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EMPOWERMENT. STATUTES art. 6 point h). In any steering body none of the two genders can be represented under 40 per cent or above 60 per cent. Congress rules.
EMPOWERMENT By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
STATUTESart. 6 point h) In any steering body none of the two genders can be represented under 40 per cent or above 60 per cent. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
Congressrules In setting up the lists for elections, it is binding that their formation happens according to the anti-discriminatory rule and also through the method of slipping down in the list, to guarantee the effective application of the same rule. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
Mid term conference By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
RESOLUTION n° 12 ORGANISATION POLICIES FOR THE PROMOTION AND THE EMPOWERMENT OF THE FEMALE MANAGEMENT Caracterise the renewal of CGIL, in the full respect of the gender representation means to encourage “the entry and permanency of women at every level in the organisation”. To effectively realise these objectives it is necessary to work on three levels: • a) gender policies; • b)women representation; • c)workingtime policies in the organisation of trade union work. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
RESOLUTION n° 12 ORGANISATION POLICIES FOR THE PROMOTION AND EMPOWERMENT OF THE FEMALE MANAGEMENT Gender policies CGIL as a whole should assume: • Claiming policies at any negotiating level, able to compete with the different condition of women and the aknowledgement of the value of such a difference. • Labour market policies, • Working organisation, welfare organisation and services policies, able to intervene on a wider range, fitting the cultural roots which contribute to determine discriminations in the society. • Policies to eliminate the “pay gap” between men and women (at the same level of skill). By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
RESOLUTION n° 12 ORGANISATION POLICIES FOR THE PROMOTION AND EMPOWERMENT OF THE FEMALE MANAGEMENT Women representation • Obligation to communicate the accomplishment of the anti-discriminatory rule, which is the criteria for the valid constitution of the executive bodies. • Political responsibility for the respect of the anti-discriminatory rule by the general secretariat and the secretariat of the structure • Bodies not in line with the Statute In order to apply the statutory obligation on the gender presence in the Steering bodies and in the secretariats, in case of co-optations or substitutions, it will be mandatory to provide the entry of women comrades in any situation in which it has not been respected the anti-discriminatory rule up to the foreseen rates. The general secretary and his/her body of belonging have a precise political responsibility on the respect of the same rule, whose non respect is sanctioned according to the Statute. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
RESOLUTION n° 12 ORGANISATION POLICIES FOR THE PROMOTION AND EMPOWERMENT OF THE FEMALE MANAGEMENT Intervention fields To have new generations of female management to reach the goal of an equal trade union it is essential to: • 1) adopt organisation projects through targeted paths; • 2) consider training as a fundamental resource. To this purpose it has been decided a specific training plan for the year 2009; • 3) propose limits on the list for the elections of RSU (joint union representatives in the working places). By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
RESOLUTION n° 12 ORGANISATION POLICIES FOR THE PROMOTION AND EMPOWERMENT OF THE FEMALE MANAGEMENT Working time policy in the trade union organisation • CGIL should give itself an ‟attentive working time policy” that is a necessary tool to encourage the entry and permanency of women in the trade union. • CGIL structures, at every level, should adopt a “working time policy”which takes into consideration, prioritarily, the gender needs; • Fix and respect the beginning and ending times of the meetings; • Determine the maximum time lenght for interventions; • Operate to allow an effective participation to the decisional process as a whole. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
RESOLUTION n° 12 ORGANISATION POLICIES FOR THE PROMOTION AND EMPOWERMENT OF THE FEMALE MANAGEMENT Women in the CGIL : it is recognised the need to define at the different levels which are the spaces for the development of gender policies, for confrontation and debate, recognised by the organisation from a political and organisation point of view and with budget availability. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
CGIL NATIONAL STEERING COMMITTEES FROM 1996 TO 2010 By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
1996 XIII° CONGRESS Uomini (Men) 77% Donne (Women) 33% By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
2002 XIV° CONGRESS Uomini (Men) 73% Donne (Women) 37% By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
2006 XV° CONGRESS Uomini (Men) 60% Donne (Women) 40% By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
PRESENT STEERING COMMITTEE(after co-optations, to include migrant workers and young workers) Uomini (Men) 58% Donne (Women) 24% By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
CGIL NATIONAL BOARDS FROM 1996 TO 20010 By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
1996XIII° CONGRESS Uomini (Men) 8 Donne (Women) 2 By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
2002XIV° CONGRESS Uomini (Men) 6 Donne (Women) 6 By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
2006XV° CONGRESS Uomini (Men) 5 Donne (Women) 5 By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
National board tasks WOMEN • Environmental and territorial policies; housing policies; health and safety in the workplace. • Productive services policies: small, medium and big enterprises, Cooperation, Craftsmen, Agricolture • Economic and social policies of Southern Italy; institutional reforms and federalism policies; youth policies; legality and security policies • Welfare, health and assistance policies; migration; third sector and voluntary work; new rights; Promotion of the social and local negotiation; sport and free time • International and cooperation policies; European Secretariat; International trade By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
National board tasks MEN • General secretary Active policies of labour, research and training policies, communication and information policies; disability policies; cultural policies. • Macroeconomic policies of the State budget, of the local budget, of prices and tariff; Social responsibility of the enterprise. • Organisation policies, settlement policies;financial and administrative policies; trade union and information tecnology training. • Network policies and third sector policies. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
CGIL Social Budget CGIL, in the framework of the project “Account to account for”, has decided in 2008 to set up a social budget at the national confederal level, that will be presented in the next national Congress in May 2010. Making a trade union social budget means, above all, wondering how and to which extent it accomplishes its social mission. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
Cgil social budget objectives are two: • The creation, within the trade union, of a new accountability culture, • by formulating a participated and aware evaluating criteria, able to increase the managing quality of the entire organisation; • 2. The ambition to open new spaces for trust and relationship for all those who CGIL wants to represent. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
CGIL social budget is divided into three parts. • The first, named “The identity of CGIL”, analyses not only the history, the values, the identity and the mission of the Confederation, but also the Italian society and the subjects that CGIL represents. • The second part, named “Organisation and resources”, analyses thoroughly the governance and the economic - organisation structure of the Confederation. • In the last part, at last, there are listed the policies, activities and results achieved by the CGIL national confederal centre. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
CGIL Gender budget The need to include the gender perspective in the social budget of the confederal centre of Cgil, preparatory to the gender budget, starts from the awareness that the answer to the needs of the workers, female and male, of the retired women and men, as well as of all the members of CGIL, can not be without differences, but it must take into consideration all those personal, family, social, working and economic differences that differently stand on women and men. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
The political-union activity developed by the confederal centre of Cgil has been analysed to answer if and how Cgil has addressed the needs of the workers, women and men, of the retired women and men, an answer that can not be the same. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
The gender budget The analysis of Cgil gender budget should be intended as: A complex of processes and methods that assesses, from the point of view of equity and equal opportunity, • The impact on women and men of the social, economic and working policies of Cgil; • The impact on women and men of the in-house organisation policies, which should guarantee equity in the access to the managing assignments at every level. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
The economic policies and choices of Cgil are not neutral, in fact they have a different impact on women and menbeing different their role and social power. • Analysing the budget from a gender view means realising who are the recipients of the benefits and the effects of the policies and action and, in the same time, enables the integration of CGIL policies with the national and European ones. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010
The gender budget is a tool for social justice and equal opportunities not only for women, because it allows to analyse the impact of the actions on the “differences” (age, disability, migration, sexual orientation, etc.) answering the specific needs. By Aitanga Giraldi Lussemburgo 11-12 marzo 2010