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biography. Keith Lotter a Christian,Jew,German,Dutchman,Frenchman, a St.Helena’n and a slave. This is my story : typed 29:11:2012.
biography Keith Lotter a Christian,Jew,German,Dutchman,Frenchman, a St.Helena’n and a slave. This is my story : typed 29:11:2012
This is the story of me ,myself, I and the Maker of us all. A personal journey of love, hate, ups and downs in search of a better way forward for us all…Carried through by the Holy Spirit, who inspired me to put down these notes…
background I can remember the day I was born … I can still feel the hit that they gave me on my bum after I was taken from my mother.I was so relaxed after being in my watery home for such a length of time ,I was actually not ready to face this crazy world. “If I could spoke I would have asked them : “Are we there already, and “ Have my time come ?”But I obliged, by crying at the top of my lungs !!!I remember how they washed me and covered me with a blanket or big cloth,. Then they gave me to her,and she held me ,then I dozed off … I can still smell the ointment they put on me after they had washed me … It was nice being pampered,but never would I have imagined life would be so vast ,interesting,cunning and gloriously wonderful !My mom say I had a blue scar across my face at birth … to the old people that was a sign …
If I had known that I was a un - planned baby, I would have swum much slower than the other sperms, but no … I wanted to be the winner of my life.s race. I had to show all those millions , I am the best and will always be the best at everything I do … But what could I do ? My father was a carpenter, and my mother worked at a supermarket, they met in Cape Town. My mother was actually a teacher,but wanted a bit of change in her life, so she took on a supervisory position. Mom lived with her aunt in Wynberg during that time. Being young, my parents attended many house – parties during those times. Mom told me she liked my pops boldness and his integrity. Although many warned her that he might still be married, she persued the relationship further after he told her that he was devorced from his wife.
My parents had a wedding in a Concregational church in Cape Town.I was born a year after my parents got married.It was my mother’s happiest hour, her life had come full sircle ,she had a baby at the age of 41, and not just a baby…a boy baby with a cute smile LOL. But mom’s happiness was short – lived. She opened a letter addressed to pop, it was a tax letter. Within this letter, it stated that my pops had a wife, named Moira Charles Lotter, and she and the kids lived in Johannesburg ! Jo Jo Jo !!! This was a big shock to Mom, who has always been a perfectionist in her iife. Pop then told her that he was astranged from his wife, and that he married Mom because she was his ultimate prize for still being a maiden, and that she never smoked or drank alcohol. Mom took me and we left for Bonnievale. Mom started teaching again, and cut herself off from the outside world, committing herself to her schoolwork many hours of the day. And I was looked after a nanny called Mrs Snyman, she and a her family became mine as Mom was so involved with her different school,Sunday school, church and community activities.
Then one day my pop came to visit us. But mom emmediately contacted the police to remove him from near the house. I could not understand any of the shouting and warnings.The police convinced Mom to let pop see me for ten minutes.He brought me a small red car and my spirit became calm as I indulged myself into my new plaything. My pop stayed for a few minutes and kissed me good – bye.Mom came out and wanted to throw my toy away, but I shouted and then kept it close to my heart. Cos now I at least know who that stranger was. Mom told me that he was not a good man, and that he was a crook and a drunk.I listened without saying a word, …maybe I saved words for later,much later.I could not grasp what happened, but was content as I had friends who eagerly helped me to play with my new toy.
Mom never had time for men, and I ofcourse grew up being the man in the house. There were three paralized men who often visited us at our rented house in Happy Valley. Mom always gave them bread. They were actually very good handy – men, delivering letters and working in the garden. I felt sorry for them as they dragged themselves on the ground, using their hands to “ walk” with. Mom then deceided to move away, because she was afraid pop would re – visit us … I was told that pop’s family was of German descent. I am still seeking family that I have from his side.
We then moved to Drew , a small village near Bonnievale.Mom had a teaching – post near to the village.I had to make new friends, and was four. After three months we went to live in a servant’s quarters near Drew. When visiting Wynberg , my cousins affectionately would refer to me as “ DREW”. We shortly after that moved to Madouw a farm. We lived in one of the farnhouses.Mom worked at a farmschool as a teacher. It is situated between Ashton and Swellendam.At night it was really dark and I was very scared. A girl ,name Veronica stayed with us, she was fourteen.She begged Mom to go with,cos she had problems at home. My grandmother,Moms mother, also came to live with us,her name was Hendriena Van Der Ross,and I called her “Granny”. Oh, I loved my Granny so much, because she gave me all the love in the world.She always prayed everyday.I used to climb onto her back while she prayed and listened to the words she spoke to God. She always said that one day she will die,and that I must not cry a lot. That was easier said than done. It took me years to accept my granny’s death.She died in 1980,she was 79, and I was ten.Ofcourse I cried myself to sleep every night. Mom often argued with Granny about spoiling me.I was Granny’s favourite grandson, and the only one at that stage.
