Captain FumpPhonogram: umpCaptain Fump loved to jump.He'd jump and jump all the way to the dump.Captain Fump started to jump when all of a sudden he hit a bump.That little bump, some might call a lump, made Captain Fump fall on his rump.Captain Fump hurt his rump when he fell on that clump near the dump.Captain Fump uncovered the clump and noticed that the clump was an old tree stump.Captain Fump, who was rather plump, continued to jump all the way to the dump.Captain Fump, thanks to his sore rump, will never jump near that crazy stump clump.Words for practice: bump, chump, clump, dump, frump, grump, hump, jump, lump, plump, pump, rump, slump, stump, thumb, trump