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Engage Students in the Community, the Classroom, and Your Assignments. Angela M. Thompson & Catherine M. MacDonald St. Francis Xavier University & McGill University. Engage Students in the Community, the Classroom, and Your Assignments.
Engage Students in the Community, the Classroom, and Your Assignments Angela M. Thompson & Catherine M. MacDonald St. Francis Xavier University & McGill University
Engage Students in the Community, the Classroom, and Your Assignments • Service learning is a pedagogic approach with the potential for a powerful lasting influence on student learning and personal and social development. In addition to a unique opportunity to learn and experience academic course content, service learning with appropriate reflective assignments allows for self-discovery and the development of a strong sense of social responsibility. The presenters will identify the benefits of service learning, explain strategies for effective implementation and evaluation, and provide specific suggestions and practical examples for incorporating meaningful experiences into a variety of courses crossing many disciplines. • keywords: service learning, self-reflection, social responsibility
Presentation Objectives/Overview ABCs of Service Learning Definition Rationale for inclusion Benefits: Student Instructor Community University Strategies for implementation Methods of evaluation Practical examples
ABCs of Service Learning Instructions: Find a partner/group of three to work with (people you do not know ) Introduce yourself name, university/college, why did you chose this session Work together. Complete the ABC sheet by putting in a word for every letter of the alphabet that relates to Service Learning A = abstract thinking When you are done, stand up
Service Learning Defined A pedagogic approach A viable method that links theory from lectures and discussions to the “real world” (Dicklitch, 2003) Persuades students to experience their subject (or theory discussed in class and/or lectures) in an immediate or real way Encourages students to interpret their experience and learn effectively from it (Barrow, Hofrenning, & Parkhurst, 2005)
Service Learning Defined Encourages students to connect their personal goals, values, and academic studies to their real-world encounters (Eyler, 2002) Catalyzes students’ academic and self-development while promoting broader notions of social responsibility through the links fostered between the town (i.e., community) and gown (i.e., university/colleges) (Eyler, 2002; Matthews-Gardner, Fitzgerald, & Gitelson, 2005)
Service Learning DefinedNot volunteering or experiential learning Service learning differs from volunteer work because of the academic component no grade for the volunteer work – only for the assignment Service learning differs from experiential learning All involved parties should benefit with the needs of the students balanced with the needs of the community(Karaskik, 2007) Reflection is a major facet so the service and academic components are also mutually reinforcing(Astin et al., 2000) Elicits and develops responsible citizenship(Madsen & Turnbull, 2006)
Why include Service Learning in your teaching methods? To expand your teaching repertoire i.e., to add variety to your teaching methods To deepen your understanding of your students and their academic and professional needs Extends learning beyond the classroom Encourages the development of lifelong career and professional skills Advances social awareness and citizen responsibility
Keep in mind the inclusion of Service Learning requires/demands more preparation time - particularly in the beginning
Benefits of Service Learning: Student Hands-on experience improves students’ perceptions of the individuals they work with (Hardin, 2005) Improved grades (Moser & Rogers, 2005) Enhanced understanding of course content (Strange, 2004) A different learning approach (Bishop & Driver, 2007) Increased relevance of course (Hardin, 2005) bridges gap between theory and practice Exposure to new careers/fields of study (LaMaster, 2001) or confirms/refutes career plans
Benefits of Service Learning: Student Develop problem solving skills Improve self confidence and basic social skills Cultivate leadership potential (often, not always), confront issues of diversity (when working with people from different cultural backgrounds) Joseph et al., 2007
Benefits of Service Learning: Student Thompson Research (in review)
Benefits of Service Learning: Student – Thompson (in review) Service learning: a pedagogic technique and preparation for the “real world” With five years of data combined, 414 students from nine course offerings provided short-term feedback 64/376 graduated students provided data on the long(er)-term influence of their service learning experiences as well as the perceived benefits in regards to career preparation
Service learning: a pedagogic technique and preparation for the “real world”: short term feedback
If service learning was optional, why did you choose to participate? for the experience to work with children and/or adolescents I want to be a teacher/work with children to be involved in the community for fun … to avoid the long term paper
What do you think were the main benefits or achievements of your participation in service learning? skill development preparation for future career helping others working with children better understanding of course
What factors most helped you benefit from the service learning experience? working with peers good supervisors/people to work with hands on experience being a Human Kinetics student/the reflective assignment
How do you anticipate that your service learning experience fits into your education (courses at StFX, further studies, other)? a perfect fit, I want to be a teacher confirmed/affirmed/refuted career plans developed practical skills teaching communication organization leadership cooperation help me to get “in” to understand course materials to understand the community
Service learning: a pedagogic technique and preparation for the “real world”: long(er) term feedback
Sample description: 70.4% female (n = 45) 39.1% (n = 25) graduated in 2007; 4.7% in 2002 (n = 3) 82.8% (n = 53) attended another college or university after graduating 43.8% (n = 28) were employed full time; 42.2% (n = 27) were studying 65.6% (n = 42) participated in both courses
Why did you choose to participate in Service Learning? to get experience working with children to give back to the community to “beef up” my resume/application for education because it was required to have fun, to be physically active, because I had a great time volunteering before to develop communication and/or leadership skills
What were the main benefits from participating in Service Learning? skill/confidence development – collaboration, communication, problem solving, time management, organization, leadership experience working with children – interacting, speaking, playing, becoming comfortable with different ages, etc. community involvement/giving back to the community/community contacts putting theory into practice/better understanding of course content working with classmates/peers confirmed/refuted/assisted with career selection and/or built resume
In what ways did your Service Learning experience(s) help you to further your education? directly on my application for a B.Ed., in the interview, and in the program directed my career choice – i.e., confirmed I wanted to teach or directed me elsewhere facilitated learning of class material – theory to practice and knowledge of children skill development
In what ways did your Service Learning experience(s) help you in fulfilling your career choice? confirmed desire for a particular occupation (i.e., teaching) and/or confirmed desire to NOT be a teacher/work with children or youth skill development – so that I can be better at what I do; use the skills learned and put them into practice in my current work provided access/assisted with getting into program of choice
What would you say to a current student who was offered the option of participating in Service Learning? Do it! An excellent experience – feels good to be involved, to give back to the community, to make a difference in a child’s life An opportunity to learn more about yourself and/or to develop personal and professional skills An opportunity to find out if your career of choice is for you … to find a career An excellent opportunity, a unique offering that should not be missed! Immerse yourself in it. A fun experience … a stress reliever … something different than hitting the books!