school days From grade one I was told that I must finish school,so that I can go and work. I was told I was a adopted child, and I must not play so much in the sun because I am looking worse everyday. In those days I had to walk far to school, although we had a car I refused to take a lift because then I had to ride past my friends on foot. I did not fare well at school – work, because I had issues at home. Every evening I had to be washed and dressed for bed before the sun sets. I washed my own clothes. I took pride in it at school and abstained from ruff or dirty play to spare my clothes. I believe that my parents did what they had to do to survive.Bringing me up so strict, thoroughly prepared me for any hard life ahead, surely. Mom and I shared many good and not so good times. As my mother I have great respect for her, in the way she helped me through difficult times. I was sweared a lot when I was at school. In those days you had to have a good vocabulary to tell someone that you are serious. I took part in the resistance against Apartheid,by attending many meetings, and singing loudly Nkosi Sikelele and Senzenina “What have we done ?” I only once ran away from the high school to go and watch VHS and BETA videos at a friend’s house opposite the school. I also got a cane hiding at the principal’s office for not doing all my homework.
college days I fell in love for the first time when I was at college. But it did not work out , because she broke my heart. I was very shy and missed many opportunities to have a girlfriend. It was the first time I became drunk at a party. In my third year I met my wife, through a mutual friend. We had our first child a year after we married on my 21st birthday. Today we have four children together.
a soft voice calling I have always been kinda religeous. I went to Sunday School,was confirmed and baptized. But something was missing. I longed to have a father who I could call my own, but never had the priviledge to sit down and talk to such a person. I have read the Bible many times, but on that certain day the words spoke out to me … I could relate with the writer of Jeremiah … It said that he,Jeremiah was called from before his birth … Ok that was Jeremiah’s story ! Now what about myself I thought. Every night I would read more of the scriptures. It was as if I had a date with the Word every day. I started reading in between also, and I felt a very satisfying feeling when I went through the age old sentences. I realized that the words were all true and good to read. I wanted to know more ! I also read about other religions, which I also found to be very interesting. I was happy and shared my new – found hobby to my family and friends.They said that I must be careful with all these different religions and stuff. So I discovered that religion was actually a personal thing? But the Word said that it could not be hidden ? Now I am totally confused. What would they say if I told them that a soft voice spoke with me from inside me, telling me that blessed I am because I am so eagerly seeking the presence of God. But who am I meer sinner demanding an audience with the Almighty ?
I prayed for forgiveness. I asked the Lord… If the Lord spoke to people like Moses, then this is surely possible for any other committed follower? Why it was that people must be begged to come to church. Some go to church, seeking love and or relationships. Some churches use some parts of the Word of God to their own advantage Big posters must be put up , and interesting people must be attending the service then they will attend And some hate each other within the church , and is jealous of each other’s talents But at the back of my mind I was afraid that the Lord would let me die for talking to Him. He answered me : “I have waited for you to approach me all this time you have been on this earth “ Then He said remember the following : ” You were paralized and I made you walk again !” You were not supposed to be born alive ,but here you are !” You were destined to live on this planet during this time !” Shoe !! So everything of You I have read in the Bible is all true !!! In a
Wow what a mind – blowing experience !! What a wonderful happening ! Then I remembered, that I have always wanted to experienced a Bible story.I iust buried that hope for one day when I maybe on my dying bed. Why did we pray to God and sang all those hymns? Was my question. Now religion has become a reality ! But if I managed this , what about all those big preachers ?, or are we just deceived with their usage of words,or our eagerness to cling on to someone almost famous? Or are we lazy and want to hear words that sounds good on the ear … or are we complacent … and just do the basics of religion to satisfy our conscience,or are we trading with money to buy our way into heaven?...or are we working … hard … to get into heaven,through deeds without the faith behind it ?, but the Lord still seem so far away … And the rituals we go through,… ? And there I met Him in my own place. Makes you think , yes.
So God is omnipotent : this means that He is everywhere … And you know the enemy want us to think God is just in specific places. All belongs to Him … I give Him all the honour for being such a caring person. Destroy , yes the enemy destroys !!! God builds. Why do you hate God ? And all that He stands for ? Sceming, conspiring against the real believers ? Be proud ,stop hiding behind different names, places, false - faces to cover your bareness .Stop twisting the word of God to fit your own self – scenteredness.Stop lieing to get people to hate one another.Stop … If I were you I would have been glad that the Son of Man paid the price so that you can go to heaven …
So you thought this was a push – over sermon ? Sorry for you ! So do you think manipulating people will get you results ? And how stupid are you being led by the nose to do strange things … you really have lost your human shape … And surely you begin to look more like a small monkey on a paper – leash… Wow look at the leash LOL … When the Lord asks : “Who is on my side ? “ that monkey will leave you and enter the gates of heaven ,and you will be standing there looking a fool … Talking of a lord … Are you serving the real lord who made the heavens ? Or are you serving customs and rituals left behind over thousands of years ? Sometimes we get into a false sense of security , following tradition slavely …
Our purpose should be to find our Maker in this lifetime … and be in harmony with each other and nature … But do we love ourselves anymore ? That’s a good question right ? Oh yes we want to be our own masters … that is right ! No more control ! No rules ! Freedom now ! With freedom, … responsiblility comes much later … sorry to say ! … if ever ... ? The snake told Eve to use her “freedom” to eat the fruit … and then ? … hope all know what happened … Ok so you want to be free … but after a while … things get out of hand … now you want to lay down the rules … shoe and can things go wrong ? Just take parents with their children and you see what happens when everyone can do as they like … boem bang bang dang wang pang, the end … ?
