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DISAPPEAR CULTURES AND LANGUAGES. UBYKH. Ubykh people lived in Northwestern Caucasian . Ubykh people lived in semi- nomatic . The entire population migrated of the Ottoman Empire in 1864. Ubykh language , customs , traditions depends on Abkhaz People.
Ubykhpeoplelived in Northwestern Caucasian. Ubykhpeoplelived in semi-nomatic. Theentirepopulationmigrated of theOttomanEmpire in 1864. Ubykhlanguage, customs, traditionsdepends on AbkhazPeople.
UbykhorUbyx is an extinctlanguage, spokenbytheUbykh. Ubykh meansVıbRiver downstream residents. UbykhtranslatefromRussian. It is known in linguisticliteraturebymanynames: variants of Ubykh, such as Ubikh, Ubıh(Turkish).
Ubykhinterestedmaritimetradeandpiracy. Ubykhbelieved in religion of paganism. TurkishUbykhlived in Balıkesir,Manyas.
Lastpersontospeak as Ubykh’snativespeaker, Tevfik Esenç, died in 1992.
UbykhLanguage Ubykhone of theoldestlanguages in thehistory of mankind. UbykhwasborntheBlackSeacoast. Ubykhoccurs 2 vowelsand 80 consonant. Ubykh has 3000 words.