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Vocabulary Enrichment Guide: Advanced Words and Their Usage

Enhance your lexicon with this comprehensive guide featuring words like 'confound' and 'diligent.' Learn definitions and how to use them effectively in context.

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Vocabulary Enrichment Guide: Advanced Words and Their Usage

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  1. Vocabulary 13 Using Context Clues

  2. Adept • Very skilled; proficient; expert

  3. Axiom • A self-evident truth; a universally accepted principle or rule

  4. Complement • Something that completes or makes perfect; either of two parts or things that constitute a whole; counterpart; full quantity or amount

  5. Confound • To perplex or amaze; confuse; to throw into confusion or disorder; to contradict or refute

  6. Cumulative • Increasing or growing by accumulation or successive additions

  7. Delve • To carry on intensive and thorough research for data, information, or the like

  8. Diligent • Constant in effort to accomplish something; done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking; industrious; untiring; tireless

  9. Superlative • Of the highest kind or order; excessive or exaggerated, as in language

  10. Tantalize • To torment with the sight or prospect of something desired that cannot be reached or attained; tease by arousing expectations

  11. Unerring • Not going astray or missing the mark; undeviatingly accurate; unfailingly right or appropriate

  12. Vocabulary 14 Compound Words

  13. Backlash • An antagonistic reaction to an earlier action

  14. Benchmark • A standard in measuring or judging a quality or characteristic

  15. Common sense • Sound judgment

  16. Gridlock • Complete lack of movement or progress

  17. Outsource • Send work to an outside resource

  18. Overkill • More of something than is necessary or appropriate

  19. Superhighway • An expressway that has four or more lanes for traffic

  20. Tip-off • Confidential disclosure

  21. Underdog • One that is expected to lose

  22. Wind chime • Hanging decoration that makes noise when there is a breeze

  23. Vocabulary 15 The Latin Roots frag and fract

  24. Defray • To undertake the payment of costs or expenses

  25. Fractional • Comprising a part or the parts of a unit; comparatively small; inconsiderable or insignificant

  26. Fractious • Peevish, irritable, or quarrelsome; refractory or unruly; testy, petulant; snappish; touchy; stubborn; difficult

  27. Fragment • A small part broken off or detached; to break or separate something into small pieces

  28. Frail • Physically weak or delicate; easily broken or destroyed

  29. Fritter • To reduce or squander little by little

  30. Infraction • A violation of a law or rule

  31. Infringe • To trespass or encroach on; to violate or go beyond the limits of

  32. Osprey • A large fish-eating bird

  33. Refractory • Obstinately resistant to authority or control; resistant to treatment

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