The theme of freedom started in heaven … one wanted to be free , without responsibilities …. And dragged a third of Gods army with him … That was true freedom … they could not go back … Remember that the whole structure on earth at this moment organised to please freedom … Everyday you are bombarded with new things … you have not yet paid for last year’s chrismas shopping and then you hear jingle bells in your ears … ha ha ha … then you think ; “ hey didn’t we have christmas a few m… ago …? But you keep quiet not to enrage other people … they will say where is your christmas spirit hey … ? A time for giving … sharing and caring … all the way … especially with some peoples credit cards … all the way … I like the saying : “ shop till you drop “ yo yo … the only thing that really drops is your heart rate when you look into your wallet … Some people really knows how to drop ,they kill themselves over debt … ? And nowadays it is quite expensive to die … think of all the people you must invite to the party after the body has been laid to rest … And don’t worry what I am going to say if you keep on making debt , I also have debt so don’t worry about mine … at least my house is paid and my car …
I am sorry but Christmas is not Biblical and should be scrapped from ever being associated with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ !!! It is just a money making , and indulging time ! If you are a Christian, you should not take part in the following feasts : These are feasts invented by the enemy to drag Gods children away from Him. Christmas , Easter , … you that knows more than me can name many more … These are the words of the Lord : Revelation 3 : 19 , 20 …
The Lord asks : “ Where is my people and my church ? “ I seem to have trouble finding them on this small planet ? Why are the people who profess to follow Me doing things rituals and feasts that are not according to my scriptures ? So what do you have to say ? … You don’t know ? I am sorry but that is a lame excuse … Remember the one you follow is your master … and as I see you are not following me … You pray … that is good … but to whom are you praying ? In the days of Jesus they also questioned His Authority … are you also going against the Truth or are you going to do the right thing … ?” In the days of Sodom there were no righteous people found except Lot and his family … The Lord gives us time to come to Him … He is patient and don’t want any person to perish so give Him the honour he deserves … And don’t tell yourself that if everyone does a thing it is the right thing to do … a million who does a wrong thing does not make it right … Gods people stand up and do the right thing … Biblically correct … Why do you use the Bible anyway ? You want answers to how everything started and form all kinds of theories … Ok you that do not believe in any kind of god … you are actually better off … you play it safe … and thinks : “ shoe these people that are belonging to all these different religions are crazy !!! Some even kill in the name of their gods . If you ask a person : “what religion do you belong to ? He or she will maybe answer ; “I am a Christian ! “ Oh but why don’t you do as the Bible says ? …
So you think that you are technologically correct ? New inventions everyday ! That is actually very good ! So what you actually are trying, is to replace God. So you want to know everything and see everything like a god. Spying and invading as you go along. Remember that God is also watching you ! 24/7, and He never rests. God might be right there now next to you ! … so do not tread on holy soil. you might find yourself wanting … Dust is dust … and will be treated as such …
Cogratulations to all who voted in the election ! Well done !!! But why are you seeming to be fighting against each other, while you whole heartedly know you are actually buddies ! Ha Ha you are really making fools of youself … a mockery … Your powers have really been diminished all over the world … only a few believe in your power now … You will crumble, and already has cracks in your foundation … just a little wind, almost like a baby’s wind breaking your idol pillars will fall … Remember God builds !!! Then who is it that is destroying ? It is the one you are praying tp ofcourse ! A master of disguise he gives you a false sense of security ! Remember that when they say all is well and going fine, beware of the arrow that can strike ! The pest that can creep up to your walls … But why is this so ? You live on earth ofcourse . Here nothing is certain ! The one day they vote AFP and the next day BFP !!! It is all about the money … only the loot can make them happy … and when they get the cash their faces drop to the ground …
There is a song called : Money ,money money !!! Mmm mmm mmm We have new notes , and they are really pretty, with the old mans face on it, nyc… Honour is always given to a person that is on money, or the person has done a great thing !!! That is vey good !!! And it is nice that the children are looked after .They ofcourse is tomorrow’s grownups ! Then we should learn them to distinguise between right and wrong. Who to worship ,and who not to worship to. So many of us have failed in the worship section … Back to basics people !!! … take up your Bible and do the right thing … Why are the dicipline so poor at many schools, households and in the general ? Someone forgot to consult the Lord in all of this … ouch !!! Human right are very good ! It is built into the costitution ! So humans demand ! Humans want ! Humans now actually want to tell God who is the boss, … God must not come and infrige in their business, ok ok ,but when things go wrong ,they run to God for help ! Then do your thing !! Stop running to God when your bubble has burst. Sies God must just be the maid around here … cleaning up after everybody … Ai ai …
If you happen to read this … use a bit common sense … then you know I am talking the truth …