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Dr. Harry Fullwood Texas A
2. Dynamic Assessment: A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Instruction of High Incidence Special Learners
3. Dr. Harry FullwoodTexas A&M University-CommerceDepartment of Psychology and Special EducationCommerce, Texas 75429harry_fullwood@tamu-commerce.edu
4. Significant Changes The re-authorization of IDEA and No Child Left Behind are expected to require less testing and increased use authentic measures (dynamic assessment)!
Dynamic assessment may be defined as an interactive approach to conducting diagnosis focusing on the ability of the learner to respond to intervention.
5. Our purpose: Operational model of dynamic assessment will be presented
Examples of the model demonstrated through the “Play Book” approach
Practical experience with the model during the presentation for those who wish to participate
6. Basic Postulates Accumulated knowledge in not the best indication of ability to acquire new knowledge
We all function at less than 100 percent of our capacity
The best test of performance is a sample of that performance
There are many obstacles that mask ability
7. Dynamic Assessment (DA) A subclass of interactive assessment
….the activity and intervention of examiners designed to produce a temporary change in the cognitive function of the consumer
The term dynamic implies “change”
8. DA: The Goal …assess processes of thinking (cognition) that are themselves always changing
Examiners may engage in specific teaching to facilitate “change”
The basic datum in DA is a change variable
9. DA: Another Definition DA refers to assessment of thinking, perception, learning, and problem solving by an active teaching process aimed at modifying cognitive function.
10. Static Testing By contrast, static testing requires the examiner to present problems or questions, record the response and offer no attempt to intervene in order to change, guide or improve the consumers' performance.(Haywood & Tzuriel, 2002)
11. Bottom Line DA is an interactive process that fosters cognitive intervention and learning success
Excellent for intervention with disadvantaged and special need learners
Based on “mediated” learning
Defeats “pessimistic predictions” derived from results of static testing
12. Research Conclusions Test performance improves after teaching and mediation
Mediation of logic strategies leads to greater performance improvement
Transfer of mediated strategies
DA interested in defeating pessimistic predictions made for learners on the basis of static assessment
13. Teachers gain useful knowledge need to teach…no one suggests that IQ scores aid in selection of appropriate content or teaching strategies.
Knowledge obtained by DA possible in special learners and not accessible during static testing
Useful for habilitation and rehabilitation
Useful in defeating pessimistic predictions regarding special learners
14. DA and Cognitive Education This presenter is an absolute advocate of DA as the essential tool for cogitative based instruction
The consumer must “learn how to learn”
Philosophic framework: DA based on theories from works of Haywood, Feuerstein, Piaget and Vygotsky's
15. Bright Star Program For preschool and early elementary grade consumers
Objectives: a) increase learning effectiveness, b) develop efficient cognitive processes and thinking skills, c) enhance task-intrinsic motivation and d) prepare children for school learning
16. Not content orientated; rather, focused on development of cognitive processes and metacognitive operations that appear to be prerequisite to academic learning in early grades
Children are expected to demonstrate higher skills of “learning to learn” than average peers
17. Research outcome from investigations suggested that Bright Star children scored higher than did the comparison children not only in the pre-teaching phase but also in the post-teaching phase
In English: BS children demonstrated greater benefit from mediated instruction
18. Problems with DA NEW
Metric (measuring) problems
Reliability: because the process sets out to change the very learning characteristics that are being assessed
Validity: subjects and approaches change in unique and unpredictable fashion
19. DA not taught in certification programs or graduate assessment courses
Requires intensive training and practice
Hard to do, time consuming and (at first) not liked by examiner nor examinee
Resistance to change from “what we already do”
20. Examples of Mediated Instruction Intervention in the learning task of another that results is transfer of what is learned and now understood to what was already know and in a usable way. Mediated learning hooks new things learned to old things already known and understood.
21. Examples Your mother and father…and all the things they taught you…smile…and are still trying to get across
Instructions with associated video tape that lead to assembly of your recently purchased Char Broiler Grill
Mediated instruction requires active interaction, communication, strategy selection, the behavior and related evaluation
22. The thousands of time you have interacted with a learner in your classroom, leading the subject to step-wise processing and success. EX: long division
Some real time examples:
23. Solve these problems Jane has 6 fewer dimes today than she had yesterday. If she had 12 dimes yesterday, how many dimes does Jane have today?
24. Determine the number of Modos in a game of Boboball if: there are 20 Hodos, there are 8 fewer Modos than Hodos, and there are 82 players in all.
25. Dave gave Charlotte half of his pogs. Charlotte gave Jonnie half of the pogs she received from Dave. Jonnie kept 8 of those pogs and gave the remaining 10 to Dana. How many pogs did Dave give Charlotte?
26. Dynamic Assessment: A Cognitive Approach to Instruction of Individuals with Special Learning Needs
27. Cognitive Model (IPP) Information Processing Paradigm
28. Input through attention to Short Term Memory
Large amount of date taken in
Vision often our favorite tool
Data recorded as photographs
Detail limited
Picture a large funnel
29. Process to Working Memory
Working memory limited
One bit at a time
The small end of a funnel
Decisions regarding what to keep and what to release
What photographs go in the album (schemata)
30. Long term memory
Unlimited read-able and write-able storage
Organized according to existing photo albums (a new album or sub-album may be required)
What we already know retained (LTM)
Can be fetched if album location known
Dynamic-always under reconstruction
31. Executive Control Intellect
Responsible for system decisions
Limited by experience, training, insult, injury and/or disease
Strategy orientation-stepwise in nature
A significantly critical element in cognition
32. Executive Control Function(ECF) Human store traces of earlier cognitive acts, not the products. Pictures are not just drug out in tact, but fragments of such are used to support new construction.
