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EU Air Quality Policy Revision 2013: Enhancing Emission Reduction Strategies

This revision aims to strengthen EU air quality policies, align with the Gothenburg Protocol, set interim objectives for air pollution reduction beyond 2020, and identify optimal measures. It explores enhancing legislation implementation, reducing emissions at the source, improving governance, and monitoring ecosystems. The process includes evaluation, policy development, stakeholder engagement, and cross-referencing with CLRTAP. Improved accuracy, uncertainties assessment, regional actions, and national program setups are key focus areas in this initiative.

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EU Air Quality Policy Revision 2013: Enhancing Emission Reduction Strategies

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The 2013 revision of EU air quality policy Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections Istanbul, 14 and 15 May 2013 Environment Directorate -General Unit ENV.C3, Industrial Emissions, Air Quality and Noise

  2. Objectives of the revision Objective 1: To ensure compliance with present air quality policies and coherence with the revised Gothenburg Protocol as soon as possible Objective 2: To define interim objectives for further reduction in the exposure of citizens and ecosystems to air pollution beyond 2020 Objective 3: To identify the optimal combination of measures to achieve the interim objectives

  3. Options considered The level of ambition by 2020 coherent with the Gothenburg Protocol amendment and achieving further significant improvement in 2025 and 2030 Fully implementing current legislation, (NEC D, AAQD, EURO standards …) and finding new ways of implementation (Partnership Implementing Agreement) Identify additional reduction measures at source – all sectors concerned but focus on areas with insufficient legislation (e.g small scale combustion, ecodesign, NRMM, agriculture) Consideration of amending or new source legislation Revision of the NEC D, Implementing the Gothenburg protocol (including SLCP) and ambition level of the TSAP Improvedgovernace, full co-ordination between administrative levels in national implementing plans on air and climate Maintainedsubsidiarity and reinvigoratedrole of inventories, projectionsand national programmes Monitoring of ecosystems Flexibilities under consideration:

  4. 2011 2012 2013 Process Evaluation Policy development Finalisation Council / EP Online consultations Stakeholder meetings x x x x x

  5. EU policy and CLRTAP (WGE,EMEP) The EU continues to draw on the CLRTAP as a science basis for its policy Cross referencing EU legislation to EMEP methodologies, guidelines and guidebook The role of guidance on emission inventories expected to increase Improving accuracy and assessing uncertainties when checking compliance Considering "adjustment procedure" under the Gothenburg Protocol Taking action at the regional and locallevel The role of projections expected to increase Setting up national programmes Revisingprogrammeswhereneeded Checkingthat action is coherentwithotherpolicies (climate, biodiversity, AQDD) The role of regularand in-depthreviewsexpectedtoincrease Improvinginventories in accordancewith the best practices and TCCCA criteria Creating coherencewithotherreportingto EUROSTAT, OECD, EEA etc

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