fowa Secondary School for both male and female Students

  2. TREES

  3. إعداد:وفاء سعيد الدسوقى Wafaa Said Al-Desouky A senior teacher of English


  5. So during this project ,we will try to answer these questions???????????

  6. What would happen if Awad, a well-known Egyptian Folklore character, didn't sell his land?

  7. What are the advantages of living in a world full of trees?

  8. How can you describe Eden?

  9. How do you find living in a world with every thing but fruits?

  10. How can we protect earth from Global Worming?

  11. Where does paper come from?

  12. What are the uses of trees?

  13. What is turpentine used for?

  14. What happens when we heat wood?

  15. What is the tallest tree?

  16. What does a bark of a tree do?

  17. How can we calculate the age of a tree?

  18. How can a tree get food?

  19. Complete the missing words in the dialogue:A: Hello, is this professor Sheldon?B: No, he is ……………...A: Oh, can I …….. a message, please?B: Sure.A: Tell him, if he wants dr. Green, he ………..in his office in the afternoon. B: OK………….?A: No, there's nothing else. ………..B: You're welcome.A: Good bye.B: ………

  20. We will try our best to reach these goals.

  21. *To realize the importance of trees.*To be able to express their opinions about trees and their use.*To develop their communicative skills.*To practice using the internet to find information about trees, their names and uses. *To memorize some new definitions and vocabulary.

  22. There’re a lot of uses of trees .

  23. Trees help earth to breath .They protect us from global warming.

  24. The Giant Sequoia is the tallest tree in the whole world .It’s83.8meters tall &it's in California. Scientists say it’s between2300&2700years old.

  25. The bark of a tree is like our skin-it protects the living part of tree and the tubes which carry water from a tree’s roots to it’s leaves.

  26. Just under the bark ,there’s a circle of soft cells which hardens every year spring .This forms a ring of new wood each year .This means we can calculate the age of the tree by counting the rings.

  27. We use wood as a fuel for cooking and heating.

  28. It has been said that more than 5000things in every day use are made from trees :furniture, sports equipment &pencils.

  29. We make magazines &newspapers out of wood.

  30. Cardboard boxes ,musical instruments &some kinds of toothpaste are made of wood.

  31. Turpentine ,which is used as a paint remover ,and rubber are made from the sap of trees .

  32. To fulfill the above mentioned goals I’ll follow these procedures:

  33. First, I’ll stock the class library with books about trees.

  34. Then, I’ll get the head teacher’s agreement to go to Montzah Garden.

  35. Finally, I’ll send a publication and a letter home that describes the activities of the unit and enlists parent help.

  36. I’ll also ask for permission to use the multimedia lab.

  37. I’ll divide the class into 3 groups, tulip, roses and jasmine.

  38. The Tulip group will make a research using the Internet and their school library about : 1) - The uses of trees. 2)-How to measure the age of a tree. 3)-How to protect the world from global warming .

  39. The Jasmine group will make a publication and a slideshow presentation about Trees.

  40. The roses group will make a wiki to enhance the idea and ,of course, to display the best work.

  41. Evaluation will be continuous during the whole project, through questionnaire and checklists.

  42. The manager of the school, The senior supervisor, the headmaster and Mrs. Manal El Seedy, an English teacher, are the evaluation team.

  43. We promise valuable trophies that will be given to the most qualified and hardworking. This will take place in a great party attended by the Governor himself.

  44. Study these definitions

  45. Bark (n): the tough protective outer sheath of the trunk, branches, and twigs of a tree or woody shrub…

  46. Harden (v): to make or become tougher or to become firm and stiff

  47. Ring (n): an object in the shape of a circle.

  48. Tube (n): a long, hollow cylinder (a pipe) that liquids or gases go through.

  49. Calculate (v): to determine (the amount or number of something) , to find out something or measure something by using numbers.

  50. Extract (v): to remove or take out , especially by effort or force.

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