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Planning and Land Development Regulation Board Presentation October 20, 2010. Background on the EAR Review of EAR process Public Workshops Presentation to PLDRB and City Council (July and December 2009) Presentation of Community Issues Potential strategies
Planning and Land Development Regulation Board Presentation October 20, 2010
Background on the EAR • Review of EAR process • Public Workshops • Presentation to PLDRB and City Council (July and December 2009) • Presentation of Community Issues • Potential strategies • Audit of the comprehensive plan • Recommendations
Background • Required by statute (every 7 years) • Audit of the comprehensive plan • Identifies need for new objectives and policies or recommends changes for existing ones • Changes based on • Identification of major issues • Regulatory changes
Background Components of an EAR • Community Assessment • Individual Element Assessment • Major Issues (Community-based) • Special Topics (Statutory) • Regulatory Changes (Changes to Chapter 163, F.S. and 9J-5, F.A.C.)
Review of the EAR Public Participation Process • 7 Neighborhood Meetings • 2 Issues and Topics Meetings • 1 Agency/Local Government Meeting
Review of the EAR Public Participation Process Major issues: • Community Character/Quality of Life • Natural Open Areas • Recreation and Amenities • Economic Development • Services • Transportation
Major Issue - Community Character/Quality of Life • One of Palm Coast’s greatest “treasures” • Maintaining small-town atmosphere; • Protecting and enhancing the neighborhoods; • Ensuring compatibility of uses; • Enhancing the range of convenient shopping; • Considering a broader range of housing types, in appropriate places, to accommodate all ages and stages of life in the community; • Encouraging the proximity of medical offices and health services.
Major Issue - Community Character/Quality of Life Highlights of Possible Strategies • Review land use map for compatibility of uses • Design and appearance standards • Improve streetscapes and landscaping • Increased pedestrian and bicycle friendliness, public spaces • Improve connectivity between uses • Maintain focus on single family for neighborhoods, while allowing a greater range of housing where appropriate (including urban villages)
Major Issue - Community Character/Quality of Life How does the comprehensive plan address this issue? Future Land Use Element • Land Use designations that establish permitted uses within the category and allow flexibility such as DRIs and MUs (Objective 1.1.1 and Objective 1.1.2 and associated policies) • Preserve and enhance environmental and community resources including plans and land development regulations to improve streetscape (landscape and natural vistas) (Goal 1.2 and associated objectives and policies)
Major Issue - Community Character/Quality of Life Housing Element • Maintain Housing Stock and Protect Residential Areas (Goal 3.3, Objective 3.3.1 & Associated Policies) • Promote Quality Housing (Objective 3.3.2) • Protect Residential Areas from Inappropriate Land Uses (Objective 3.3.5)
Major Issue - Community Character/Quality of Life Recreation and Open Space Element • Policy which Identifies potential greenways, trails, and open spaces (Policy Conservation and Coastal Management • Objective and Policies to preserve Native Vegetative communities (Objective 6.1.10 and associated policies) • Objective and Policies for Tree Mitigation and Protection (Objective 6.1.11 and associated policies) Intergovernmental Coordination Element • Objectives and associated policies to coordinate with surrounding municipalities on proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments and other development proposals to address the impacts of development. (Objectives 7.1.5, 7.1.6, and 7.3.1 and associated policies)
Major Issue - Community Character/Quality of Life Recommendations: • Clarify purpose of Land Use designations • Add policy to include landscaping as part of bicycle/pedestrian projects • Policy to address safety at intersections for pedestrians/bicyclists • Policy to promote flexibility in housing size in appropriate locations through use of DRIs or MPD • Add new policies to establish compatibility criteria between low-density residential areas and proposed higher density residential areas
Major Issue - Natural Areas • Nearness to nature an important defining characteristic of the City • Overall nearness to nature in all its forms • Parks • Trees lining major streets • Buffers and open spaces around neighborhoods • Proximity of beaches and the ocean • Nature preserves and public lands.
