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Homework: Analyse the use of the 4 technical features in a sequence of your choice.

Homework: Analyse the use of the 4 technical features in a sequence of your choice. Use the resources that have been previously given to you such as your analysis of ‘Iron Man 2’. Due: TODAY!. L19 - Action Adventure – Practice Analysis – Question 2. Tuesday 30 th April 2013.

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Homework: Analyse the use of the 4 technical features in a sequence of your choice.

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  1. Homework: Analyse the use of the 4 technical features in a sequence of your choice. Use the resources that have been previously given to you such as your analysis of ‘Iron Man 2’ Due: TODAY!

  2. L19 - Action Adventure – Practice Analysis – Question 2 Tuesday 30th April 2013

  3. Aims & Objectives Why? • Re-cap prior learning of theory and other important areas covered last lesson. • Watch a sequence from The Hunger Games in order to establish HOW each technical area “create effects that fit the action adventure genre” (OCR) • Get some much needed practice in analysingEACH technical area in order to answer a 20 mark question. • Look at some of the criteria you need to address in achieving an A*-C grade in the exam! • Review the learning. A02– Assess candidates’ ability to analyse and respond to a short, unseen moving image extract using media key concepts and appropriate terminology.

  4. “Dumb m_____for a Dumb p______” (Yvonne T_____– 199_) ovies eople 3 asker Name x2 other ideologies Taskercame up with – QUICKLY!!!!

  5. arc David M_____: “Do not seek the limelight, but typically find themselves pushed into d________sthat force them to take ac _____” and how they ultimately “su_______ in doing the right thing” ilemma tion . cceed

  6. . Levi Strauss – Binary Opposition

  7. . These Technical areas are covered in detail in your Micro Feature Booklets. This, along with your Action-Adventrue genre booklet, MUSTbe used for Revision along with your notes from lessons. The other best form of Revision for Section A) is …. P R A C T I C E !

  8. You are going to watch a scene from The Hunger Games. YOU MUST make notes on the handout provided BEFORE answering the Question! YOU WILL be shown the sequence x4 times – YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE NOTES FOR THE FIRST VIEWING! Viewing 2) - Make notes on Soundtrack and Camerawork Viewing 3) Editing and Mise-en-scene Viewing 4) FINAL opportunity to make notes - YOU COULD begin and answer the question – AGAIN THIS MUST be on the handout provided! ‘The Hunger Games’ (2012) Dir. Gary Ross .

  9. You have 20 minutes to answer the Question YOU SHOULD aim to give at least 2 detailed examples for EACH technical area and make sure you follow a PEA structure: P – The use of Technical feature ensures the sequence fits into the Action Adventure genre expectations we have. . E – For example, the technical code of – Give example – establishes…. Explain what it is and how it helps to represent something ‘repeated’ (Steve Neale) form the genre. A – The use of - – Give example – fits into the Genre’s codes and conventions because – Explain why and explain the impact this would have on the audience.

  10. FEEDBACK .

  11. Mark scheme – Level 4 Expectations

  12. Prove what you have learnt– Plenary YOU COULD be asked to read out some of your analysis to the rest of the class.

  13. Homework: • Produce a summary of the what we expect from the genre in terms of: • Narrative • Stereotypes • DUE: Next lesson - Thursday 2nd May

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