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MEXT the 21 st Century COE Program. Category : Mathematics, Physics, and Earth Science. K yoto Univ. A ctive G eosphere I nvestigations: a new interdisciplinary approach to the Earth sciences from Asia and Oceania. Organizations: Graduate School of Science
MEXT the 21st Century COE Program Category: Mathematics, Physics, and Earth Science Kyoto Univ. Active Geosphere Investigations: a new interdisciplinary approach to the Earth sciences from Asia and Oceania Organizations: Graduate School of Science Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences Institute for Geothermal Sciences World Data Center for Geomagnetism Radio Science Center for Space and Atmosphere (RASC) Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) Leader: Shigeo YODEN (Professor of Meteorology) Member: 30 Professors
Purposes • To establish a world-standard group for research and education on the “Active Geosphere”, based on Asia and Oceania where is the most active region • To create a new interdisciplinary “Active Geosphere Science”as a contemporary earth science, by expanding our field research mainly in Asia and Oceania further Active Geosphere varies with time-scales of human activities, O(1sec)~O(103years), and covers the regions that are important for the sustainable coexistence of human beings on the earth, from the lithosphere to the upper atmosphere.
Research and education activities until now Research Education • Leading scientists: PhD degree: 61/year • People with professional knowledge: active in many areas in the world • Mobility and openness of faculty: research activity in abroad, professors, visiting professors/scientists • International education: PhD degree for 55 students from abroad in the past 15 years, lectures/seminars in English, International symposiums/schools • History over 80 years: many distinguished earth scientists • Records of ourselves(30 professors): prizes, publications, citations, members of international/national committees, editors of international journals International Space Simulation School (1982,1990,1997) at RASC
Research activities for the present purposes • Field survey/observations mainly in Asia and Oceania • Earth observations with advanced technology • Data analyses with contemporary computing facilities • Numerical experiments with contemporary computing facilities • Novel laboratory experiments Numerical experiment on cumulus convection (Satomura, 1998) Fault-survey in Papua-Newginia (Mori,2000)
International research collaborations Survey & observation abroad: 336 International projects: 182 105 points Access to the World Data Center for Geomagnetism of Kyoto Univ. unknown Japan・ 20% Asia 300,000 /month 31% .com 11% EU 9% US 29% RASC Equatorial Atmospheric Radar in West Sumatra, Indonesia(2001~) Superconducting Gravimeter: Bandung, Indonesia (1997~) 絶対重力計 g=9.779767019ms-2
Earth Science Variations of the Active Geosphere have time scales: 1sec ~ several thousand years spatial coverage: lithosphere ~ upper atmosphere Basic plan Interdisciplinary approach ← Field survey & observations → ← Satellite obs./Data analyses → ← Numerical & laboratory exp. → Aeronomy Geodesy Atmospheric Sciences Geology Ocean Sciences Mineralogy Seismology Geothermal Sciences Disciplines of Earth Science Interdisciplinary approach
