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Vlasov S.N. IAP RAS e-mail: vlasov@hydro.apple.sci-nnov.ru

Influence of peripheral field on structure of nonlinear focus arising at propagation of a wave beam in cubic nonlinear media. Vlasov S.N. IAP RAS e-mail: vlasov@hydro.apple.sci-nnov.ru 603950 Russia , N-Novgorod , Uljanov street, 46, e - mail : vlasov @ hydro . appl . sci - nnov . ru.

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Vlasov S.N. IAP RAS e-mail: vlasov@hydro.apple.sci-nnov.ru

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  1. Influence of peripheral field on structure of nonlinear focus arising at propagation of a wave beam in cubic nonlinear media Vlasov S.N. IAP RAS e-mail: vlasov@hydro.apple.sci-nnov.ru 603950 Russia, N-Novgorod, Uljanov street,46, e-mail: vlasov@hydro.appl.sci-nnov.ru Collapse IAP RAS

  2. Contents • Jntroduction. Motivation. • Construction of solution. The first order approximation. • The second order approximation. Influence of periphery of beam. • Numerical modelling of influence of "wings" on field in nonlinear focus. Collapse IAP RAS

  3. 1. Intoduction The initial equation - transverse Laplacian, - Point of a collapse Self-focusing part of beam “Wings" of beam or nonself-focusing to a part of a beam Amplitude structure of a beam at self-focusing Collapse IAP RAS

  4. Ray structure of self-focusing an axially symmetric beam Collapse IAP RAS

  5. Self-simular solution of V.I. Talanov (1966) 1. Ray structure of self-focusing an axially symmetric beam self-simular solution of first type Collapse IAP RAS

  6. 2. Ray structure of self-focusing an axially symmetric beam self-simular solution of second type Collapse IAP RAS

  7. Cross-section structures of a beam, showing the dependences of growth rate of a field at nonlinear focus from cross-section structures Collapse IAP RAS

  8. 2. Construction of solution. The first order approximation[L,P,S,S;K,Sh,Z] or (4) Collapse IAP RAS

  9. Collapse IAP RAS

  10. Comparison of phases of homogeneous beams Comparison of amplitudes of homogeneous beams Collapse IAP RAS

  11. The real part of potential Dependences of power of homogeneous beams from cross-section coordinate Collapse IAP RAS

  12. и Dependence on value Collapse IAP RAS

  13. Self-focusing part of beam “Wings" of beam or nonself-focusing to a part of a beam The first way The second way The explanatory to a way of a choice of a principle of growth rate of a field on an axis Collapse IAP RAS

  14. First way Collapse IAP RAS

  15. Second way Collapse IAP RAS

  16. 3. The second order approximation. Collapse IAP RAS

  17. Dependence of amplitude phase and on cross-section coordinate at и Collapse IAP RAS

  18. Dependence of amplitude on cross-section coordinate at various parameters and Collapse IAP RAS

  19. Collapse IAP RAS

  20. 4. Results of numerical calculations Dependence of the amplitude of a field on axes, the equation . Collspse IAP RAS

  21. Dependence of the amplitude of a field on axes, the equation . Collapse IAP RAS

  22. Dependence of the maximal field on size of an initial field for a various degree of focusing Collapse IAP RAS

  23. Dependence of a field in the center of a cavity from time Collapse IAP RAS

  24. Dependence of a field on an axis in system with the combined nonlinearity Collapse IAP RAS

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  30. 23. С.Н.Власов, Л.В.Пискунова, В.И.Таланов, Трехмерный волновой коллапс в модели нелинейного уравнения Шредингера, ЖЭТФ, 1989, т.95, n.6, с.1945 Collapse IAP RAS

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