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Tropical Biases in GFDL atmospheric and coupled models. Where are we? How did we get there? Where are we going? ( GAMDT/LMDT/OMDT/CMDT ). Where are we? ( cm2a11o2 ) Atmosphere (in AMIP mode) Mean Regressions against ENSO Coupled Mean ENSO Variability. AM2/LM2:
Tropical Biases in GFDL atmospheric and coupled models Where are we? How did we get there? Where are we going? (GAMDT/LMDT/OMDT/CMDT)
Where are we? (cm2a11o2) • Atmosphere (in AMIP mode) • Mean • Regressions against ENSO • Coupled • Mean • ENSO Variability
AM2/LM2: comparison to other models Differences in annual mean precipitation from CMAP (Xie-Arkin)
Low cloud amount in JJA Observations
Nino3 regressions in am2p11 AMIP integrations Zonal stress – all seasons Precip- all seasons ECMWF am2p11 difference
Coupled model cm2a11o2 Annual precip MAM precip
Nino3 regressions in am2p11 AMIP and cm2 Zonal stress – all seasons Precip- all seasons ECMWF am2p11 cm2
How did we get here? AM2p2 AM2p8 AM2p12 AM2p6 AM2p10
OM2 • MOM4 (fully integrated into FMS) • Tripolar grid; • 2 deg Mercator south of 60N outside of equatorial zone • 50 vertical levels • 10m vertical resolution near surface - 2/3 degree meridional resolution at equator • Explicit free surface • Uniform GM thickness diffusion • Prescribed, spatially varying “color” (solar radiation penetration depth)
AM2p11 • B-grid Dynamical Core for am2p11 (Wyman): • 2.5° lon X 2.0° lat X 18 vertical levels • top at ~ 30 km • Split time stepping: 200, 600, and 1800 seconds for gravity waves, advection, and all physics except radiation • Piecewise-parabolic finite volume vertical advection of tracers (S. J. Lin) • Finite volume form of pressure gradient force calculation (S. J. Lin)
T42 N90 = 1 degree
Tropical SST bias cm2_a11_o2 (1K ) cm2_a10_o2 old pressure gradient (1K) dT : 11 –10 (0.5K)
Effect of pressure gradient form on % Low cloud am2p11 (5% contour) am2p10 (5% contour) am2p11 –am2p10 2% contour
Changes in oceanic heating due to pressure gradient 4 w/m2 contour total p11 – p10 sensible + evap radiation
AM2p11 • Prognostic cloud scheme (Klein) • 3 prognostic cloud tracers which are advected and diffused: cloud liquid, cloud ice and cloud fraction • Cloud fraction parameterization from Tiedtke (1993) as is used in ECMWF model • Cloud microphysics from Rotstayn (1997) as is used in CSIRO model • Precipitation macrophysics (large-scale rain and snow areas) from Jakob and Klein (2000)
AM2p11 • Relaxed Arakawa Schubert (RAS) Convection (Moorthi/Suarez) (Sirutis) • Ensemble of cumulus updrafts – no downdrafts • Specified precipitation efficiencies as a function of the depth of the updrafts. Non-precipitated fraction is a source of condensate for cloud scheme • Closure: relax cloud work function to a threshold value with a timescale dependent upon cloud type • Simple diffusive cumulus momentum transport (Held) • For deep convection, a minimum bound on lateral entrainment rates is imposed (Tokioka modification)
cumulus momentum transport • Parameterize cumulus momentum transport (CMT) as a simple vertical diffusion of horizontal momentum where convection occurs • Km~McDz~ acwupDz
AM2p11: without CMT AM2p11: with CMT
El Nino variability in zonal wind stress in AMIP integrations AM2p11: without CMT AM2p11: with CMT
zonal wind stress regressed on NINO3 in AMIP integrations AM2p11: w/o cmt and w/o Tokioka AM2p11: w/o CMT AM2p11
Wavelet analysis of Nino3 SST anomalies AM2p11 without CMT biannual peak Phase locked to seasons
Moist static energy budget • changes in evaporation more important than changes in radiative fluxes(clouds) In ENSO regressions, changes in stress larger than changes in precip • diffusion directly affects vorticity budget Dominance of baroclinic mode • precip increases strength of low level damping
Dominant feedback determining response to cumulus momentum transport? precip (divergence) cmt evaporation vorticity
AM2p11 • Planetary Boundary Layer • Mellor-Yamada (1982) 2.5 order dry parameterization with prognostic turbulent kinetic energy • “Gustiness” enhancement to wind speed used in surface flux calculations (Beljaars 1995) • Oceanic roughness lengths enhanced at low wind speed (Beljaars 1995) • Gravity Wave Drag (Stern) • Orographic drag from Stern and Pierrehumbert
In Development: • New boundary layer turbulence parameteriziation based upon UK Meteorological Office PBL (Klein) • Stability based upon moist thermodynamics • K-profile mixing for surface driven and cloud top radiatively driven mixing • Explicit entrainment parameterization based upon Large-eddy simulations and observations • Enhanced momentum drag in regions of variable orography (“orographic roughness”) • Enhanced mixing in very stable conditions • 6 more vertical levels in the PBL – 9 levels beneath 1500 m
Trade inversion height (annual mean) L18 – Mellor-Yamada L24 – Mellor-Yamada L24 – UKMO PBL meters
Low cloud amount in JJA Observations New PBL parameterization
Changes in latent heat flux and relative humidity (annual mean) due to new PBL latent heat fluxes (w/m2, colors) 2 meter relative humidity (%, contours)
In Development: AM3 • New convection scheme to replace RAS (Donner et al. 2002) • Cloud microphysics in an ensemble of updrafts with prognostic vertical velocity • Parameterized heating from a mesoscale anvil based upon Leary and Houze (1980) observations • Radiative impact of convective towers and mesoscale anvils included • Convective and mesoscale downdrafts
In Development: AM3 • Enhanced stratosphere (Wilson) • Raise the model top and add 5 to 10 more vertical levels • Replace Pierrehumbert-Stern orographic gravity wave drag with anisotropic gravity wave drag parameterization from Garner • Add convectively generated gravity waves from the parameterization of Alexander and Dunkerton (NWRA)
Thanks to: Steve Klein Paul Kushner Tony Rosati Andrew Wittenberg