Benefits of Service Learning: Instructor Additional teaching/learning to meet course objectives (Prentice & Garcia, 2000) Enriches and enlivens teaching and learning Improves satisfaction of quality of student learning(Eyler, Giles, Stenson, & Gray, 2001) Strengthen/deepen faculty-student relationships (Chabot & Hoben, 2003) Opportunity to further/expand research (Chabot & Hoben, 2003) Increased connection to the community (Bishop & Driver, 2007) Increases opportunities for professional recognition and reward
Benefits of Service Learning: Community Extra help – in ways that the community needs (as determined by the community) – that may not otherwise be provided(Bishop & Driver, 2007) i.e., access to human resources (Clarke, 2000) Empowers community members(Clarke, 2000) Improved town and gown connections(Eyler, 2001) Enhanced support for community initiatives(Eyler, et al., 2001)
Benefits of Service Learning: University/College Improved perception of the “gown” by the “town” i.e.,enhanced community relations i.e., improved profile in the community(Driscoll, Holland, Gelmon, Kerrigan, 1996) “…transform college/universities from disengaged ivory towers to institutional citizens”(Mpofu, 2007, p. 46) Enhances students socially responsive knowledge, thereby advancing an institution‘s dedication to scholarship(Stukas, Clary, & Snyder, 1999) Advance other important goals of the institution (i.e., fundraising, enrollment, grants)(Driscoll et al., 1996)
Strategies/Process to Implement Service Learning Determine institutional “buy in” for Service Learning Create “buy in”; you may need to be the innovator Contact the Service Learning Centre/Office at your University/College; they will - Determine community need Assistant with curriculum implementation, connection to community, administrative concerns, etc. If you do not have a Service Learning Centre, are there resources available to assist you? Other faculty who can provide guidance? Others?
Strategies/Process to Implement Service Learning Contact agencies (may be done personel in Service Learning Centre) Create community partnerships Generally done by personnel in Service Learning Centres Respond to community need; therefore community may also come to you Ensure that the “need” reflects/allows for student learning/experience of curriculum objectives
Strategies/Process to Implement Service Learning Determine Service Learning objectives and goals: What do I want my students to “get” from Service Learning? How is Service Learning relevant/applicable to the course content/objectives? How will this task (i.e. the volunteer work) help my students learn about the academic content of the course? How do I grade Service Learning? How much will it be worth? - Only the assignment is graded – NOT the volunteer work What materials will my students need? Who will provide the materials?(Bishop & Driver, 2007)
Strategies/Process to Implement Service Learning Create paper work/preparations for students’ Service Learning experience Guidelines how to proceed Training session(?) Expectations of students in and out of their placement Service Learning contract – signed by student, community, professor Assignment(s) and/or examination(s)
Strategies/Process to Implement Service Learning Incorporate Service Learning in to your syllabus Value of assignment (no grade for the volunteer component) Consider hours of volunteer work required (at StFX minimum 15 hours; at McGill minimum 20 hours) Generally 15-20 per term is considered most efficient/sufficient(Gujarathi & McQuade, 2002)
Methods of Evaluation – see also handouts Written Report(Payne, 2000) most common; may or may not include weekly reflections plus summary of overall experience Presentation(Payne, 2000) individual or group dramatization Focus groups or individual interviews (Driscoll et al., 1998) with or without structured questions Portfolios(Payne, 2000) weekly reflection overall summary of experiences photographs art work poetry
Methods of Evaluation – see also handouts • Questions you might ask: • What problems/issues did you encounter in your volunteer experience? How did you resolve them? What would you do differently next time? Why? • Trace your understanding of ….. Use your weekly reflections to provided evidence of what you learned from your service learning experiences • What did you learn about yourself from this experience? • In what way will you be a better ….. ? (this may include parent, citizen, etc.) • What skills did you develop/enhance as a result of this experience?
Practical Examples Project Double Challenge University-based motor skills and aquatics program for students with a disability
Project Double Challenge Students plan, implement, and evaluate a physical activity program Based on theory and ‘best practice’ Program runs for 10 weeks, 2 hours per week Students complete a detailed end-of-term assignment incorporating theory and practice Students receive ongoing support from the professor and teaching assistants in class and via online discussion
Practical Examples • Fit for Life • 10 week; 2x/week, one hour after school physical activity program for children in grades 3 to 6 • Delivered by ~ 40-50 student-volunteers • Each student has a different “role” each day • + each day, encourage and facilitate active participation • Debriefing sessions held regularly – in and out of class