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Helyes írás ellenőrzés. Kiselőadások elvárt formátuma. Minden előadásról kell készüljön egy 5-7 slideos prezentáció (pl. ppt / pdf ) A prezentációt le kell adni legkésőbb az előadás első perceiben
Kiselőadásokelvártformátuma • Minden előadásrólkellkészüljönegy 5-7 slideosprezentáció (pl. ppt/pdf) • Aprezentációt le kelladnilegkésőbbazelőadáselsőperceiben • A slideok a teljescikketátkellhogytekintsék, a problémafelvetésétőlkezdve a javasoltmegoldásokonát • Fontoshogy a rendelkezésreálló 5 percetnemszabadtúllépniazelőadáshosszával • 5 percnéltovábbsenkinem fog tudniprezentálni, ha a prezentációezalattazidőalattnemérthetőtartalmatmutat be akkor a feladatotnemteljesítettnekveszem!
Where we are going • We’ve looked at some more abstract ideas of language processing, and now we’re going to focus on a real-world application, detecting and correcting errors in spelling in a document • The general techniques (e.g., probabilistic methods) will be applicable in later units, e.g., POS-tagging • Running through such a practical application will make you more aware of the kinds of things you need to know in order to combat a problem • The more you know about the kinds of errors people make, the more likely you can find them
Who cares about spelling? • Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. • (See http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/personal/matt.davis/Cmabrigde/ for the story behind this supposed research report.)
Detection vs. Correction • There are two distinct tasks: • error detection = simply find the misspelled words • error correction = correct the misspelled words • e.g., It might be easy to tell that ater is a misspelled word, but what is the correct word? water? later? after? • So, what causes errors?
Spelling Tasks • Spelling Error Detection • Spelling Error Correction: • Autocorrect • htethe • Suggest a correction • Suggestion lists
Types of spelling errors • Non-word Errors • graffegiraffe • Real-word Errors • Typographical errors • threethere • Cognitive Errors (homophones) • piecepeace, • tootwo
Non-word spelling errors • Non-word spelling error detection: • Any word not in a dictionary is an error • The larger the dictionary the better • Non-word spelling error correction: • Generate candidates: real words that are similar to error • Choose the one which is best: • Shortest weighted edit distance • Highest noisy channel probability
Real word spelling errors • For each word w, generate candidate set: • Find candidate words with similar pronunciations • Find candidate words with similar spelling • Include w in candidate set • Choose best candidate • Noisy Channel
Keyboard mistyping • Space bar issues • run-on errors = two separate words become one • e.g., the fuzz becomes thefuzz • split errors = one word becomes two separate words • e.g., equalization becomes equali zation • Keyboard proximity • e.g., Jack becomes Hack since h, j are next to each other on a typical American keyboard • Physical similarity • similarity of shape, e.g., mistaking two physically similar letters when typing up something handwritten • e.g., tight for fight
Phonetic errors • phonetic errors = errors based on the sounds of a language (not necessarily on the letters) • homophones = two words which sound the same • e.g., red/ read (past tense), cite/ site/ sight, they’re/ their/ there • Spoonerisms = switching two letters/sounds around • letter substitution = replacing a letter (or sequence of letters) with a similar-sounding one • e.g., John kracked his nuckles. instead of John cracked his knuckles • e.g., I study sikologee.
Knowledge problems • And then there are simply cases of not knowing how to spell: • not knowing a word and guessing its spelling (can be phonetic) • e.g., sientist • not knowing a rule and guessing it • e.g., Do we double a consonant for ing words? Jog -> joging ?
What makes spelling correction difficult? • Tokenization: What is a word? • Definition is difficult with contractions, multi-token words, hyphens, abbreviations • Inflection: How are some words related? • How do we store rules and exceptions? • Productivity of language: How many words are there? • Words entering and exiting the lexicon • How we handle these issues determines how we build a dictionary.
