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ECE 291. Lecture 3: The 80x86 Instruction Set Architecture Registers-Instructions Constantine D. Polychronopoulos. Spring 2000. Registers in Microprocessors. Store elements close to ALU - 1 clock read/write access Registers keep operands and intermediate results
ECE 291 Lecture 3: The 80x86 Instruction Set Architecture Registers-Instructions Constantine D. Polychronopoulos Spring 2000 ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Registers in Microprocessors • Store elements close to ALU - 1 clock read/write access • Registers keep operands and intermediate results • Operations done on register operands are MUCH faster than those done on memory operands (1-clock vs. 5+ (L1), 20+ (L2) or 50+ (Mem) • Registers also keep flags and signals. For example, in x86: • C (Carry) • O (Overflow) • Z (Zero) • T (Trap) • User (general-purpose) and System (restricted) registers ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Instructions • Assembly or machine instructions have three components • Operation code (Opcode): specifies what the instr. Does • Operand specifiers: specify registers or memory holding operand(s) • Destination specifier: specifies where in regs or memory to store result • [Condition/interpretation fields: specify how to interpret operand data or which fields to access] • We use symbolic names to denote opcodes (ADD, SUB, CMP, …) as well as operands (register specifiers as AX, SP, etc) ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Instructions • Instructions operate on register, memory or constant operands • Arithmetic instructions • Integer & Floating point arithmetic instructions • +, -, *, / (ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV) • Logic & Shift instructions • Shift left (SHL), Shift right (SHR) • Rotate left (ROL), Rotate right (ROR) ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Instructions (Cont.) • Memory instructions • MOVE, LOAD, STORE • Control flow instructions • conditional/unconditional branches • Loops • Cases • Subroutine calls • Other (I/O, graphics, etc) ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
80x86 Registers • General Registers • AX (AH,AL): Accumulator, Math operations, offset (General Purpose) • BX (BH,BL): Offset, Address/Pointer • CX(CH,CL): Counting & Looping • DX(DH,DL): Data, Most Sig. bytes of a 16-bit MUL/DIV • Index Registers • SP: Stack pointer - Used by PUSH/POP Automatically!! • BP: Mem. Base pointer + Stack operations: parameters of a subroutine • SI: Source Index (arrays & strings) • DI: Destination Index (arrays & strings) ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Registers (Cont.) • Segment Registers: Point to different segments of memory that store code, data, stack, etc. Segment regs combined with other regs that provide offset can be used to compute memory addresses. • CS: Code Segment: Starting address of user code. Used with Instruction Pointer (IP) to fetch instructions. Defines start of 64Kb code segment for <286, and up to 4Gb for >286. • DS: Default (Data) Segment: Variables and user data structures • SS: Stack Segment: Defines stack segment for subroutines & local variables in procedures. SS + SP define stack entry point. • ES: Extra Segment: Additional data segment for String destination data • FS & GS: Supplemental segment registers for additional segments in 386 and above only. ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
80x86 Processor Registers General-purpose registers ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
31 0 21 D T I S O Z A P C EFLAG Register NT ID VIP VIF AC VM RF IOP IOP Flag Registers • Flags are set by operations and are checked by instructions or OS to detect specific events and take appropriate action. • Rightmost 5 flags are set by ALU instructions: • C: Carry of addition or subtraction (borrow) • P: Parity (0 - odd, 1 - even) • A: Auxiliary carry captures carry between bit positions 3 & 4 and used for BCD arithmetic (used by DAA & DAS instructions) • S: sign bit (0-positive, 1-negative) used by arithmetic & logic instr. • Z: Zero - set (to 1) only when the result of an ALU op is zero! • T: trap - if enabled (1) exec. of the program halts ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
31 0 21 D T I S O Z A P C EFLAG Register NT ID VIP VIF AC VM RF IOP IOP EFLAG register • I: Interrupt - controls op of INTR input pin: if I=1 the interrupt pin is enabled, otherwise disabled. Instructions STI (set I flag) and CLI (clear I flag) access I. • D: direction - increment/decrement mode for SI & DI for string ops. D is set/cleared with STD & CLD instr. • O: Overflow - overflow in signed mode arithmetic ops • IOPL: I/O privilege level - 00 highest, 11 lowest • NT: Nested task - current task nested within another in protected mode. • RF: Resume - used in debug mode to resume exe after current inst. ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
31 0 21 D T I S O Z A P C EFLAG Register NT ID VIP VIF AC VM RF IOP IOP EFLAG register • VM: Virtual mode - virtual mode in protected mode. • AC: alignment check - if words/doublewords addressed in non-word boundaries (only 486) • VIF: Virtual interrupt flag - Pentium and above • VIP: Virtual interrupt pending - interrupts in VM • ID: Identification - CPUID identification number ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Segment Registers - Memory Addresses ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Stack-Manipulation Registers ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Shift/Rotate Registers ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Instruction Format • ALL instructions have the following specifiers: • OPCODE: a field that specifies the operation to be done • OPERAND(S): one or more fields giving the operands or the location where the operands can be found • DESTINATION: a field that specifies the location (register or memory) where the result of the operation is to be stored • [Descriptor fields]: Special bit specifiers that allow for different interpretation of the same field (e.g. register or offset specifier) • ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS: symbolic (mnemonic) versions of machine instructions • MACHINE INSTR. Or BINARY CODE: Binary codes that give the specific value for each of the above fields • Assembly program ==> ASSEMBLER (MASM) ==> Machine code ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Instruction Format: x86 • In 80x86 instructions can vary in length from 8-bits (1b) to more than 100-bits (13b) • REAL MODE: • Default instruction size is 16-bits • 16-bit registers & 16-bit offset fields • RPOTECTED MODE: • Default instruction size is 32-bits (x386 and above) • 32-bit registers & 32-bit offset fields • D-bit in descriptor specifies real or protected mode: • D=0: (real-mode) 16-bit instructions, register values and addresses • D=1: (protected mode) 32-bit instructions, reg. values and addresses ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Addressing Modes • Immediate: Move an immediate value (in the field itself) to the destination register or memory location: • MOV AX, 7F55H • Register: Move a byte or word from the source register to the destination register or memory location: • MOV AX, BX • Direct: Move a byte/word from a memory location to a register or memory location: • MOV AX, [7777H] ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Addressing Modes • Base-relative or indexed: Move a byte/word between a register and mem. Location specified by an index (DI or SI) or base register (BP or BX): • MOV AX, [BX] • Register-relative: Move a byte/word between a register and mem. Location specified by an index OR base register + offset: • MOV AX, [DI + 7777H] • Base-relative and indexed: Move a byte/word between a register and mem. Location specified by a base register PLUS an index register PLUS offset: • MOV AX, [SP + DI + 7777H] ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Addressing Modes: Register Instruction Comment Addr. Mode Memory Cont. OP Dest Source MOV AX, BX Move to AX the 16-bit value in BX Register 89 D8 MOV AX, DI Move to AX the 16-bit value in DI Register 89F8 MOV AH, AL Move to AH the 8-bit value in AL Register 88C4 ECE 291 -- Spring 2000
Addressing Modes - Immediate Instruction Comment Addr. Mode Memory Cont. OP Dest Source MOV AH, 12H Move to AH the byte value 12H Immediate B412 MOV AX, 1234H Move to AX the value 1234H Immediate B8 34 12 MOV AX, CONST Move to AX the constant CONST Immediate B8LSB MSB MOV AX, OFFSET x Move to AX the address (offset) of Immediate B 8 LSB MSB variable x MASM Notation ECE 291 -- Spring 2000