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Outline. A Brief History of IdeasThe Prosodic HierarchyThe UtteranceEnd-of-Turn DetectionThe Intonational PhraseProsody-Dependent Speech RecognitionThe WordArticulatory Phonology Models of CoarticulationThe SyllableLandmark-Based Speech RecognitionAudiovisual Speech RecognitionConclusions
1. Phonology and the art of Automatic Speech Recognition Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
ECE Department and the
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA
2. Outline A Brief History of Ideas The Prosodic Hierarchy The Utterance End-of-Turn Detection The Intonational Phrase Prosody-Dependent Speech Recognition The Word Articulatory Phonology Models of Coarticulation The Syllable Landmark-Based Speech Recognition Audiovisual Speech Recognition Conclusions