1. Lenses PhysicsMrs. Coyle
2. What phenomenon is evident in lenses?
3. Basic Types of Lenses Convex
4. Convex Lens
5. Concave Lens
6. Type of Image Real or Virtual
Enlarged or Reduced
Erect or Inverted
7. Convex Lens
8. Ray Diagram for Convex Lens
9. Rules for Ray Diagrams for Convex Lens A parallel ray refracts through the focal point.
A ray through the center of the lens continues straight.
A ray coming through the focal point, refracts parallel to the principal axis.
10. http://higheredbcs.wiley.com/legacy/college/halliday/0471320005/simulations6e/index.htm?newwindow=true
11. Summary for Convex Lens When the object is:
Beyond 2F
At 2F
Between 2F and F
At F
Between F and lens Then the image is:
Between 2F and F
At 2F
Beyond 2F
No image
Virtual image
12. Sign Convention do + object distance
di + real image, other side of lens
di - virtual image, same side as object
hi + erect image
hi - inverted image
f + converging lens (convex)
f - diverging lens (concave)
13. Magnification
M = hi = -di
ho do
14. Lens Equation 1 = 1 + 1
f do di
15. Concave Lens
16. Summary for Concave Lens Always:
Virtual, reduced, upright image
17. http://bcs.wiley.com/he-bcs/Books?action=resource&bcsId=1074&itemId=0471320005&resourceId=169