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Learning through Watershed Planning in Manitoba, Canada

Learning through Watershed Planning in Manitoba, Canada . Kate Dykman Graduate Student Natural Resources Institute University of Manitoba June 18, 2012. Focus on Water. Contamination incidents in Canada highlighted the importance of a multi-barrier approach to source water protection.

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Learning through Watershed Planning in Manitoba, Canada

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  1. Learning through Watershed Planning in Manitoba, Canada Kate Dykman Graduate Student Natural Resources Institute University of Manitoba June 18, 2012

  2. Focus on Water Contamination incidents in Canada highlighted the importance of a multi-barrier approach to source water protection de Loe, 2010

  3. Manitoba Context • Farming the “Wet Prairie” • Challenge of excessive nutrient loading • Drainage, flooding, drought and climate change impacts • Aquatic ecosystem health • Water use and allocation issues, aging infrastructure

  4. What is being done in Manitoba? The Water Protection Act,2006, legislated Integrated Watershed Management Planning 23 IWMPs in various stages of completion • Watershed Planning Authority, normally Conservation Districts • Project Management Team • Technical Advisory Group • Input from citizens and community groups

  5. The Planning Process Manitoba Water Stewardship, 2010b

  6. Purpose • Examine the changes being made to water governance in Manitoba, and how the new model being tested is contributing to learning for sustainable water management.

  7. Research Strategy Qualitative research approach Conducted a case study of four Integrated Watershed Management Plans in Manitoba, Two additional alternative models on a sub-watershed level

  8. Case Selection • Range of start dates to encompass the iterative process of planning over time • Restricted to later stage or complete plans • Avoiding duplication with other researchers

  9. Case Selection IWMP • East Souris (2003) • Birdtail/Assiniboine (2006) • La Salle River (2006) • Willow Creek (2010) Alternatives • Deerwood Soil and Water Management Association working in South Tobacco Creek Watershed (2004) • Stephenfield Lake Watershed Management Plan (2002)

  10. Case Sites Manitoba Water Stewardship 2010a

  11. IWMP participants Water Stewardship Planners Water Council Technical Advisory Team Minister Conservation District Boards Project Management Team Watershed Citizens Non-governmental organizations

  12. Data collection

  13. Data Analysis • Themes derived from social learning framework • Q Nvivo software to code data sets

  14. Social Learning • Examines the ideal attributes and potential outcomes of participatory deliberative processes, often applied to problems in natural resource management • Describes the changes in skills and perceptions that move from the individual to the group, or community of practice through these processes (Reed et al, 2010, Muro and Jeffrey, 2008, Schusler el al, 2003)

  15. (Muro and Jeffrey, 2008, Schusler et al, 2003)

  16. Social Learning: Process • Flexibility in the Water Protection Act • Focus on facilitation training and creating an egalitarian atmosphere • Multiple sources of knowledge – interwoven technical and local input • Extended engagement – multi-year process

  17. Social Learning: Process • Limited diversity – drawing on an interdisciplinary team, but Project Management Team membership formed by municipal politics and the CD program • Getting all parties to the table – government departments

  18. Social Learning: Outcomes Social skills • Thinking/acting along watershed boundaries, rather than representing organizational interests • Building a case based on both scientific evidence and benefits to landowners • Creating a successful platform for deliberation – from issues to values

  19. Social Learning: Outcomes Technical knowledge • Enhanced the call for research-based policy • Revised CD board programming Shared knowledge through partnerships • Created a new venue for collaboration between government departments, NGOs, and CD boards

  20. Social Learning: Outcomes Trust and relationships • Credibility in the larger community because of the grassroots participation • Upstream-downstream relationships brought into focus – mutual responsibility

  21. Social Learning: Outcomes Change in behaviour • Being an example for others, leadership role in watershed - building off-site watering for cattle, using Lake Friendly products in the home and promoting them to others • Feedback loop between NGO and CDs in terms of communication tools

  22. Preliminary Recommendations • Draw on examples of successful alternative models outside the IWMP structure • Maintain connections between the Project Management Team, the Technical Advisory Group, and participating NGOs • Compensation for citizen representatives to serve on PMT • Address length of process including review and approval by Minister/Water Council • Create linkages back to the policy level – learning generated at the watershed level is shared with decision-makers

  23. Works Cited Argyris, C. (1977). Double loop learning in organizations. Harvard Business Review 55(Sept/Oct): 115-125. de Loë, R.C. (2010). Challenges for Water Governance in Canada: Source Water Protection. POLIS Webinar Series: Creating a Blue Dialogue. Retrieved September 23, 2010 from http://polis.na5.acrobat.com/p19332863/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal Manitoba Water Stewardship. (2010). The Conservation Districts Program: a Manitoba success story. Retrieved November 23, 2010 from http://www.gov.mb.ca/waterstewardship/iwmp/documentation/cd_program_brochure_web_version.pdf Manitoba Water Stewardship. (2010a). Watersheds within a common basin. Retrieved October 10, 2010 from http://www.gov.mb.ca/waterstewardship/iwmp/index.html Manitoba Water Stewardship. (2010b). Integrated Watershed Management Planning. Retrieved October 10, 2010 from www.gov.mb.ca/waterstewardship/agencies/cd/.../iwmp_brochure.pdf Manitoba Water Stewardship (2009) Integrated Watershed Management Planning in Western Manitoba Retrieved September 19, 2010 from http://www.manitobamodelforest.net/publications/Integrated%20Watershed%20Management%20Planning%20in%20Western%20Manitoba.pdf Manitoba Water Stewardship (2006). Conservation Districts in Manitoba. Retrieved September 20, 2011 from http://www.gov.mb.ca/waterstewardship/agencies/cd/cd_map.pdf Muro, M. and P. Jeffrey. (2008). A critical review of the theory and application of social learning in participatory natural resource management processes. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 51(3):325-344. Neuman, W. (2000). “The Meanings of Methodology”, in Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 4th ed. Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 66-88. Reed, M. S., A. C. Evely, G. Cundill, I. Fazey, J. Glass, A. Laing, J. Newig, B. Parrish, C. Prell, C. Raymond, and L. C. Stringer. (2010). What is social learning? Ecology and Society, 15(4). Sinclair, A. J., and Diduck, A. P. (2001). Public involvement in EA in Canada: A transformative learning perspective. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 21:113-136. Webler, T., Kastenholz, H., and Wendell, O.R. (1999). Public participation in impact assessment: A social learning perspective. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 15(5): 443-463.

  24. Learning through Watershed Planning in Manitoba, Canada Thank you

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