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Presented by Brian Solomon Job Service Director Brian Domenoski, CSMO Job Service E&T Specialist. WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA?. A form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages and other content.
Presented by Brian Solomon Job Service Director Brian Domenoski, CSMO Job Service E&T Specialist
WHAT IS SOCIAL MEDIA? • A form of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages and other content. • Including Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Foursquare, LinkedIn, etc.
Benefits of Social Media • Methodically expanding the jobseekers network • A jobseeker’s network is most likely where they will find their next job. • Carefully and purposefully raising the jobseeker’s personal profile • If you aren’t online, no one will know you even exist. • Jobseekers can manage and protect their online reputation • What will I find when I “Google” your name?
How Recruiters are using Social Media (1) Culture Fit - Are you likeable? The Hiring Manager / Recruiter is determining a jobseeker’s fit within their company – and the position. (2) Personal Branding Inconsistencies - Are you authentic? Are you who you say you are? The warning signs during this critical stage are 99.9% self-inflicted. (3) Written Communication Skills - Are you a communicator? You have all the time in the world to write a good cover letter, resume and LinkedIn profile.
How Recruiters are using Social Media (4) Trending Health Issues - Are you dependable? This may be the least known factor of a recruiter’s check of your social media. (5) Lifestyle Changes - Are you focused? Recruiters want to know that for at least two to three years, you will remain the person they hired you for – and that you’ll be able make this job your highest priority. SummaryRecruiters use social media – for a lot more than you think, at a deeper level than most imagine. Jobseekers very seldom are given the opportunity to explain, clarify or retract anything they said on social media. What do your social media accounts tell the world about you?
Job Search Super Tool ! • LinkedIn is considered the non-sexy, sleeping giant of social networks. It keeps a low profile but has grown to over 187 million members in over 200 countries, making it the world’s largest professional network on the Internet. • Currently there is no other tool online as effective in a job search as LinkedIn! • Flat out. Period. is HUGE
The Awesome Power of ... LinkedIn’s most powerful tool is the Introduction function. Who's Viewed Your Profile? Your profile has been viewed by 6 people in the past 7 days. You have shown up in search results 36 times in the past 3 days. Your LinkedIn Network 427Connections link you to 13,959,820+ professionals 40,736New people in your Network since November 26
Use by Recruiters The vast majority (93%) of recruiters use LinkedIn as their first choice to find candidates for employment.
For Job Seekers Create a Dynamite Profile! Like most social networks, LinkedIn hosts your personal profile, a page on which you may list information like job experience and professional skills. A LinkedIn profile that is 100% complete is 41 times more effective than a less than 100% profile.
For Job Seekers • Have more detailed information on LinkedIn than your resume. • Keep it professional! - Be meticulous in your spelling, grammar, etc. • Include as many relevant keywords as possible to BE FOUND! • Include your email address in your summary to BE EASY TO CONTACT! • Add relevant LinkedIn Apps (keep them professional and relevant) • Put a link to your profile in your email signatures. Point people to your background. • Add a professional looking picture of yourself (makes it more personal).
For Job Seekers • Write recommendations for people you’ve worked with and for. • Connect. Connect. Connect. • ► Use Outlook uploader • ► Find old colleagues and connect • ► Join relevant “Groups” and connect without needing an email address • ► Connect to a few Top “LinkedIn Open Networkers” (LIONs) people to expand your reach quickly • ► Connect with EVERYONE you know that you can find on LinkedIn • ► The more connections, the greater your reach!
For Job Seekers • With over 1.3 million groups to choose from, you’re likely to find at few that fit your field and interests. • Join LinkedIn Groups related to your field and/or region. • See who's there: potential hiring managers? • Engage in conversations; contribute positively. • Connect to more people, extending your reach to others in the same field. • Let them know you're looking! • Provide leads for others.
For Job Seekers Add regular "What are you working on" updates like: • “Seeking my next opportunity to make a difference” • “Seeking to add value somewhere new” • “Exploring new opportunities” • “Looking for a new challenge” • Each time you change your update, it appears on all your connections’ Home Pages reminding them you're still interested in leads!
For Job Seekers Head to the “jobs” tab. Perform an advanced search for available jobs by keyword, title, location, company, salary and industry. Save jobs to review later. • Start with broad generic search terms, and get more specific if you get too many results. • Find hiring managers (i.e. Title: Controller; Company: ABC Textiles). • Find alumni contacts, old colleagues, previous supervisors and potential peers. • Find recruiters in your field (i.e. Keywords: Recruiter AND Engineering). • Look at who your results are connected to for other potential contacts. • Use the Job Search function to find opportunities and link directly to related contacts in your network. SEARCH!
