Model intro #1 • Many writers write because they want to send a message to the world. They use a variety of literary tools to create their messages. In her best selling novel, Harry Potter, JK Rowling suggests that it is important to believe in one’s self through her use of character, conflict and imagery.
Model Intro #2 • Not everyone knows this, but the author of the best selling book series, Harry Potter, really had to have faith in herself to get her books published. Her books were rejected by multiple publishers, but like her characters, she never gave up. This theme that it is very important to believe in yourself in made evident through JK Rowling’s use of character, conflict and imagery in her best selling novel, Harry Potter.
Model #3 • Many people, particularly young people, have trouble believing in themselves. Fortunately many of the books read by these self-doubters provide messages of hope. One such book, Harry Potter, by JK Rowling reminds us to believe in ourselves through its characters, conflict and imagery.
Model #4 • Fantasy is a very popular genre of literature. These books often provide a great escape from everyday life as well as provide a great message to the reader. In her Harry Potter novels JK Rowling utilizes character, conflict and imagery to demonstrate that one must believe in one’s self no matter how tough the odds.