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The cold war, the red scare, and M c Carthyism

The cold war, the red scare, and M c Carthyism. The cold war. Definition: Open yet restricted rivalry/hostility between U.S . and Soviet Union and respective allies 1947 – 1991 Never featured direct military action. Competing Ideologies and Beliefs .

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The cold war, the red scare, and M c Carthyism

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  1. The cold war, the red scare, and McCarthyism

  2. The cold war • Definition: Open yet restricted rivalry/hostility between U.S. and Soviet Union and respective allies • 1947 – 1991 • Never featured direct military action

  3. Competing Ideologies and Beliefs United States vs. Soviet Union Democracy vs. Communism

  4. The cold war • U.S. & Britain feared Soviet/communist expansion in W. Europe and beyond • Soviets determined to keep control of E. Europe • Quickly became an “arms race” – who could build the most destructive weapons

  5. United States Democratic government: • supreme power vested in people • free electoral system • power exercised directly by people or elected agents

  6. United States Capitalism: • economic system • investment made/ownership maintained mainly by private individuals/corporations, including production, distribution, exchange of wealth

  7. United States Freedom of expression: • Arts • Entertainment • Media • Religion

  8. Soviet Union Communist government: • All economic/social activity controlled by oppressive state • dominated by single political partyin continuous control

  9. Soviet Union • People incapable of choosing leaders • Repressed all opposition • Demanded rigid obedience • No religious tolerance

  10. Distrust and Propaganda • U.S. and Soviet Union assumed very worst of each other • No peace or reconciliatory talks • Emphasized the threat from the other to their citizens

  11. Distrust and Propaganda • Sent spy satellites /agents to check each other’s activities

  12. Distrust and Propaganda • Politicians referenced and declared U.S. / U.S.S.R. threatened world peace

  13. Military Buildup • Cold War resulted in massive military buildup. • “Arms Race” - Both sides stocked up on atomic, hydrogen, nuclear weapons.

  14. Military Buildup • Use of these weapons would ensure complete annihilation of both countries. • Created massive fear among citizens. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQF7vdXK184

  15. The (second) Red Scare1950 - 1954

  16. The effects of fear • Fear of communism dominated American politics • Shaped foreign policy • Americans feared individuals who supported ideas/objectives of Communist Party might overthrow U. S. gov.

  17. the 1950s • Gov. agencies/politicians carried out overzealous executive/legislative investigations of political dissenters • Disregarded individuals’ basic constitutional rights

  18. The Anti-communist Crusade • Nation embarked on crusade • Goal - root out communist influence in American wherever evidence of treason could be found.

  19. Public fear • Communism a national obsession • Miss America contestants asked for their views on Karl Marx, Communism's founder • Cincinnati Reds baseball team changed name to Redlegs

  20. Public fear • Movies, books, TV and radio shows, comic books, celebrities, politicians all warned about the "Red menace." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByvXINerE_k&list=UU5rNjpSthkvMIyWdason_5g&index=1&feature=plcp

  21. Mccarthyism

  22. Definition of term • the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, subversion, or treason w/out proper evidence • Originated during “Red Scare” (1950 – 1954) in U. S. , time of heightened fears of communist influence and Soviet spies

  23. Joseph McCarthy • Born 1908/died 1957 • Consider one of least qualified, most corrupt politicians of his time • Waged vicious campaign to expose Communist spies in U.S. gov. • Never found one, but fueled national hysteria called the “Red Scare”

  24. Political ambition • End of first term, McCarthy took advantage of nation’s fanatic terror against communism • Feb. 9, 1950: claimed to have list of 205 known-members of American Communist Party within the State Department

  25. Political ambition • Am. public went crazy with thought of radical communists living in U. S. • Demanded investigation of underground agitators • Most on McCarthy’s list not communists

  26. McCarthy's persecution • McCarthy’s false accusations/unrelenting publicity: • Caused many to lose their jobs • Produced popular attacks/ judgment/accusations on others • Destroyed reputations

  27. Hollywood blacklist • Mid-20th-century list of screenwriters, actors, directors, musicians, composers, etc. denied employment because of political beliefs/associations, real or suspected

  28. Hollywood blacklist • Artists barred from work on basis of: • alleged membership in/ sympathy toward American Communist Party • involvement in liberal/ humanitarian political causes blacklist enforcers associated with communism • refusal to assist investigations into Communist Party activities

  29. Hollywood blacklist • Caused direct damage to careers of many American artists • Lead to betrayal of friendships • Ruined personal/professional relationships • Promoted censorship across entire industry

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