“Water and heat flows” Key processes in material and energy circulations in the Active Geosphere Scientific theme through the program Admin.: Leading J1‐J3 and K1‐K2 International symposia/education program Research groups J1:Water and heat flows in the S-A-O-L coupled system K2:Integrations of information and numerical models K1:High-tech. observations and overseas satellite offices J3:Coupling between solid earth and liquid earth J2:Water and heat flows in the lithosphere
Upper atmosphere Monsoon climate modeling (Yoden・Kitoh,2003) Tropical Tropopause Layer Monsoon Water vapor in the upper troposphere (Shiotani,2002) ENSO Indian OceanPacific Ocean Giant cumulus convection in NW Australia (Tsuda,2001) Advanced assimilation of oceanic data (Awaji,2003) J1: Water and heat flows in the S-A-O-L coupled system (a) Cumulus convections ‐ MJO ‐ Monsoon ‐ ENSO (b) Coupled variations among lower, middle, and upper atmospheres
Exp. on deformation of rocks in high pressure(Shimamoto,1998) Earthquake mechanism along active faults Uplifting metamorphic rocks Circulation of geothermal fluid Ongoing metamorphic process Mt. Aso Stromboli-type Eruption (Inst. Geotherm. Sci.) Subsiding metamorphic rocks J2: Water and heat flows in the lithosphere (a) Earthquake mechanism and tectonics (b) Water and heat flows around plate boundaries Liquid distribution at 30 km depth estimated with seismic-wave tomography (Nakanishi,2003) High-pressure metamorphic rock with crystallized water(Hirajima,2002)
Crustal movement Sea level variation 水位変化 Bandung2001年7月 m μGal 残差重力 Core sample of sedimentary layers at the bottom of Lake Suigetsu (Takemura,2003) 0.15 1.0 0.8 0.10 0.6 0.4 Sea surface variation 0.05 0.2 0.00 0.0 -0.2 -0.05 -0.4 -0.6 -0.10 -0.8 -0.15 -1.0 01/7/1 01/7/6 01/7/11 01/7/16 01/7/21 01/7/26 01/7/31 Time variation of gravity due to underground water variation (Takemoto,2002) J3: Coupling between solid earth and liquid earth (a) Crustal movement and sea level variation in island arcs and continents (b) Integrated analyses of multiple time-scale variations Strata in Chiba recording Kuroshio variations about 700,000 years ago (Masuda,2003)
Global environment watch by GPS satellites (Tsuda & Fukuda,2002) K1: High-technology observations and overseas satellite offices (a) Research and development of high-technology observations (b) Overseas satellite offices for research and education Standard network of absolute gravity (Takemoto,2001) Equatorial Atmospheric Radar Observatory (RASC, 2001~) Kamioka100m Laser Interferometer system (Takemoto,2003)
K2: Integrations of information and numerical models (a) Portal for the Active Geosphere investigations (b)Hierarchy of numerical models for public use areamodelsdeveloper upper atm. plasma-particle RASC Omura global electromagnetic S Machida Atmosphere A-O-L GCM S Kida 3D global MCM S Yoden NH meso-scale model S Satomura Ocean primitive OCM S Akitomo A-O coupled GCM S Awaji Solid Earth inv.problem for geomag. DPRI Oshiman inv.problem for seismol. S Kuge GFD 2D, 3D many types S Yoden World Data Center for Geomagnetism provides a virtual “melting pot of scientists” for all over the world A-KDK computer system (RASC, 1998~)
China Chinese Academy of Sciences Kyoto Univ. Thailand Chulalongkorn Univ. Indonesia Bandung Inst. Tech. satellite office field observation point Australia Adelaide Univ. Out resources: grants from MEXT, etc. (100~200 M Yen/ year) 6-year program from 2004: apply for infrastructure and hardware Preparation Overseas Budget plan from point to surface (AO) COE budget: FY2003 130 M Yen FY2004 ~ 290 M Yen (in proposal) International Res. & Edu. Others Research Foster Young Scientists Letter from Bandung Inst. Tech. on satellite office(April 4, 2003) Preliminary meeting with Dr. J. Sopaheluwakan of LIPI in March 2003
