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What is Positive Behavior Intervetions and Supports (PBIS)?

Learn about Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) elements, including tertiary, secondary, and primary prevention strategies, as well as the system for implementing and monitoring PBIS for student behavior improvement.

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What is Positive Behavior Intervetions and Supports (PBIS)?

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  1. What is Positive Behavior Intervetions and Supports (PBIS)?

  2. 4 PBIS Elements What Does PBIS Emphasize?

  3. Tertiary Prevention: (Intensive) Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior FEW ~1-3% ~3-7% Secondary Prevention: (Targeted) Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior SOME What is a Continuum of PBIS? Primary Prevention: (Universal) School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ALL ~80-95% of Students

  4. Primary Prevention - Reduce New Cases of Problem Behavior PBIS Systems and Practices at the Primary (Universal) Level

  5. Defining and Teaching Expectations

  6. School Wide Expectations Rules

  7. On-going System for Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior

  8. SWIS Office Referral Form __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ System for Responding to Behavior Violations

  9. STOIC PBIS in the Classroom CHAMPS

  10. Secondary Intervention - Reduce Current Cases of Problem Behavior PBIS Systems and Practices at the Secondary (Targeted) Level

  11. Check In – Check Out Student Recommended for CI/CO CI/CO Implemented CI/CO Coordinator Summarizes Data for Decision Making Morning Check-In Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Weekly CI/CO Meeting to Assess Student Progress Afternoon Check-Out Continue Program Revise Program Exit Program

  12. Implementation: Is implementation occurring with integrity? Data is Used to Monitor and Make Decisions at a PBIS School Outcome: Is PBIS Benefiting Students?

  13. STEP 1 Do we have a problem? STEP 2 What is the precise nature of the problem? STEP 3 Why does the problem exist & what should we do about it? STEP 4 What are the actual specifics of our plan? STEP 5 Is our plan being implemented? Is the plan having the desired effect? (Review data) Specific Steps are Utilized when Analyzing ODR Data

  14. Prevention • Teaching • Recognition • Extinction • Consequences • Monitoring Specific Elements are Considered when Developing a Plan of Action

  15. Academic Indicators: % students below grade level in reading the year prior to beginning implementation Socio-cultural Factors: SES, Ethnicity, Student Stability, % disability, School size, Teacher-student ratio What Predicts Success? Behavioral Indicators prior to PBIS implementation: % of students who receive office referrals, OSS, ISS Process Variables: Administrative support Effective team functioning Effective school-wide encouragement

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