Major Issue - Natural Areas Highlights of Possible Strategies • Include criteria for lands to be preserved in Comprehensive Plan • Inventory environmentally important lands in and around the City • Increase comp plan requirements for natural area protection in new development (wetlands, uplands and corridors) • Continue participation in acquisition programs • Native vegetation in new development
Major Issue - Natural Areas How does the Comprehensive Plan address this issue? Future Land Use Element • Land Use Categories to identify and protect natural and open space areas (Conservation & Greenbelt designations) • Policy to establish MPD zoning district including the clustering of units in Greenbelt areas (Objective 1.1.2 and Policy • Objective and associated policy to review FLUM based on environmental conditions. (Objective 1.1.3 and Policy • Goal, Objectives and Policies to preserve and enhance environmental and community resources (greenways, open spaces, other natural resources) (Goal 1.2 and Associated Objectives and Policies) • Annexation for natural resource protection (Goal 1.5)
Major Issue - Natural Areas Recreation and Open Space Element • Objectives and Policies to promote acquisition for public open space (Goal 4.1, Objective 4.1.1 and associated policies) Conservation and Coastal Management Element • Objective and Policies to improve Shoreline Pedestrian Access (Objective 6.1.7 and Associated Policies) • Objective and Policies to establish protection wetlands protection regulations and preservation of native vegetative communities (Objectives 6.1.9 and 6.1.10 and Associated Policies)
Major Issue - Natural Areas Recommendations: The existing goals, objectives, and policies are generally sufficient to address the community’s issues and recommendations. There are no recommended amendments.
Major Issue - Recreation and Amenities • Trails and pathways consistently cited as “treasures” • Recreational facilities and opportunities, and desire for them varying from neighborhood to neighborhood • Golf or boating • Active parks • Opportunities to enjoy nature (Resource-based parks)
Major Issue - Recreation and Amenities Highlights of Possible Strategies • Coordinate with individual neighborhoods to establish need/desire for additional facilities. • Provide facilities for cultural programs • Collaboration with other agencies
Major Issue - Recreation and Amenities How does the Comprehensive Plan address this issue? Transportation Element • Objective and Policy that requires development of sidewalks and paths as part of new developments (Objective 2.2.2 and Associated Policies) • Goal 2.3 and associated Objective and Policies to develop and maintain a citywide system of bike paths and sidewalks. (Goal 2.3, Objective 2.3.1 and associated policies)
Major Issue - Recreation and Amenities Recreation and Open Space Element • Policies to encourage public participation in parks planning (Policy and • Objective to identify priority Recreation and Open Space facilities (objective 4.2.2 and associated policies) • Objective and policy to develop an interconnected open space plan (Objective 4.3.3 and associated policies)
Major Issue - Recreation and Amenities Recreation and Open Space Element • Promote cultural resources through programming and facilities (Goal 4.5, and associated Objectives and Policies) • Coordinate with other agencies to provide recreation facilities, programs, and land acquisition. (Goal 4.6 and Objective 4.6.1 and associated policies).
Major Issue - Recreation and Amenities Conservation and Coastal Management Element • Objectives to use natural open space areas (shorelines, native vegetative areas, and wetlands, etc.) to enhance recreational opportunities. (Objective 6.1.7, 6.1.10 and associated policies) Intergovernmental Coordination Element and Public School Facility Element • Coordination with other agencies to provide recreational opportunities in the City. Coordination could include shared-use of facilities, recreational programs, and co-locating facilities. (Goal 7.6, Objective 7.6.1 and associated policies, and Objective 9.1.4)
Major Issue - Recreation and Amenities Recommendations: • Incorporate the Recreation and Parks Facilities Master Plan into the Comprehensive Plan.
Major Issue - Economic Development • Jobs • Diversification of tax base • Balance of commercial and residential • Economic development does not change the residential character of the city.
Major Issue - Economic Development Highlights of Possible Strategies • Economic Development Element in comprehensive plan. • Set aside areas for industrial development - incentivize. • Focus primarily on clean industries. Performance standards for other industries. • Analyze proposed development for impact on balance of jobs and residential. • Ensure mixed-use in mixed use areas. • Diversify retail activities to keep more dollars in the community and provide enhanced shopping opportunities.
Major Issue - Economic Development How does the comprehensive plan address this issue? Future Land Use Element • Land Use Designations identifying appropriate area for job-creation activities (Policy • Goal to promote economic development through preparation of economic development strategy plan, and creation of employment centers and jobs. (Goal 1.4, Objective 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 with associated policies).