Techniques used for spell checking • Non-word error detection • Isolated-word error correction • Context-dependent word error detection and correction • grammar correction. • The exact techniques used will differ depending on if we are looking for spelling errors in human typing or with optical character recognition (OCR)
Non-word error detection • non-word error detection is essentially the same thing as word recognition = splitting up “words” into true words and non-words. • How is non-word error detection done? • Using a dictionary: Most common way to find non-word errors • N-gram analysis: • fast and simple technique, but most typing errors are still valid n-grams • used with OCR more than typing
Dictionaries • Intuition: • Have a complete list of words and check the input words against this list. • If it’s not in the dictionary, it’s not a word. • Two aspects: • Dictionary construction = build the dictionary (what do you put in it?) • Dictionary lookup = lookup a potential word in the dictionary (how do you do this quickly?)
Dictionary construction • Do we include inflected words? i.e., words with prefixes and suffixes already attached • Pro: lookup can be faster • Con: takes much more space, doesn’t account for new formations • Want the dictionary to have only the word relevant for the user -> domain-specificity • Foreign words, hyphenations, derived words, proper nouns, and new words will always be problems for dictionaries since we cannot predict these words until humans have made them words. • Dictionary should probably be dialectally consistent. • e.g., include only color or colour but not both
Dictionary lookup • Several issues arise when trying to look up a word: • Have to make lookup fast by using efficient lookup techniques, such as a hash table • Have to strip off prefixes and suffixes if the word isn’t an entry by itself.
Isolated-word error correction • Having discussed how errors can be detected, we want to know how to correct these misspelled words: • The most common method is isolated-word error correction = correcting words without taking context into account. • Note: This technique can only handle errors that result in non-words. • Knowledge about what is a typical error helps in finding correct word.
Knowledge about typical errors • Word length effects: most misspellings are within two characters in length of original • When searching for the correct spelling, we do not usually need to look at words with greater length differences • First-position error effects: the first letter of a word is rarely erroneous • When searching for the correct spelling, the process is sped up by being able to look only at words with the same first letter.
Isolated-word error correction methods • Many different methods are used; we will briefly look at four methods: • rule-based methods • similarity key techniques • minimum edit distance • probabilistic methods • The methods play a role in one of the three basic steps: • 1. Detection of an error (discussed above) • 2. Generation of candidate corrections • rule-based methods • similarity key techniques • 3. Ranking of candidate corrections • probabilistic methods • minimum edit distance
Rule-based methods • One can generate correct spellings by writing rules: • Common misspelling rewritten as correct word: • e.g., hte -> the • Rules • based on inflections: • e.g., V+C+ing -> V+CC+ing(where V = vowel and C = consonant) • based on other common spelling errors (such as keyboard effects or common transpositions): • e.g., Cie -> Cei
Similarity key techniques • Problem: How can we find a list of possible corrections? • Solution: Store words in different boxes in a way that puts the similar words together. • Example: • 1. Start by storing words by their first letter (first letter effect), • e.g., punc starts with the code P. • 2. Then assign numbers to each letter • e.g., 0 for vowels, 1 for b, p, f, v(all bilabials), and so forth, • e.g., punc -> P052 • 3. Then throw out all zeros and repeated letters, • e.g., P052 -> P52. • 4. Look for real words within the same box, • e.g., punk is also in the P52 box.
