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Fostering Positive Values in Adolescence: The Importance of A Good Childhood

This presentation explores the impact of a good childhood on adolescent behavior and values. Adults tend to view children they know more positively than young people in general, highlighting the influence of personal relationships. Despite stereotypes, a significant portion of teenagers display respect and friendliness in their local communities. The prevalence of Anti-Social Behavior Orders among 10-17 year olds underscores societal challenges, with breach consequences showing the need for support and guidance.

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Fostering Positive Values in Adolescence: The Importance of A Good Childhood

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Good Childhood: Values Taking an adult view

  2. In a study by The Children’s Society, adults were given ten characteristics or behaviours and asked to what extent the 10–15 year olds they knew matched these descriptions. And then to what extent the same statements were true for 10–15 year olds in general. Without exception, adults answered more positively about children they knew than young people in general.

  3. Teenagers in my local area are respectful towards adults One in three adults agree that teenagers in their local area are ‘friendly towards their neighbours’, ‘interested in helping to improve the local area’, or ‘respectful towards adults’.

  4. Presentation title could be repeated here on each slide Teenagers in my local area are friendly to their neighbours

  5. Presentation title could be repeated here on each slide • Between 2000 and 2007, 40% of all Anti-Social Behaviour Orders were given to 10–17 year olds, who make up about 10% of the population. • Many received these for swearing, rowdiness or being a general nuisance, but of the 46% who went on to breach their order, 41% were given a custodial sentence.

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