Major Issue - Economic Development Transportation Element • Objective to create a multi-modal system (rail, airport, and multi-modal) for economic development opportunities (Objective 2.1.8 and associated policies • Objective to promote development of strategic mixed use centers and provide opportunities for employment growth to maintain jobs within the City (Objective 2.1.11 and associated policies)
Major Issue - Economic Development Housing Element • Objective and Policy to protect residential areas from inappropriate land uses. (Objective 3.3.5 and associated policies). Recreation and Open Space Element • Goal to promote economic growth through increased recreation and park development including development of cultural resources. (Goal 4.4, Objective 4.4.1 and associated policies, and Goal 4.5 and Objective 4.5.1 and associated policies)
Major Issue - Economic Development Recommendations: • Incorporate findings of Airport Area Master Plan into the Comprehensive Plan • Action plan on preparation of Economic Development Strategic Plan • Create set of criteria to analyze impacts of Comprehensive Plan Amendments on jobs to housing balance
Major Issue - Services Comprehensive Plan Issues • Stormwater • Water Supply • Transit • Youth Activities (Recreation) Non-Comprehensive Plan Issues • Public Safety • Library • Code enforcement
Major Issue - Services Highlights of Possible Strategies • Stormwater -- continue maintenance, rehab and replacement, target individual issues • Water Supply -- stronger emphasis on conservation, continued participation in Coquina Coast study • Transit – continue coordination with Flagler County to study potential for transit service • Youth Activities -- coordinate with School District to enhance availability of programs and facilities
Major Issue - Services Highlights of Possible Strategies • Library – continue coordination with Flagler County for additional services • Public Safety -- assist neighborhoods with establishment of Neighborhood Watch programs
Major Issue - Services How is the Comprehensive Plan addressing this issue? Transportation Element • Objective and Policies to develop transportation alternatives (Objective 2.1.10 and associated policies) • Goal, Objectives and associated policies that direct City to continue street maintenance program and improve safe travel for residents and visitors. (Goal 2.4, Objectives 2.4.1, Objective 2.4.1 and associated policies)
Major Issue - Services Recreation and Open Space Element • Objective and Policy addressing priority of future recreation and open space facilities (Objective 4.2.2 and associated policies) • Goal to coordinate with other agencies to provide recreational facilities and programs. (Goal 4.6, Objective 4.6.1 and Policy
Major Issue - Services Infrastructure Element and Conservation & Coastal Management Element • Objective and Policy to expand water conservation program (education, use of native and drought tolerant plants, use of reclaimed water, etc.) (Objective 5.1.4, 5.1.5, and associated policies, Objective 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.15 and associated policies)
Major Issue - Services Recommendations: • Recreation and Parks Facilities Master Plan need to be incorporated into the comprehensive plan. • Facilities and services for youth activities and sports leagues need to be considered during prioritization of future recreation facilities.
Major Issue - Transportation • Mentioned most often in context of its contributions to quality of life. • East-west roads. • General improvements for mobility. • Neighborhood-specific problem areas. • Street lighting
Major Issue - Transportation Highlights of Possible Strategies • Identification of east-west roadways appropriate for extension. • Policies and criteria for when to widen and when not to widen roads. • Develop/promote canopy roads. • Neighborhood-specific improvements. • Policies and criteria for additional street lighting.
Major Issue - Transportation How is the Comprehensive Plan addressing this issue? Future Land Use Element • Objective and Policy to promote streetscape improvements and protection for canopy streets. (Objective 1.2.2 and Policies and
Major Issue - Transportation Transportation Element • Objective and Policies to identify short-range and long-range projects including corridor studies for selected streets and inclusion of pedestrian and bicycle facilities. (Objective 2.1.4 and Policies,, • Objective and Policies to develop east-west roadways to address traffic congestion on the roadway network. (Objective 2.1.5 and associated policies) • Objective and Policy to develop transportation alternatives (transit) as a means to reduce congestion, encourage energy efficient land use (Objective 2.1.10 and associated policies)
Major Issue - Transportation Transportation Element • Objective and Policy for creating strategic mixed-use centers to provide opportunities for employment growth, transit service, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. (Objective 2.1.11 and associated policies). • Objectives and Policies to promote development and expansion of Pedestrian/Bicycle and Multi-use trail system as an alternative transportation system and improving connection between residential and commercial areas. (Objective 2.2.2 and associated policies, Goal 2.3, Objective 2.3.1, and associated policies).
Major Issue - Transportation Conservation and Coastal Management Element • Objective and Policy to maintain or increase tree canopy (Objective 6.1.11 and Policy Intergovernmental Coordination Element • Goal, Objective, and Policies to coordinate with FDOT, Flagler County, and Volusia County MPO to improve traffic circulation and provide other modes of transportation. (Goal 7.4, Objective 7.4.1 and Policy
Major Issue - Transportation Recommendations • Policy statement to include landscaping with bikepaths, sidewalks, etc. • Policy statement regarding street lighting