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The book thief (the sequel) A new beginning.

The book thief (the sequel) A new beginning. . Marta Miralles March 15 th , 2013 College English honors ii. The lost brother returns.

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The book thief (the sequel) A new beginning.

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  1. The book thief (the sequel) A new beginning. Marta Miralles March 15th, 2013 College English honors ii Page 1

  2. The lost brother returns. Liesel was working with Alex, she was just remembering the old times with her parents and Rudy, she was just noticing how much Alex looked like Rudy when suddenly Max walked in, she was so startled that she dropped the shoe that she was repairing to the floor, Max picked it up and put it on the counter and then they hugged, that evening Alex, Max, and Liesel all went to the mayor’s house to eat, there they each shared their stories from the beginning and the mayor agreed to let Max live with them until he found another place for himself. Page 2

  3. Remembering After they had had dinner Ilsa Hermann asked Liesel about the journal, for the first time in weeks Liesel remembered the book that had saved her life, that night she went to Himmel street to retrieve it but it wasn’t there, instead of going straight home she sat in front of the rubble that had been her home and though about the time that she had been there, she cursed Hitler for having made everything so complicated but at the same time was thankful to him because if he hadn’t done what he did he would have never met her foster parents, Rudy, Max and everyone else. Page 3

  4. The lost and found journal. When Liesel comes home Ilsa Hermann is waiting for her and when she hears that Liesel lost her journal she takes her down to the basement and shows her another book, this book was the writen life of Ilsa Hermann written by Ilsa Hermann herself, she lets Liesel read it and it gives Liesel courage because she sees that the major’s wife also suffered loses in her life, Ilsa tells Liesel that she started writing the journal right when Liesel was writing hers, in the major’s wife’s book there are three chapters all about Liesel and Rudy, Liesel also sees that Ilsa also knows how to draw and she drew a picture of Rudy and her running away on their bicycles. Page 4

  5. Away from the trouble. 3 years later Liesel moved with Max into an apartment on the outskirts of Germany, there they made their new life, Max eventually married a French writer who upon hearing Liesel’s tale encouraged her to write a book about her life, Liesel absolutely refused, she said that words had saved and destroyed her life, and that writing a book had cost her all that was dear to her and that she wasn’t going to write another one, but she did ask for English lessons from her and in two years had become fluent in English and French. Page 5

  6. Getting a future. When she was age appropriate Liesel decided that she wanted to make a difference in the world through words and so she went to Australia to teach mentally disabled children how to read, she had an immense amount of patience and sometimes she would tell her students about her life and how words had played such an important role in her life. She mostly taught kids and that awoke the desire in her to have kids, unfortunately she had made a vow to herself that she would never marry and that she would never kiss a man for she thought constantly about the boy with the lemon hair and what he would say if he saw her with another man, she though she was destined to love Rudy forever. Page 6

  7. A bird reborn of the ashes. Liesel was in a crisis because she had met a man to whom she felt attracted to and she felt guilty , he worked with her as an intern, the man had asked her out many times but she had refused because she thought of Rudy, one day she had a dream in which Rudy told her that it was O.K to make a new life and meet new people ad even fall in love, a week after that dream Liesel finally accepted said yes to George and they went out , she found out that he was much like her and had also lost family and the girl he loved to bombings, 2 years later they married and years later had two kids , she talked to them about the war and about her parents and about Himmel street, their kids loved the stories although sometimes she told the same ones more than twice. Page 7

  8. The beginning of the end. As Liesel became older and her kids grew up she started forgetting many things, it started with things like what day it was, but soon she started forgetting her grandchildren’s name, and then sometimes she would forget who her husband was, they took her to the doctor who told the husband that she had Alzheimer , a disease of the mind in which you start forgetting things so much that in the end you become like a kid who doesn’t know what’s going on, sometimes you forget how to talk, they told the husband that she needed to be hospitalized until she died but the husband would not hear of it, he cared for her and loved her in her time of sickness, he did not abandon her even when the only words she would utter where Papa , Mama, and Rudy. One day when her husband was away Liesel felt death coming closer, and by some miracle she recovered her memory in her last moments of life. Page 8

  9. Explanation I said that the mayor and the mayor’s wife invited a Jew to eat because they probably hadn’t been so happy since everyone died and they wanted to keep her happy even though maybe they didn’t want to.I said that Ilsa wrote a book because since she gave Liesel the journal she probably thought it was a good idea to write a book herself. I said that Liesel moved in with Max because since they were so close Max would not have abandoned Liesel. Liesel was probably grateful for knowing how to read so she probably wanted everyone to have the chance she got. And even though Liesel was in love with Rudy she might fall in love with someone that understands her and has the same pains as her. And I gave her alzeihmers because many people get that when they had been under a lot of stress when they were small and since she had been I gave it to her, and lastly she recovered her memory in her last minutes because in the book the “notebook” it happens that the woman recovers her memory and in the book thief, in the end it says that Liesel was thinking about everyone before she died. Page 9

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