all fields of Active Geosphere • summer school (~2 weeks) • every year at Bandung Inst. Tech. or Chulalongkorn Univ. • travel fund for ~30 students from Asia and Oceania including 3~6 Japanese • Long-term exchange program will also be considered A.G. International Education Program • association with the research program • Active Geosphere International Education Program • a new type of education system for next generation graduate school Education plan • COE research fellow (incl. post doc.) • creation of a new field of Active Geosphere Promotion of young scientists Foster plan of young students as leading scientists and teachers in the new field of Active Geosphere
Development of a new type of education system for next generation graduate school Needs for fundamental understanding of the Active Geosphere: • increase of interdisciplinary approach in the Earth science • increase of interests on the nature close to ourselves in school education • increase of societal actions to environmental and disaster-prevention issues To respond to these societal needs: • two-way education system with internet • intensive field training course for a short period Field training of Meteorological obs. (RASC ・EAR) Field training of meteorological obs. (DPRI・Shionomisaki)
Scientific contributions & societal impacts • Creation ofActive Geosphere Science from Asia and Oceania and education on Active Geosphere Science • Promotion of contemporary earth science by organizing a melting pot of scientists • Important role as a prognostic earth science for settlement of global environmental issues Goals 1.Creation ofActive Geosphere Science 2.The newest scientific results from Asia and Oceania 3.A COE which ranks with the best international institutions
京都大学の将来構想における申請拠点の位置付け京都大学の将来構想における申請拠点の位置付け 先端的研究成果を世界に発信 国際的研究ネットワークの形成 本拠点形成に関係する研究教育組織 理学研究科 宙空電波科学 研究センター 防災研究所 地球科学分野における世界最重要のフィールド 『アジア・オセアニア』 アジアにおける 海外拠点作り 京都大学 海外フィールド研究 フォーラム 生物多様性の統合に 関する西太平洋・アジア 研究教育拠点 世界を先導する 総合的地域研究教育拠点 (アジア・アフリカ) 地球科学のアジア・ オセアニア研究教育拠点
境界層観測 COEで開設予定の 海外サテライトオフィス ①武漢大、中国科学院 ②チュラロンコン大 ③バンドン工科大 ④アデレイド大 大気波動の南北半球間の共役点観測(信楽-アデレイド)(1977~) 中国・ゴビ沙漠、チベット; 境界層観測 (1989~) K1-J1 赤道大気の 現地研究 東太平洋域での 物質輸送の船舶 観測 (2001) ① バングラデシュ 夏期モンスーン期の豪雨観測 (1991~) タイで モンスーン による降水の国際 共同観測 (1995~) ② 船舶観測 ③ 熱帯域積雲対流の国際協同観測 (2001~) 赤道大気レーダー 総合観測所(2001~) 中層大気のレーダー・光学装置長期連続観測 (1992~) インドネシアで 水蒸気、オゾン、 大気波動の気球 観測 (1990~) ④ タイ、インドネシア等で国際シンポジウム、研修、集中講義、セミナー等を1988年より継続開催 気球観測
断層運動の再現 (京大: 7 m/s, ブラウン大: 0.1 m/s) 活断層路頭調査と掘削コア 現地調査と物質科学的解析による断層の実体把握 地震・地殻変動 地震波インバージョンによる断層運動の解析 理論・シミュレーション 実測された物性値を用いて地震現象を再現 室内実験: 変形透水実験 高速摩擦試験機による断層の性質決定 Chlung-pu断層の露頭 (嶋本,2002) (MORI,1999) 1999年9月台湾集集地震を突破口とした総合的地震研究 K1-J2 水の影響に着目した 地震の発生機構解明 インバージョンで求めた すべり分布(MORI,2002)
協定覚書(1997年8月) インドネシア火山調査所(VSI) 「超伝導重力計を用いたバンドンにおける精密重力観測」 協定覚書(2002年5月) 中国科学院測量及び地球物理研究所(武漢) 「超伝導重力計及び絶対重力計を用いた東アジアの精密重力観測」 超伝導重力計と絶対 重力計の比較観測点 国際重力基準網(IGSN71) または国際絶対重力基準 網(IAGBN)の重力基準点 その他の重力基準点 Global Geodynamics Project (GGP, IUGG)および Asia Pacific Geodynamics Project (APSP, IAG) の中心メンバーとして、超伝導重力計と絶対重力計を 用いた重力場の時間的変化の研究を主導: * 野外測定、データ交換、データ処理 * ジオダイナミクス、地球内部物理学の国際共同研究 K1-J3 東アジア・西太平洋域の 絶対重力基準網の確立 (代表: 竹本修三教授) • 主な研究成果 • 大陸地殻に対する 島弧の変動 • 中国北部の地下水 汲み上げと重力変化 COEサテライトオフィス 武漢大(中国科学院 の研究者が併任教授) COEサテライトオフィス バンドン工大(VSIも 教育研究に参画) 赤道域唯一の 超伝導重力計