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Fayetteville, Arkansas

Learning Community Analysis Elizabeth Lewis Developing Information Collections LIBM 6360 - Fall 2011. Fayetteville, Arkansas. Total population of 73,580 people 36,993 being males 36,587 females. Photograph from http://videomonitoring.co/fayetteville-video-monitoring/.

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Fayetteville, Arkansas

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  1. Learning Community AnalysisElizabeth LewisDeveloping Information CollectionsLIBM 6360 - Fall 2011

  2. Fayetteville, Arkansas • Total population of 73,580 people • 36,993 being males • 36,587 females Photograph from http://videomonitoring.co/fayetteville-video-monitoring/ U.S. Census Bureau (2010) Photograph from http://www.bestplaces.net/city/arkansas/fayetteville

  3. Race Demographics of Fayetteville • 83.8% of the total is White • 6.4 % Hispanic or Latino • 6% African American • 3.1% Asian • 1.1% American Indian • .2% Pacific Islanders U.S. Census Bureau (2010)

  4. General Facts about Fayetteville • 58.9% people rent their homes and the rest own their housing at 41.1%. • Unemployment rate as of April 2011 is 5.8%. • Median household income is $40,255. • 19% of Fayetteville’s community makes less that $15,000. Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. (December, 2010)

  5. Government of Fayetteville • The city operates under the Mayor/Council. • Eight alderman are elected to serve 4-year terms. • Mayor presides over meetings of the City Council and has no vote but does have veto power over City Council. • Two-thirds vote by the council can override the mayor's veto. • The City Clerk/Treasurer, City Attorney and District Judge are also elected "at large". Access Fayetteville. (n.d.)

  6. Religion in Fayetteville • 49.60% of the people in Fayetteville, AR are religious. • 7.70% are Catholic • 0.77% are LDS • 5.87% are another Christian faith • 0.08% are Jewish • 0.06% are an eastern faith • 0.47% affiliates' with Islam Sperling’s BestPlaces. (2010)

  7. Educational Institutions • University’s population is over 23,000 students Photograph from http://uams.edu/mbim/Student_Life.asp

  8. Fayetteville Public Schools • Fayetteville High School • Ramay and Woodland Jr. High • McNair, Owl Creek and Holt Middle School • Washington, Leverett, Root, Vandergriff, Butterfield, Asbell, Holocomb and Happy Hollow Elementary Schools

  9. Leverett Elementary • 383 students enrolled • 60% white • 13% African American • 17% Hispanic • 10% Asian 65% of our students on the Free and Reduced Lunch Program

  10. Leverett Fund-Raisers • Razorback Parking • $30,000 Income to support school and student activities. Photograph from http://sec12.com/arkansasfootballstadium.html

  11. Challenges and Issues for Leverett’s Learning Community • Students move a lot due to low-income housing • 65% student on Free and Reduced Lunch • Low participation with parents • Very few parent volunteers • 60% of parents have not attended a PTO meeting

  12. References Access Fayetteville. (n.d.) Government. Retrieved September 12, 2011, from http://www.accessfayetteville.org/government/. Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce. (December, 2010) Facts and figures. Retrieved September 13, 2011, from http://fayettevillear.com/economicdevelopment/facts_and_figures.aspx. Sperling’s BestPlaces. (2010)Religion in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Retrieved September 11, 2011, from http://www.bestplaces.net/religion/city/arkansas/fayetteville. U.S. Census Bereau. (2010) Profile of general population and housing characteristics: 2010 demographic profile data. Retrieved September 13, 2011, from http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml? pid=DEC_10_DP_DPDP1&prodType=table.

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