How is a mistyped word related to the intended? • Types of errors • insertion = a letter is added to a word • deletion = a letter is deleted from a word • substitution = a letter is put in place of another one • transposition = two adjacent letters are switched • Note that the first two alter the length of the word, whereas the second two maintain the same length. • General properties • single-error misspellings = only one instance of an error • multi-error misspellings = multiple instances of errors (harder to identify)
Probabilistic methods • Two main probabilities are taken into account: • transition probabilities = probability (chance) of going from one letter to the next. • . e.g., What is the chance that a will follow p in English? That u will follow q? • confusion probabilities = probability of one letter being mistaken (substituted) for another (can be derived from a confusion matrix) • e.g., What is the chance that q is confused with p? • Useful to combine probabilistic techniques with dictionary methods
Confusion probabilities • For the various reasons discussed above (keyboard layout, phonetic similarity, etc.) people type other letters than the ones they intended. • It is impossible to fully investigate all possible error causes and how they interact, but we can learn from watching how often people make errors and where. • One way of doing so is to build a confusion matrix = a table indicating how often one letter is mistyped for another (this is a substitution matrix)
The Noisy Channel Model • We can view the setup like this: • SOURCE: word -> NOISY CHANNEL -> noisy word • We need to decode the noisy word to figure out what the original was • The noisy channel model has been very popular in speech recognition, among other fields • Noisy word: O = observation (incorrect spelling) • To guess at the original word, we want to find the word (w) which maximizes: P(w|O), i.e., the probability of w, given that O has been seen
Candidate generation • Words with similar spelling • Small edit distance to error • Words with similar pronunciation • Small edit distance of pronunciation to error
Damerau-Levenshteinedit distance • Minimal edit distance between two strings, where edits are: • Insertion • Deletion • Substitution • Transposition of two adjacent letters
Candidate generation • 80% of errors are within edit distance 1 • Almost all errors within edit distance 2 • Also allow insertion of space or hyphen • thisidea this idea • inlaw in-law
Wait, how do you generate the candidates? • Run through dictionary, check edit distance with each word • Generate all words within edit distance ≤ k (e.g., k = 1 or 2) and then intersect them with dictionary • Use a character k-gram index and find dictionary words that share “most” k-grams with word (e.g., by Jaccard coefficient) • Compute them fast with a Levenshtein finite state transducer • Have a precomputed hash of words to possible corrections
Computing error probability: confusion matrix del[x,y]: count(xy typed as x) ins[x,y]: count(x typed as xy) sub[x,y]: count(x typed as y) trans[x,y]: count(xy typed as yx) Insertion and deletion conditioned on previous character
Channel model Kernighan, Church, Gale 1990
Smoothing probabilities: Add-1 smoothing • But if we use the last slide, unseen errors are impossible! • They’ll make the overall probability 0. That seems too harsh • e.g., in Kernighan’s chart qa and aq are both 0, even though they’re adjacent on the keyboard! • A simple solution is to add one to all counts and then if there is a |A| character alphabet, to normalize appropriately:
Using a bigram language model • “a stellar and versatile acress whose combination of sass and glamour…” • Counts from the Corpus of Contemporary American English with add-1 smoothing • P(actress|versatile)=.000021 P(whose|actress) = .0010 • P(across|versatile) =.000021 P(whose|across) = .000006 • P(“versatile actress whose”) = .000021*.0010 = 210 x10-10 • P(“versatile across whose”) = .000021*.000006 = 1 x10-10
Real-word spelling errors • …leaving in about fifteen minuetsto go to her house. • The design anconstruction of the system… • Can they lavehim my messages? • The study was conducted mainly beJohn Black. • 25-40% of spelling errors are real words Kukich 1992
Categorization Problem : Spelling • Field • Wield • Shield • Deceive • Receive • Ceiling
Rule-based Approach “I before E except after C” -- an example of a linguistic insight
Probabilistic Statistical Model: • Count the occurrences of ‘ie’ and ‘ei’ and ‘cie’ and ‘cei’ in a large corpus P(IE) = 0.0177 P(EI) = 0.0046 P(CIE) = 0.0014 P(CEI) = 0.0005
Words where ie occur after c • science • society • ancient • species
Chomsky’s Argument • A completely new sentence must have a probability of 0, since it is an outcome that has not been seen. • Since novel sentences are in fact generated all the time, there is a contradiction.
Probabilistic language model • Probabilities should broadly indicate likelihood of sentences • P(I saw a van) >> P(eyes awe of an) Courtesy Dan Klein
Spell Checking Let’s say the word hand is mistyped Hand --- *Hamd There you have an unknown word!
Spell Checking Out-of-Vocabulary Error *Hamd
Spell Checking *Hamd Hand
Spell Checking *Hamd Hand Hard