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Delivering the Legacy. James Berresford Chief Executive VisitEngland. Holidays at Home are GREAT. VisitEngland co-ordinated the biggest ever domestic tourism campaign with VisitScotland , Visit Wales and Northern Ireland tourist boards.
Delivering the Legacy James Berresford Chief Executive VisitEngland
Holidays at Home are GREAT • VisitEngland co-ordinated the biggest ever domestic tourism campaign with VisitScotland, Visit Wales and Northern Ireland tourist boards. • Featuring Stephen Fry, Julie Walters, Rupert Grint and Michelle Dockery. • Showcasing all of the exciting events taking place during 2012. • GREAT2012OFFERS.com website that featured over 3,000 special offers • The campaign was also supported by cinema, PR, press, radio, outdoor and online activity.
In its first three months, the “Holidays at Home are GREAT” campaign has generated: • £19m worth of business driven by the sites • An estimated further c.£90m in incremental spend among those who viewed the campaign, over and above the spend generated by the website
Fan in a Van • Following Olympic Torch Relay route • Customised VisitEngland campervan • 40 press interviews • 1,200 Twitter followers • 13,000 page views • 4,000 unique visitors • 3,000 photos • 12 videos www.visitenglandblog.com/faninavan www.twitter.com/faninavan
Press Trip Schedule • Hosting over 260 international media • VisitEngland branded bus • Key stories and themes for 2012 covered – including World Shakespeare Festival, 200 years of Charles Dickens, 20 Years of Pride, 200 years of Pride and Prejudice, Downton Abbey
VIP Media Events 31 July: ORIENT-EXPRESS CHARTEROver 100 journalists10 host destinationsA journey through quintessentially English CountrysideA taster of traditional English produceLed by Lady Cobham and John Penrose MP 5 August: SPIRIT OF CHARTWELL CHARTER Charter of the Royal Barge 60 media 20 international markets 5-course English gala lunch Royal theme
England House 6 August: POP-UP ENGLAND 50 Exhibitors – DMOs and key partners 100 journalists Promotion of our post- Olympic legacy and 2013
Securing the Legacy? • Our time in the sun • The Austrailan ‘trap’ • The momentum must be maintained
Olympic Legacy Working with industry to grow the domestic market Industry partnerships that will support and grow the appeal of England as a holiday destination! Current partner and new partners we are in discussions with: • Merlin Entertainment • Cottages4You • Accor Hotel Group • Superbreak • TUI • Expedia • Lastminute.com
Olympic Legacy Holidays at Home are GREAT part 2 • Increase the number of UK bookings made at travel agents (increase number of bookings by 50% by 2015) • Increase number of operators selling product to the trade • Change the mind-set of travel agents so they see the value of selling domestic breaks as well as overseas
Olympic Legacy Regional Growth Fund Through 2012/13/14 there will be a number of campaigns delivered as part of the RGF activity. Total budget including match will equate to c£40m. • 14 destinations delivering multiple campaigns regionally targeted including York campaign and Leeds • 8-15 national thematic campaigns each year (coast, countryside, coastal and heritage) working with destinations, tourism and non-tourism partner to collaboratively deliver effective, timely and innovative campaigns.
Olympic Legacy The Business Tourism Opportunity • An opportunity exists to grow key economic target sectors by attracting more business events to England capitalising on the country’s reputation for excellence • However, there are problems related to lack of awareness of destinations outside London The Solution – Business Tourism • Raise awareness of English product and win more business events for England through: Cost effective platforms for English destinations and supplier partners at international trade events Regular inbound and outbound missions Lead generation and contact facilitation via overseas sales managers PR and features in overseas media Sharing best practice across England
Olympic Legacy Accessible England • New tools and resources to help businesses and destinations improve accessibility in 2012 • 'Winning More Visitors' a guide for destination managers on providing access information on destination websites. Welcome England • Volunteer legacy • “Join in” Wise England • Wise growth • Destination Management
Digital England • The framework for a digital VisitEngland • The framework for a digital England
Olympic Legacy The legacy of major events But more later…
Progress against the Strategic Framework Targets – the day job! • Year on year growth of 5% to 2020 - In 2011 the growth was 7% - above target • Increase expenditure by £50 billion by 2020 - 7% growth = £5 billion – on target • The creation of 225,000 jobs by 2020 - 139,000 more than 2010 – above target
Our Engagement Activity • DEFRA (Rural Economy Growth: Tourism Package) Helping to develop an ANOB statement on Tourism Supporting the team looking at Rural Economy Grants (RDPE) Participating on the Pathways for Community grant panel • Developing partnership statement with National Parks
Our Engagement Activity • Working with Arts Council England exploring a number of ways to work more closely together Identifying joint initiatives to encourage greater collaboration at a local level ensuring that places can make the most of their cultural offer Developing legacy together • Department for Transport Brown Signs Task Force reviewing Brown Signs guidelines Providing advice supporting the introduction of new county boundary welcome signs (piloted in five areas) • BIS Local Supporting the team nationally on their work with LEPs Twice yearly briefings (DMO content needed)
Local Enterprise Partnerships • New ministers in BIS: Drive to illustrate the value & purpose of LEPs • Core funding announced to support activities Limited and has to be matched locally • LEPs need to articulate economic priorities by December These must be Transparent and Clear not reams of strategy • Encouraged to communicate locally on their work…opportunity for DMOs?
Action DMOs could take with LEPs • Engage your LEP (if you haven’t already!) • Talk to your BIS Local rep • Articulate the Visitor Economy priorities and how these support wider LEP objectives One page Economy focused • Provide VE content for LEP briefings
Don’t let the smile wear thin! • Ride the Olympic wave a little longer • But be conscious of our day in the sun – 27 July 2013