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Prostate cancer treatment in Hyderabad has taken a diversion towards Ayurveda. Ayurvedic prostate cancer care by Punarjan Ayurveda combines individualized herbal treatments, dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and rejuvenation therapies to provide a holistic healing approach. These natural ways boost the immune system, lessen inflammation, and promote general health.
CANCER THERAPY ISNO LONGER ACOMPLEXPROCEDURE! WeprovideAyurvedicCancer Treatmentwith NoSideEffects, No Chemotherapy and NoRadiation GetTreatmentNaturally... Overview 50,000+ CuredPatients 95% PatientSatisfaction
Our body is formed with the basic units of cells. Every cell is grown and divides, and forms new cells in the human body. Usually, cells will die and form new cells everyday. Ifit incases,thegrowthof the cells will abnormally without any control and form a tumor. That condition is known as cancer. The tumor can be very dangerous and slowly becomes malignant tumor spreads to other body organs. But some types of cancer don’t form any tumor.Those are leukemia, more typesof lymphoma, and myeloma. It is very difficult to identify theearly symptoms of cancerintheinitialstage. What isCancer?
As the pre-existing cancer tumours get increased, they become invasive by attacking surrounding tissues and show adverse effects on other body parts by damaging their regular functions. As a result, they also become inactive and lead to form tumours again andagain at multiple parts ofthebody. HowCancerGrows?
Pancreaticcancer Prostatecancer Thyroidcancer Braincancer Bonecancer Kidneycancer Cervicalcancer Oral/Mouthcancer Ovariancancer Bladdercancer Breastcancer Stomach/Colon/Esophagealcancer Endometrialcancer Bloodcancer Livercancer Lungcancer Melanoma/Skincancer Non-HodgkinLymphoma TypesofCancers
Hoarseness • Difficultyinswallowing • Changesinbowelhabits • Persistentcough • Changesinbodyweight • Skinchanges in colour andsores • Lymphnodesundertheskin • Feelinghungryaftereating • Severejointandmusclepains • Unexplainedbleeding • Nightsweats • UnexplainedFever SymptomsofCancer
Early detection of cancer is very important for effective treatment and improved results. Cancer detection involves regular screenings and check-ups based on cancer type as well as being aware of any changes or symptoms in your body. Performing self-examinations and stayinginformed aboutrecommended screeningsbased onyourriskfactors are also important. HowtoDetectCancerEarly?
Someofthe common factorsthatcausecancerare • Geneticfactors • Environmentalexposures(suchastobacco,smokeand certainchemicals/pesticides) • Hormonalimbalances • Lifestylechoices(likeunhealthydietandlackofexercise) • Agefactors • Inheritedgeneticchanges(inafewcases) • Chronicinfections • Note:It'simportanttounderstandthathavingtheserisk factorsdoesnotguaranteethedevelopmentofcancer,as • individualcasescanvary. WhataretheCausesofCancer?
Weall know thatpreventionis betterthancure so byfollowing tipswe can prevent • cancer! • Habituateto healthylifestyle choices • Seek out earlymedicalintervention • Avoidcarcinogens • Avoidsmoking,alcohol, and tobacco whichleads tocancer • Adoptgoodeatinghabits • Ifyou doubtaboutcancerdon'tdelaygoing for regular screenings HowtoPreventCancer?
Imagingtests:X-rays,CTscans,MRI,ultrasound,andPETscanshelpvisualiseanddetect abnormalitiesor tumoursinthebody. Biopsy: Removal of a small tissue sample for microscopic examination to confirm the presence of cancer. Blood tests: Assess specific markers or substances in the blood that may indicate the presence or progression ofcancer. Genetictests:Identifygenemutationsassociatedwithincreasedcancerriskorpersonalised treatment approaches. Molecular tests: Analyse genetic material or proteins within cells to identify specific biomarkerslinkedto certain cancers. Endoscopy:Insertionofacamera-equippedtubeintothebodytovisualiseandobtaintissue samplesfromaffected areas. CancerDiagnosticTests?
InIndia,Ayurvedawaswrittenin ourAncientScripturesby “Charaka”mentionedin ‘Atharvaveda’ for 5000yrs & it’s been fading from our books. Now, everyone is running behind the allopathic treatments due to the fast recovery rate. But, there are assuredly many diseases whichitcouldn’tcure. There,Ayurveda comestotherescuewitha95% success rate. People arefollowingamisconception thatAyurvedadoesn’t healfaster.Sri. DrBommu Venkateshwara Reddyproved themwrongbyrediscovering “PUNARJANAYURVEDA.”We formulatedcompletemedicinestoremovethetumourfromthe“ROOTCAUSE”(groundlevel)in a much faster&effective manner. Punarjan Ayurveda has an advanced Ayurvedic Formula that directly works on the core cause of forming cancer, i.e., FREE RADICAL CELLS or ABNORMAL CELLS are the cells that are half alive and half dead. These free radical cells are born in the LYMPH NODES and are about up to ’40 million’ in number. When Chemotherapy is done, the chance of survival is 2%. Yes, they decrease to 40,000 but damage your immune system, just relieve pain, and spread rapidly to other organs. Therefore, forming a new tumour in a new organ & stopping the functioning of the organ,resultingindeath. WhyChoosePunarjanAyurvedaForCancerTreatment?
Dr. Bommu Venkateshwara Reddy is the Managing Director and Founder of Punarjan Ayurveda, the Best AyurvedicTreatment forCancerinIndia.He conducted extensiveresearch onIndiantriballife science for 20 years and remains active at Rasayana Ayurveda. “I come from a traditional Ayurveda family, and I am delighted andthankfultoGod forallowingmeto servehumankindintheholisticfieldofAyurveda.I amalwaysproudtobeborninIndia,anancient culturallandwithits historicalheritage.” Dr.BommuVenkateshwara Reddy CEO&Founder ABOUTOURDIRECTOR
Transforming Lives, InspiringHopes-Naturally! PUNARJANAYURVEDA PlotNo 20, 21,NehrusBusiplexAllwynCrossRoadSignals, Miyapur,Hyderabad,Telangana500049 +(91)8008842222 Contact@punarjanayurveda.com www.punarjanayurveda.com