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DK Culotte 支架技术在冠脉分叉病变中的应用. 胡 涛 第四军医大学西京医院心内科. 冠脉介入手术中分叉病变的处理仍然没有理想的方案。 目前已成为全球冠心病介入治疗学的研究热点。. 在双支架植入术式中 , Culotte 技术得到了广泛的应用,但仍然有其局限性。 因此我们设计了改良的两次球囊对吻 (DK) 方法以期能获得更佳的 Culotte 技术效果 。. FIRST KISSING. DOUBLE KISSING. FINAL RESULTS.
DK Culotte 支架技术在冠脉分叉病变中的应用 胡 涛 第四军医大学西京医院心内科
冠脉介入手术中分叉病变的处理仍然没有理想的方案。冠脉介入手术中分叉病变的处理仍然没有理想的方案。 • 目前已成为全球冠心病介入治疗学的研究热点。
在双支架植入术式中, Culotte 技术得到了广泛的应用,但仍然有其局限性。 • 因此我们设计了改良的两次球囊对吻 (DK) 方法以期能获得更佳的Culotte 技术效果 。
为了验证此改良方法的效果,我们设计了前瞻随机对照试验,对DK和经典 Culotte 技术进行了最终球囊对吻率 (FKBI)以及长期临床随访结果的比较。
方法 • 真性分叉病变患者(麦迪兰分型1,1,1)随机分为DK或经典 Culotte 组植入药物洗脱支架。
6-9月期间进行冠脉造影复查。 • 临床随访持续到12个月。
P <0.001 FKBI (%)
P <0.01 Unsatisfactory FKBI (%)
P <0.001 Restenosis (%)
P =0.001 MACE (%)
结论 • DK Culotte 技术提高了最终球囊对吻率,冠脉造影复查再狭窄率低于经典Culotte 技术。 • 长期临床随访结果显示DK Culotte 技术组有着更佳的临床结果。
Double-Kissing Culotte Stenting Technique in CoronaryBifurcation Disease Hu, Tao Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Xijing Hospital, the Fourth Military Medical University
Percutaneous treatment of coronary bifurcation disease remains challenging. • Optimal treatment with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for bifurcation lesions has not yet been achieved.
In patient subsets in which a two-stent strategy is necessary, the culotte technique is a widely used method. However, this technique has its own limitations. • We therefore developed a double kissing (DK) balloon method to optimize the final result of culotte stenting.
To study this technique, and to compare it with the classical culotte technique, we performed a prospective, randomized trial aimed at determining the differences in the rates of final kissing balloon inflation (FKBI) and long-term clinical outcomes at our institution.
Methods • We prospectively enrolled patients undergoing PCI of a true coronary bifurcation lesion with a Medina classification of (1, 1, 1) with drug-eluting stents in our institution. • Patients were randomly assigned to undergo treatment using either the classical Culotte stenting or the DK Culotte stenting technique.
Angiographic follow-up was scheduled between 6 and 9months. Clinical follow-up was available up to 12 months. • All patients underwent follow-up by telephone or clinic review.
P <0.001 FKBI (%)
P <0.01 Unsatisfactory FKBI (%)
P <0.001 Restenosis (%)
P =0.001 MACE (%)
Conclusion • The DK Culotte stenting technique is associated with high procedural success by optimizing the FKBI rates and by allowing a complete stent expansion at the side branch ostium and a relatively low risk of angiographic restenosis. • The improved clinical outcomes were sustained even at a 12 month follow-up period.