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Unit 3

Unit 3. Physiological and Participatory Perspectives of Physical Activity. Chapter 1. National Physical Activity Guidelines & Methods of Assessing Physical Activity. Monitoring and Promotion of Physical Activity. Assessment of Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour.

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Unit 3

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  1. Unit 3 Physiological and Participatory Perspectives of Physical Activity

  2. Chapter 1 • National Physical Activity Guidelines & Methods of Assessing Physical Activity

  3. Monitoring and Promotion of Physical Activity Assessment of Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour

  4. Measuring Physical Activity Population Level Individual Level Detect change in health Detect change in behaviour Determine effect of change on behaviour • Observe Trends over time • How much is needed to be healthy • Link Health to Exercise • Evaluate program effectiveness SEDENTARY: Associated with low levels of energy expenditure, sitting for long periods of time, not moving around.

  5. National Physical Activity Guidelines • The Australian Department of Health and Ageing has produced a set of guidelines on the minimum levels of physical activity required for optimum health and body weight. • They are not designed for high-level fitness or sports training, but are intended to provide realistic strategies for incorporating physical activity into our daily lives.

  6. Age & Training Principles

  7. 5-12 Year Olds

  8. 5-12 Year Olds

  9. 12-18 Year Olds

  10. 12-18 Year Olds

  11. Adults

  12. Adults

  13. Older Adults (65+ age group) Recommendations to be released in 2008. • Draft recommendations in 2007 below. • Older people should do physical activity no matter what their age, weight, health problems or abilities. • Older people should be active in many ways as possible, doing a range of physical activities that incorporate fitness, strength and balance. • Older people should accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most, preferably all days. • Older people who have stopped involvement in physical activity for more than several weeks, or who are starting a new physical activity, should start at the level that is easily manageable and gradually build up the amount, type and frequency of activity.

  14. Which Activities Count as Exercise? Answer: They all do!

  15. Domains Examples Leisure-time physical activity Various types of activity; different surveys use generic or activity specific questions, and may ask details of activity frequency, duration and intensity. Gardening and yard work Various definitions, of varied intensities; may range from light-intensity gardening to vigorous chores or digging/moving heavy objects. Household chores Heterogeneous set of tasks; large gender differences; energy expenditure across tasks not well understood. Active transport Walking or cycling for transportation. Occupational physical activity Diverse occupations, with changes in energy expended in many occupations over recent decades. Domains of Physical Activity

  16. Need for and Benefits of Physical Activity National Physical Activity Guidelines & Methods of Assessing Physical Activity

  17. Physical activity can be defined as ‘any body movement produced by the skeletal muscles that results in expenditure of energy’. Technology has lessened the need for human movement. It is now much easier to live, work and play as a result of technology. However, this reliance has made Australians more sedentary. Human movement is essential for the health and maintenance of our bodies. Sedentary lifestyles account for an estimated 1/3 of all deaths. The most common deaths include heart disease, colon cancer and diabetes. 30 minutes a day of activity has a range of health and social benefits. The Need for Physical Activity

  18. How Active are Australians? National Physical Activity Guidelines & Methods of Assessing Physical Activity

  19. Over 6.5 million Australians are active participants is sports 60% of men and 53% of women successfully achieve the recommended time and frequency to enjoy the benefits of physical activity However, frequency has declined since 1997. 62% of children participate in sport outside of school hours. 20-25% of children and adolescents are overweight. Fewer older people were involved in sport than younger people Just of 50% of those aged 15-24 were active participants How Active are We?

  20. 57% of adults engage in sufficient physical activity for health benefits. However adult male participation is decreasing. Tertiary educated adults more active. Retiree participation rates are increasing due to recent health awareness programs. Most common activities (See table 1.3-1.6) Adult Participation

  21. National Health Survey Findings 23% of adolescents don’t regularly participate in physical activity. Only one-third of adolescents participate in vigorous activity. Males more active than females. Adolescents are significantly more active during warmer months of the year. Adolescent Participation

  22. ABS findings 62% of children participate in organised sport. Boys had a higher participation than girls. Peak participation between 10-12 years of age. Soccer is the most popular boys sport and netball for girls. Accelerometer findings 5-6 year old children average four hours of physical activity per day. 10-12 year olds only average 10 minutes. Children’s Participation

  23. Age and Gender

  24. Sport Participation Rates

  25. Gender - Greater proportions of males participate in sport and physical activity than females. Females generally have less opportunity and less access to sporting activities. Socioeconomic Status – Well educated white collar workers are the most physically active Australians. Income – People with higher incomes can participate in a wider variety of activities and more often. Race – People born in Australia are more active than those who were not. Race is often used as a form of discrimination, thus reducing participation. Geographic Location – Where you live can limit access to facilities and specific sports Barriers to Participation

  26. Common Barriers to Participation Other Barriers • Lack of time due to other commitments • Lack of fun and enjoyment • Lack of self-motivation • Low self-efficiency • Injury • Lack of self-management skills • Lack of encouragement and support • Poor coaching • Negative environmental factors

  27. Barriers to Participation

  28. Measuring levels of Physical Activity National Physical Activity Guidelines & Methods of Assessing Physical Activity

  29. Metabolic Equivalent (MET) • A way of measuring physical activity intensity is by the metabolic equivalent, or MET, level. • Although the intensity of certain activities is commonly characterised as light, moderate, or vigorous, many activities can be classified in any one or all three categories simply on the basis of the level of personal effort involved in carrying out the activity (i.e. how hard one is working to do the activity). • For example, one can bicycle at intensities ranging from very light to very vigorous.

  30. METs • Physical activities at different levels of effort can be compared using the metabolic equivalent (MET). • This unit is used to estimate the amount of oxygen used by the body during physical activity (Ainsworth et al., 1993).  • 1 MET = the energy (oxygen) used by the body as you sit quietly, perhaps while talking on the phone or reading a book 3.5ml/kg/min of O2 • The harder your body works during the activity, the higher the MET.  • Any activity that burns 3 to 6 METs is considered moderate-intensity physical activity. • Any activity that burns > 6 METs is considered vigorous-intensity physical activity.

  31. MET Values

  32. Measuring the amount of physical activity is a complex procedure. Information collected needs to address the types of activities, frequency, intensity and duration. Physical activity covers many domains. Why measure our levels of activity? Document how active our population is Gives feedback on government health programs An active nation is a healthy nation Study the factors that influence our participation Measuring Physical Activity

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