Retrieval of information is directed by executive routines or mental activities the order of which is governed by ECF
33. Stages of Information Processing Encoding: matching pictures to know photos
Elaboration: making connections to know photos
Transformation: applying rules to know photos
Storage: addition of pictures to photo album
Retrieval: finding previously stored photos
Searching: assessing photos for properties
Comparing: photos are either old or new
Reconstruction: modification of photo collection
34. Knowledge systems:
Declarative: (shared factual information) unique learners appear like but different in extent to normally achieving peers.
Procedural: (“how to knowledge”) proceduralization and compositional strategies appear limited in unique learners
Conditional: (knowing when to use strategies or acquired information) executive control models appear limited in unique learners.
35. The Main Concepts Leaning is active not passive
Shift from product to process
Most important thing to know about a learner is what he/she already knows
Watch learner learn
36. Watch learner monitor
Develop Talk Aloud Protocol
Develop Cognitive Portfolio
37. Who Are Those Guys Perceptual-motor or psychological process model (cracked kid syndrome)
Medical model-rooted in work with brain-injured and still a possibility
Ability deficit, then skill deficit, finally inactive kid
38. Types of Strategy Based Learners Strategy Efficient: solve problem to mastery
Strategy Inefficient: demonstrates some strategy selection and problem movement but “farkles”at some point in task steps and fails to reach mastery
Strategy Deficient: no clue..no start..no mastery
39. SDL appears to:
utilize inappropriate strategy selection
demonstrate ineffective strategy execution
Useful information must be linked to prior knowledge:
SDL does not elaborate material spontaneously nor develops short definitional information
Strategy Deficient Learners(SDL)
40. Leaning disabilities may be the result of complex multiple processes including strategy inappropriateness, higher-order activities (ECF) and inefficient retrieval constructs. It is not just an inability to spell, read or do mathematical calculations.
41. Photo Album Model Learning: a reasonable permanent change in behavior behavior not explained by organic states or conditions.
42. Input: Taken Rolls of Pictures Input: date taken in through human receptors
see, hear, smell, taste and touch
Taking photographs
43. Short Term Memory: Which Pictures to Keep? Executive Control System must decide what to keep and then discard
What photographs will I keep?
44. Working Memory: Fetch Albums I Have Accumulated(schema) What Albums do I have that contain similar photographs
Fetch them (scratch pad memory)
Compare and contrasts present and new pictures
45. Long Term Memory: My Own Album Collection Family pets: my first dog, cat, fish-will include all family pets and information concerning that subject
Organized into cognitive model
46. A Real Time model Think of the knowledge systems and long-term memory as the contents of photo albums you have. (children, pets, trips)
Recall the stages of development used to construct these albums.
Think of newly added pictures and those that are worn and faded from time.
47. Memory From the sensory registers, information is transferred into limited-capacity short-term memory to decay unless elaborated.
Long-term memory is permanent storage with unlimited capacity. Information is stored by use of links, associations and general organizational plans, is semantic and decays because of loss or interference.
48. Working Memory Much more dynamic than short-term memory while sharing some of the same characteristics.
Working memory is an active process that involves the mental activities leading to long-term memory store. (Photo development, organization and glue-up)
49. Organizational strategies to long-term memory:
chunking:grouping for completing of a series of items
clustering: organization into categories
mnemonics: GBDFA and HOMES
coding: images and pictures for words
50. Learning Disabilities and Strategy Inappropriateness Focus is placed on what is modifiable
Rule creating and metacogntive models
Environmental factors dictate strategy selection and use
Active rather that passive interaction with pupil
Maximize strategy use through instruction
51. Principles of Strategy Instruction Strategies serve different purposes
Strategies must operate on the law of parsimony (reduced to simplest order)
Effective strategies for student without learning disabilities are not not necessarily good for students with learning disabilities.
Strategy instruction does not eliminate processing differences
52. Strategies must be considered in relation to a student’s knowledge base and capacity.
Comparative strategy use may not eliminate performance differences.
Strategies taught do not necessary become transformed into expert strategies.
53. Where to begin?
Six elements of Think-Aloud Protocol:
task to be accomplished
instructional procedures and material
specific strategy(s) <rules> will be used by student
strategy management technique to be taught
outcome of training
Statement for Cognitive Portfolio
54. Think-Aloud Questions How would you start to solve this problem?
Do you have a plan?
Why do you think that approach will work?
How will you tell if your plan is working?
What were you thinking then?
Can you think of another way to do that?
A variety of learning situations must be observed to form a generalization concerning strategy ability.
A picture begins to form of the strategy capabilities of the student and effective ways to approach and facilitate instruction.
56. Cognitive Portfolio Case specific and subject specific observations through Think-Aloud Protocol
Determination of strategy usage and appropriateness
Methods of instruction selected by the teacher, learning environment or school district concerning content remain in tact
57. If cognitive data is collected each year by the instructional and diagnostic staff, a compressive picture of the learner forms and is available for future placement.
This model requires complete commitment: board level, administration, diagnostic teams, instruction and parent.
Pre-service and in-service training will be required for all players.
58. The Bottom Line Learning disabilities, at best, has no single cause to treat and each individual is unique unto his/her own cognitive needs.
In order to function in an included setting, this individual requires instructional models that allow for independent and successful outcomes in school.