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Gap Tuition Assistance Program and Pathways for Academic, Career and Employment - PACE. Iowa Department of Education – Division of Community Colleges & Workforce Preparation.
Gap Tuition Assistance Program and Pathways for Academic, Career and Employment - PACE Iowa Department of Education – Division of Community Colleges & Workforce Preparation
Gap OverviewState Code 260 I - Funding that helps to cover, or fill in the gap for short term, non-credit training that Federal dollars cannot cover. Gap Code language was passed into law during the 2012 sessionGap language is very specific on what can covered and is tuition based, more can be found at: https://educateiowa.gov/adult-career-and-community-college/iowa-skilled-workforce-and-job-creation-fundGap approved programs can be found at: https://educateiowa.gov/adult-career-and-community-college/community-colleges/gap-tuition-assistance-program
Gap Tuition Assistance ProgramPurpose and Intent • Funding that helps to cover, or fill in the gap for short term, non-credit training that Federal dollars cannot cover. • To assist those individuals living between the 150% and 250% level of the poverty line. • Create a career pathway and pipeline for in-demand employment.
Gap Tuition Assistance Program Eligibility • Eligibility is assessed through a thorough intake and interview process. • Eligibility includes but is not limited to: • The applicant's family income for the six months prior to the date of application. • The applicant's family size. • The applicant's county of residence.
Gap Tuition Assistance ProgramServices and benefits • Services and benefits include having other resources made available the candidate. • Benefits include certification, licensure, or a completion certificate in an in-demand industry. • Employment and earning a living wage is the goal of Gap Tuition Assistance Program.
Gap Tuition Assistance ProgramPartnering and making referrals • Partnering and making referrals is an integral component of the Gap Program • Partners include but are not limited to: Iowa Workforce - Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Iowa Department for the Blind - Local industry and employers – Community Based Organizations – other state, county and municipal agencies, and many others.
Gap Tuition Assistance ProgramContacts • List of contacts can be accessed from our website: • https://educateiowa.gov/documents/pace/2019/03/gap-pace-program-contacts
PACE OverviewPathways for Academic Career & EmploymentState Code 260 H – To provide funding to community colleges for the development of projects in coordination with the economic development authority, the department of education, the department of workforce development, local workforce development boards established pursuant to section 84A.4, and community partners to implement a simplified, streamlined, and comprehensive process, along with customized support services, to enable eligible participants to acquire effective academic and employment training to secure gainful, quality, in-state employment.PACE Code language was passed into law during the 2012 session.State appropriation made available during the 2014 session.PACE language is written very broadly: https://educateiowa.gov/adult-career-and-community-college/community-colleges/pathways-academic-career-and-employment-pace
PACE ProgramPurpose and Intent • Purpose and intent: PACE is established to provide funding to community colleges for the development of projects that will lead to gainful, quality, in-state employment for members of target populations by providing them with both effective academic and employment training to ensure gainful employment and customized support services.
PACE ProgramPurpose and Intent • Individuals included in target populations are those individuals who meet one or more of the following: • Are deemed by definition to be low skilled. • Earn incomes at or below 250 percent of the federal poverty level. • Are unemployed. • Are underemployed. • Are dislocated workers.
PACE Program Eligibility • Eligibility requirements include the same process as Gap but the NCRC is not a requirement. • Also, PACE can assist in funding Gap non-credit programs and can also help to fund credit programs.
PACE Program Eligibility • Eligibility criteria for projects. Projects eligible for funding for PACE are projects that further the ability of members of target populations to secure gainful, quality employment; that further partnerships linking community colleges to industry and nonprofit organizations; and that further the following program outcomes: • Enabling members of the target populations to: • Acquire and demonstrate competency in basic skills. • Acquire and demonstrate competency in a specified technical field. • Complete a specified level of postsecondary education. Earn a national career readiness certificate. (but not a requirement for eligibility) • Obtain employer-validated credentials. • Secure gainful employment in high-quality, local jobs. • Meeting economic and employment goals including but not limited to: • Meeting the labor market needs of industry partners in areas including but not limited to the fields of information technology, health care, advanced manufacturing, transportation and logistics, and any other industry designated as in-demand by a regional advisory board.
PACE Program Services and Benefits • Services and benefits offered by PACE are wide and varied. • The idea is to assist the individual by providing needed resources given their current employment and educational situation. • To provide a structure for education and employment based on a career pathway.
PACE ProgramPartnering and making referrals • As with Gap, partnering and making referrals is an integral component of the PACE Program • Partners include but are not limited to: Iowa Workforce - Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Iowa Department for the Blind - Local industry and employers – Community Based Organizations – other state, county and municipal agencies, and many other.
PACE & Gap Program Contacts • Contact information can be found at: https://educateiowa.gov/documents/pace/2019/03/gap-pace-program-contacts
For more information please contact me at Mike Williams Mike.Williams@iowa.gov 515-752-2005