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S ENIORS Local Scholarship Applications are now available in the CCC These are scholarships offered only to BHS graduating seniors Completed applications are due to the CCC Friday – April 1 st.
SENIORSLocal Scholarship Applications are now available in the CCCThese are scholarships offered only to BHS graduating seniorsCompleted applications are due to the CCC Friday – April 1st.
Blissfield Masonic Temple Scholarship Fund$2000 Scholarship($500 over four years)Do you have a father, grandfather or great-grandfather who is or was a member of the Masonic Lodge? Pick up an application in the CCC today.
Pioneer State Mutual and Blissfield Insurance Agency Scholarship$1000 ScholarshipAwarded to a BHS senior planning to study business/management or a related field in college
Community Service Scholarship $500 Scholarship You must have at least 100 Hours of community service within the 12 months prior to applying Applications are available in the CCC Deadline is this Friday - March 25th
SENIORSThe Publications Class needs your Senior Surveys and Senior PicturesPlease give them to Renee Cantrell or Cassie Loar as soon as possible.
Peer TutoringMonday – Wednesday – Friday3:00 – 4:00 PMMrs. Judkins’ Room (Room 13)We are in need of tutors!Please see Mrs. Judkins to sign up today!
Link Crew TutoringEvery THURSDAYin the Media Center Link Leaders are able to tutor their Link Crew during VIPSign up with Mrs. Porter if you plan to attend – numbers will be limited
GREASEThursday March 24th at 7 PM Friday March 25th at 7 PMSaturday March 26th at 4 PM and 8 PM Tickets are $6 for Adults, $5 for Studentsand $4 for Children 12 and under. Matinee tickets are $2 off.
EAT and GREETSponsored by JCC@LISD TechTonight from 6:00 – 8:30 PMLenawee Country ClubLearn about the Culinary Art programs at JCCRSVP is required – Pick up a flyer in the CCC for more information
Job Opportunity Blissfield Little League is looking for students to work the Concession Stand End of April through June Pay is $15 per game Must be reliable and able to follow direction – Contact information is available in the Main Office
Student vs. Staff Basketball Game April 15th at 6:00 PM Sign up for Events in Room 00 With Mr. Noel
River Raisin 5K RunMay Day Run and Kids TrotSunday – May 1stRegister by April 15thForms available in the OfficeAwards and T-Shirts available
Prom Committee MeetingsWednesday – March 23rdWednesday – March 30thPlease attend bothWe will be finalizing prom plans at these meetings!
Miss River Raisin Festival Scholarship PageantMust be 17 by July 8, 2011Entry Deadline is March 25thEntry Forms are available in the CCC or the Blissfield Advance
Courtney Bausman Joel Clark Melissa Wiles Lauren Yates Emily Wolfe Danielle Davis Bryce Denecker Caitlyn Meszaros Makenzy Speiser Dalton Goetz Congratulations!BHS Academic Top TenClass of 2011
Lincoln College of TechnologyVisiting BHS this ThursdayDuring VIP Sign up in the CCC if you plan to attend
Wrestling MeetingToday during VIPIn the CafeteriaFor all students planning to wrestle next year