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CATULLUS 10. Varus me meus ad suos amores Vis um duxerat e foro otiosum. scortillum ut mihi tunc repente visum est non sane illepidum neque invenustum.
Varus me meus ad suos amoresVisum duxerat e foro otiosum.scortillum ut mihi tunc repente visum estnon sane illepidum neque invenustum • My Varus had led me from the forum to his girlfriend when he had seen me at leisure. A little harlot as then suddenly she seemed to me, not at all inelegant nor uncharming.
huc ut venimus incidere nobis sermones varii. in quibus. quid essetiam Bithynia. quo modo se haberet.Et quonam mihi profuisset aere. • But as we came there, different conversations fell on us, in which were, how Bithynia was doing now, what shape she was in (how she held herself), and what profit there had benefited me.
respondi id quod erat. nihil neque ipsisnec praetoribus esse nec cohorti. • I replied that which it was. That there was nothing for the men, nor the praetors nor the cohorts.
cur quisquam caput unctius referretpraesertim quibus esset irrumator.praetor nec faceret pili cohortem. • How (why) anyone could have brought back a more oiled head. Especially those belonging to that pervert praetor, who does not care about his cohort.
at certe tamen inquiunt, quod illicnatum dicitur esse, comparasti ad lecticam homines. • But certainly, however, they said, that which is said to be native to that place, you have purchased men for your litter.
ego ut puellaeunum me facerem beatioremnon inquam mihi tam fuit maligneut prouincia quod mala incidissetnon possem octo homines parare rectos. • I said in order to make myself out to the girl to be one of the luckier that it did go (was not) so badly for me, that because a bad province had fallen to me, I was not unable to purchase
at mi nullus erat neque hic neque illicfractum qui veteris pedem grabatiin collo sibi collocare posset. • But I had no one neither here nor there who could be able to place a broken foot of an old couch on his neck.
hic illa ut decuit cinaedioremquaeso inquit mihi mi Catulle • At this point she said (as seems proper for a crude woman, “I beg you, my Catullus,
paulumistos commoda nam volo ad serapimdeferri. mane inquii puellaeistud quod modo dixeram me habere.fugit me ratio. • “Lend them to me for a little while for I want to be carried to the temple of Serapis.” “Wait,” I said to the girl, “that which I said just now that I have (my reason escapes me)
meus sodalisCinna est Gaius,----is sibi paravit. • My buddy …he is Gaius Cinna…he has bought it for himself
Verum utrum illius an mei quid me?Utor tam bene quam si mihi pararim • Truly whether his or mine, what is it to me? • I use them as well as if I purchased them for myself.
Sed tu insulsa male et molesta vivis,per quam non licet esse neglegentem.. • But you live badly (you are) a tasteless and troublesome girl, through whom it is not permitted to be careless