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The NCCS Community Platform: Tools for Analysis, Collaboration & Leadership. Tom Pollak, Director, National Center for Charitable Statistics at the Urban Institute tpollak@urban.org – 202-261-5536 April 2011. Moving the Needle on Key Community Indicators.
The NCCS Community Platform: Tools for Analysis, Collaboration & Leadership Tom Pollak, Director, National Center for Charitable Statistics at the Urban Institute tpollak@urban.org – 202-261-5536 April 2011
Moving the Needle on Key Community Indicators • Direct effort to increase level of giving & (sustained) volunteering for organizations • Improve efficiency & effectiveness of sector • Strengthen collaboration, coordination & alignment of work among nonprofits, government & communities • Spillover: Increase level of sustained engagement, volunteering & giving for organizations
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The Platform provides Organization Search screens for both basic and more advanced users. This is the search screen for more advanced users.
The Basic search shows only organization name, location and broad service area.
The standard search results page for registered users shows a range of information, much of it from IRS forms and registration information.
The Basic Search Results pages shows much less. (Users can click on an organization name for a full Organization Profile.)
A variety of tools to create a vibrant & open public platform for strengthening nonprofit organizations & community capacity.
Map nonprofit organizations & schools (preloaded) or add other resources & needs directly or through links to 2-1-1 or other community data systems.
The map can be filtered to show particular types of organizations using the general categories on the left. Advanced users can choose from more the detailed 600-category NTEE system.
This is the same location, but limiting the display to “places,” including public schools, community centers, libraries & more. New resources – public or private, nonprofit or for-profit, programs, offices, police stations, etc. – can be added to the map.
Information is available in lists or maps; a variety of tools are available for updating & expanding organization & program information.
We start with IRS Form 990 data, but users can add new programs & supplement 990 info.
The Community Administrator • Responsible for monitoring and approving changes to local information. Different people can be responsible for different types of information. • Candidates include: • 2-1-1 provider • Local librarians • Stakeholder staff from state association, community foundation, or university • The Community Needs Assessment helps to identify who is the best administrator in your area.
From the Search Results page, a user can click on an organization name to see the Organization Profile.
Organization Profiles can be updated by Community Administrators, approved researchers, and by the organization itself. This screen lets a user identify herself as connected to the organization. The Community Administrator is alerted to the request and must approve it before changes are finalized.
PDF images of IRS Form 990s filed since around 2002 are available at a click of the mouse.
NCCS typically captures the chief staff officer or volunteer leader for unstaffed organizations from its IRS Form 990 data. Additional information can be added by the organizations themselves or approved users.
We start with IRS Form 990 data, but users can add new programs & supplement 990 info.
Basic program information for all nonprofit organizations is loaded directly from their IRS Form 990s. But that’s just the beginning…
Add program information & categorize programs for referral system & service delivery mapping. Supports real-time linkages to 2-1-1 providers so organizations only have to update their information in one place.
Map a Service Area Registered users can map the program and service locations with a few mouse clicks!
Choose from a comprehensive list of Population Served codes to ensure that users can find the services they need. We also use the 600-category Nonprofit Program Classification system and National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) systems for classification. The AIRS Information & Referral Taxonomy could be incorporated.
A teacher, counselor or parent can search for, say, all tutoring or afterschool programs within a given distance from a school. Users can click on a map point to get the name, location and details on the program.
Track Program Outcomes Select program outcome indicators to track on a daily, weekly, quarterly or annual basis. Analyze trends & performance for individual orgs, communities, fields/industries, peer groups, or your member organizations. Indicators can be marked as private, public or for sharing among a group of organizations.
Report on your program results daily, weekly, monthly, annually or in whatever period works for your organization or collaborative. If you don’t find indicators that are relevant or appropriate on our lists, you can add your own custom indicators.
Financial Analysis: Features • Popup help • Video and written guides to help boards and managers understand basics of financial analysis • Other growth rates - revenues, net assets • Efficiency ratios • Balance sheet ratios • Revenues, expenses, balance sheet
Financial trends for both individual organizations and peer groups
Version 2 will also show percentages: Contributions 52%Program service revenue 30%Membership dues 10%Other 8%
Project Notes & Assignments Project teams can keep private notes and organization lists and more.
Community Indicators Users can easily drill down from a county, city or MSA to the zip code level and get either a statistical profile or a list of organizations.
Coming soon! Integration with new Census & ACS data & WEAVE data visualization tool.