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TE/MPE/EM/PMT activity

TE/MPE/EM/PMT activity. Rui de Oliveira on behalf of PCB workshop team. outline. Mandate The team Equipment Available interconnection technologies Main activities (in volume) PCBs (Printed C ircuits Boards) MPGDs (Micro Pattern Gas Detectors) Conception in MPGD Special components

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TE/MPE/EM/PMT activity

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  1. TE/MPE/EM/PMT activity Rui de Oliveira on behalf of PCB workshop team

  2. outline • Mandate • The team • Equipment • Available interconnection technologies • Main activities (in volume) • PCBs (Printed Circuits Boards) • MPGDs (Micro Pattern Gas Detectors) • Conception in MPGD • Special components • Contact with industry • Future

  3. Mandate • Propose to the Detector and Machine community most interconnection technologies existing on the market for prototyping. • Produce prototypes with these technologies • Set up new technologies if needed • Advice users for appropriate production companies (depending on technology) • Auditing Companies • Give expertise in case of problems

  4. The team • 20 persons in 2012 • 1 Staff for management (myself) • 7 staffs (special projects ) + 12 FSUs (PCB production) • 7 Staffs (special projects) : • Alexis and Davidaffected to GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) detectors design and prototyping • Antonio and Olivier affected to Micromegas (Micro Mesh Gas) detector D&P • Alexandraaffected to low mass structures D&P • Julie and Sergeaffected to special technologies D&P • FSU team will be presented by JulienBurnens(FSU leader)

  5. Equipment • Laminators (thin and thick solid resist, photoimageablecoverlay etc…) • Wet machines (development, etching, stripping) • UV exposure machines(large size, collimated, LDI etc…) • Photoplotters to generate artwork • Chemical Plating lines ( Copper, Nickel, gold) • Chemical Cleaning lines (detergent, de-smear etc…) • CNC machines for drilling and milling • Spray Solder mask deposition equipment • Electrical tester machine • Automatic optical inspection machine • Isostatic Press • Spinner for liquid resist deposition • Screen printing machines • Plasma etchers • Electro–chemical etching line • Kapton chemical etching line • Metal Vacuum deposition • Laser ablation • Investment  in the range of 5 MCHF • Equipment under FSU daily control • Equipment under Staff daily control (impossible to control all equipment with 8 staffs members) • Equipment now out of CERN but used in many productions

  6. Available interconnection Technologies X

  7. Main activities -Turn over: 1.6MCHF (2012) -PCB, Flexes and chemicalmilling -Julien burnens talk -MPGD -Olivier Pizzirusso talk -Special technologies -Antonio Teixeira Talk

  8. PCBs FSU (12 persons) • An overview will be presented by JulienBurnens • STD PCB’s , advanced PCB’s , Flexes but also STD GEM and STD Micromegas detectors • The activity can be regulated by subcontracting STD PCBs • The Knowledge is not absolutely CERN Specific for STD PCB’s

  9. MPGDs activity (4 staffs) • Prototyping GEM foils and recently GEM detectors • Large application domain (Compass, Totem, LHC-B,CMS, Alice etc…) • R&D on simplifying assembly • R&D on 2m x 0.61m GEMs • Prototyping Micromegasdetectors • Bulk Micromegas (General purpose) • Resistive protections (large sizes HIP detectors) • Micro Bulk Micromegas (Rare events ex: CAST) • R&D on fast high granularity detectors • R&D on 2mx1m detectors • Prototyping Thgem • Cherenkov detectors , Liquid Ar detectors • UV or light detectors • R&D on ramping up in size and stabilizing parameters • Prototyping Resistive MSGCs • R&D on the principle • Examples will be presented by Olivier Pizzirusso • All these technologies are CERN Specific • Some projects need medium to high volume production (CMS, ALICE , LHC-B, ATLAS) • There is real possibilities for subcontracting but we will be surely involved in large volume starting phase productions in 2014 CMS high eta ATLAS muon chambers

  10. Conception in MPGD(staff and leader task) • PMT do the conception of the Spark resistive protection system in some detectors taking in account: • Granularity • Rate • Energy resolution • Dynamic range of primary ionisation • Detector size and quantities. • PMT have done the full design of some detector (growing activity). • limited layout service (R&D purpose only) for: • Simple modification • Repetitive patterns • MPGD Detectors in R&D phase • Mechanical parts • For problems exceeding our Physics competences we are in close contact with different physicist ex: • LeszekRopelewski for all MPGD type (CERN) • JoergWotchack for Resistive Bulk detectors (CERN) • IannisGeomataris for Rare event detectors (Saclay) • Vladimir Peskov for new exotic structures (CERN) • Silvia Dallatorre for THGEM (INFN)

  11. Special components prototyping and R&D (3 staffs) • Low mass circuits • Aluminium tracks, thin dielectrics, thin copper • NEW! Embedded silicon active devices • Exotic heat-sinks • High thermal conductivity Carbone composite (epoxy or carbon matrix with carbon fibres) • High thermal conductivity graphite (PG , TPG) • Test on Diamond • Fine line single side or multilayer circuits • High resolution interconnect down to 15um line and space on large single side flexes • MCM-L, MCM-D, MCM-C and MCM-S • Pitch adaptors • Embedded pitch adaptors in PCB • Cryogenic devices • Flexes cables • Capacitors • Heaters • Mineral substrates • Thick film (vacuum, high temp, high power applications) • Thin film (pitch adaptors on Glass) • Exotic material etching • NEW ! NbTisensors • Lead converters • Tungsten, Titanium Milling • 3D Polymer micro structures • NEW ! Low mass cooling devices for Inner tracker detectors (Micro channels) • Special Pillars for gas detectors • Radiation tolerant interconnect circuits up to 250 MRad • Some examples will be presented by Antonio Teixeira • Most of these technologies are CERN specific • Subcontracting is an issue (no mass productions) • Some projects needs medium size productions ( ex: IBL ATLAS consuming R&D resources)

  12. Contact with Industry (leader task) • Know how transfer and advice on MPGD production: • Companies : • ELTOS resistive Bulk Micromegas 10cm x10cm OK  1m x 0.5m in progress • ELVIA resistive Bulk Micromegas 10cm x10cm OK • TECH-ECH  GEM 40cm x40cm OK  1.4m x 0.6m in progress • TECHTRA  10cm x 10cm OK • NEW-FLEX  stopped • Know how transfer on: • Resistive materials • Kapton etching on large size GEM • Ultra cleaning • Study the level of price of standard PCB in industry. • To adjust CERN internal algorithm for PCB price calculation. (Comparison done with companies having similar activity in western Europe) • Auditing companies • In order to select 2 of them for CERN main PCB subcontracting contract renewed every 5 years. • To keep an eye on equipment and technology evolutions

  13. Future • Maintaining knowledge on the latest interconnection technologies • Based on the existing equipment pursue the development of specific technologies needed for HIP • Pursue the technology transfer to companies for large volumes productions in order to focus our resources on R&D and prototyping • Maintain the STD PCB activity to stabilize the work-load and maintain the equipment operational for MPGDs and special components prototyping. • In special cases with appropriate agreements participate to medium or mass production

  14. Thank you

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