Contact Hiring Managers directly • Look through their entire profile, sometimes they list their email for you • Learn and use JigSaw.com • Google their name in quotes with the email domain of their company (i.e. “Harry Urschel” AND "@executives.net”) • Try standard email formats (i.e. firstname.lastname@company.com or FLastname@company.com) • Call main company number and ask for them
Prepare for interviews • Look up the people you will be meeting with and learn about them • What has their career path been? • Where did they go to school? • Who do you know in common? • What else do they share about themselves? NOTE: Basic membership for LinkedIn is free. Job Center of Wisconsin LinkedIn has a sample profile for job seekers to use as a guide for their profiles. Log onto: www.linkedin.com/in/jobcenterwi
The ultimate level playing field • Twitter is a free social networking and microblogging service. • Allows registered members to send and read 140 character messages known as “tweets” • Tailor made for mobile devices • Helps job seekers grow their networks, develop real relationships, and understand what they can offer.
For your job search • You can retweet messages from companies you want to work for, • Find articles and tweet them twitter users. • Join tweetchats related to your field and pay close attention to active twitter accounts. • Direct Message (DM) other Twitter users, and ask for an offline conversation.
More tips ... • Put your "elevator pitch" in your bio • Use a professional avatar • Have a custom background giving more detail about your qualifications • Have a link to your online resume • Follow industry experts in your industry on Twitter
More tips ... • Establish yourself as an expert in your industry. Use your status updates to tweet about industry topics, tips, advice • Get targeted job tweets sent to your Twitter feed, mobile phone, or tablet device. • Be consistent on image throughout all your online platforms • Follow TweetMyJobs, the largest job board on Twitter
JCW Twitter is following over 80 job search experts and receives outstanding job search advice found nowhere else 24/7/365. We currently have over 470 followers! (200% growth in 2012) https://twitter.com/JobCenterWI
Most popular social networking website A free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages, and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. Facebook should be part of a job seeker’s networking activities.
Privacy Settings for Job Seekers Make sure only friends can see your personal information, photos, religious, and political views. Carefully choose which viewers can see your posts. With the privacy settings, you are given an opportunity to preview your site, a feature that lets you see what the outside world sees when they access your Facebook page.
What Employers Shouldn't See • Don’t post anything you wouldn't want your current employer or a prospective employer to see. • Remove comments from your friends that seem distasteful. • There are more than a few apps that may not be the best ones to have on your page when you're looking to get a job.
What Employers Shouldn't See
What Job Seekers Should Do Complete Your Profile Follow the tips LinkedIn has to complete a profile there for your Facebook page. This also helps to complete your personal brand. Follow Your Dream Companies Search for companies you want to work at and like their Facebook Fan pages. Once your “Like” is registered, you receive news about the company directly in your news stream. Find Common Interest Groups and Conferences Post on the newsfeeds of people you subscribe to and your friends about what you want to do. Recruiters and companies will want to see passion in what you talk about.
Ask Your Facebook Friends for Help • If you’re an active job seeker, tell people you’re looking.If you’re a passive job seeker, message people that can help you privately. • Have people that you’re working with as friends on Facebook. Your updated information should not be posted on your wall. • Don’t sound desperate — talk about the great opportunities you are looking at. • Talk about how you are working on your skills. • Much of Facebook’s activity happens on mobile: You are reaching people when they log in, at work, or even networking events.
Like Us! With nearly 3,500 “Likes,” JCW Facebook provides informative articles, business profiles, useful job-seeker tips and advice in all aspects of the job search as well as information on the services WI Job Centers offer. http://www.facebook.com/jobcenterofwisconsin
vs. New York Times tech blogger Nick Bilton says, “People start out addicted to Facebook, and then become fatigued. On Twitter, they start out fatigued, and then become addicted.”
Other Social Media for your job search Amazon.com Amazon offers job seekers the opportunity to create a profile, write reviews, manage lists of books or other products, make comments on reviews, even publish eBooks. BranchOut.com Unlike the other social media, you need to be in an “open job search” – either unemployed or with a clear termination date for your job. BrazenCareerist.com Calling itself “Where ambitious young professionals connect and grow,” Brazen is a network where members establish public profiles, post status updates, and connect with each other.
Other Social Media for your job search YouTube.com If you are comfortable performing, speaking, or teaching – or interested in a career doing any of those 3 things – YouTube.com could be a very useful social network for you. Create your own “channel”. SlideShare.com If you are comfortable creating Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, SlideShare.com could be the venue for you to raise your visibility.
View this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUCfFcchw1w&list=UULC9cX5GntaQmTSF6hTqrzA&index=2&feature=plcp
Any questions? Brian Domenoski, CSMO. 414.389.6292. brian.domenoski@dwd.wisconsin.gov Brian Solomon, Non-CMSO. 608.267.7514. brian.solomon@dwd.wisconsin.gov