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Laboratory Study of Surface Gravity Wave Energy Input

An overview of theoretical works, experiments, and recent studies on surface wave generation by wind, with experimental setup details and future research directions.

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Laboratory Study of Surface Gravity Wave Energy Input

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  1. Laboratory Study of Surface-Gravity Wave Energy Input. Ivan Savelyev. Sponsored by:

  2. Literature review. • Early theoretical works: • Jeffreys, H., 1924: On the formation of waves by wind. Proc. Roy. Soc., 107A, 189-206. • Jeffreys, H., 1925: On the formation of waves by wind. II. Proc. Roy. Soc., 110A, 341-347. • Experiments with wind over solid waves: • Stanton, T. E., D. Marshall, and R. Houghton, 1932: The growth of waves on water due to the action of the wind. Proc. Roy. Soc., 137A, 283-283. • Thijsse, J. T., 1951: Growth of wind-generated waves and energy transfer. Gravity waves, National Bureau of Standards, Washington Circular 521, 281-287.

  3. Currently used theory: • Miles, J. W., 1957: On the generation of surface waves by shear flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 3, 185-204. • Miles, J. W., 1959: On the generation of surface waves by shear flows, Part 2. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 6, 568-582. • Miles, J. W., 1960: On the generation of surface waves by turbulent shear flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 7, 469-478. • Janssen, P. A. E. M., 1991:Quasi-linear theory of wind-wave generation applied to wave forecasting. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 21, 1631-1642. • Belcher, S. E., and J. C. R. Hunt, 1993: Turbulent shear flow over slowly moving waves. J. Fluid Mech., 251, 109-148.

  4. Recent experimental studies: Okuda, K., Kawai, S. & Toba, Y. 1977 Measurement of skin friction distribution along the surface of wind waves. J. Oceanogr. Soc. Japan 30,190-198. Snyder, R. L., F. W. Dobson, J. A. Elliott, and R. B. Long, 1981: Array measurements of atmospheric pressure fluctuations above surface gravity waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 102, 1-59. Banner, M. and Peirson, W. 1998 Tangential stress beneath wind-driven air-water interfaces. J. Fluid Mech., vol. 364, pp. 115-145. Donelan, M., Babanin, A., Young, I. & Banner, M. 2006 Wave-Follower Field Measurements of the Wind-Input Spectral Function. Part II: Parameterization of the Wind Input. J. Physical Oceanography, vol 36, pp 1672-1689.

  5. Experiment Setup Wave frequency range: f = 1 ÷ 3 Hz, Significant wave height: Hs = 0 ÷ 9 cm, Wind speed at 10m: U10 = 0 ÷ 23 m/s.

  6. Linear motor Motion Controller Pressure Transducers Water Elevation Gauges Motor Elevation Gauge Analog – Digital Converter Time lag correction Calibration Signal conditioning Elliott tube clog condition Transducer time lag correction Data Storage Smoothing algorithm Data Flow: Real time Yes No

  7. Wave follower position response to water elevation signal. Left: green – follower position spectrum, blue – water elevation spectrum. Right: blue - water elevation, red – Elliott probe position.

  8. Pressure transducer response to an incoming pressure wave. Time lag due to membrane acceleration and noise filtering electronics – 30ms.

  9. Covered Parameters: Wave number k = 6 ÷ 40 [1/m] Wave frequency f = 1 ÷ 3 [Hz] Wave phase speed Cp = 0.5 ÷ 1.1 [m/s] Wind speed at 10m height U10 = 0 ÷ 23 [m/s] Wind speed at L/2 height U(L/2) = 0 ÷ 10 [m/s] Inverse wave age U10/Cp = 4 ÷ 32 Pressure – slope correlation <Pr*Sl> = -0.0008 ÷ 0.0734

  10. Static air pressure at the surface (blue line) averaged over several hundred periods at each wave phase for four various wind/wave conditions. Error bars show 95% confidence interval. Green dashed line illustrates idealized wave shape. U10 – wind speed at 10m height, U10/Cp – inverse wave age (Cp – wave phase speed), f – dominant frequency, Hs – significant wave height. Wind direction is from right to left.

  11. Pressure – slope correlation dependence on wind speed at 10m height (left) and at L/2 height (right), where L - dominant wave length. Error bars show 95% confidence interval.

  12. Future work: - Compare measured form drag with wave energy growth rates. - Measure the pressure - slope correlation over a range of wave frequencies and wind speeds including strongly forced breaking wave conditions. - Use Particle Image Velocimetry to deduce the viscous drag contribution to the wave growth.

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