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Reducing Re-hospitalizations Using Non-Medical Personnel

Reducing Re-hospitalizations Using Non-Medical Personnel. Kelly Craig, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers Rachel Wolf, Salud Family Health Centers October 10, 2013. CARE TRANSITIONS 101.

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Reducing Re-hospitalizations Using Non-Medical Personnel

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  1. Reducing Re-hospitalizations Using Non-Medical Personnel Kelly Craig, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers Rachel Wolf, Salud Family Health Centers October 10, 2013


  3. “Care transitions refers to the MOVEMENT patients make BETWEEN health care practitioners & settings as their condition and care needs CHANGE during the course of chronic or acute illness.”1 1 The Care Transitions Program®. (2008) Transitional Care: Definitions. Retrieved: http://www.caretransitions.org/definitions.asp

  4. Inadequate care transitions contributed to [an estimate of] $25-$45 million in wasteful spending in 2011 Nearly 1/5 of hospitalized [fee for service Medicare] patients are re-admitted within 30 days of discharge 3/4 of those readmissions ($12 billion annual cost) are preventable through proper care transitions

  5. Key Barriers to Proper Care Transitions Lack of consistent care post hospitalization Complete hospital records often not accessible to Primary Care Physicians Limited information given to patient upon discharge (e.g. self-care, medication management, who to contact with questions)

  6. “Transitional care is a set of actions designed to ENSURE the COORDINATION and CONTINUITY of health care as patients transfer between different LOCATIONS or different LEVELS of care.”2 2Coleman EA, Boult CE on behalf of the American Geriatrics Society Health Care Systems Committee. Improving the Quality of Transitional Care for Persons with Complex Care Needs. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2003;51(4):556-557.

  7. PRESENTATION SOURCES Coleman, EA. (2008) The Care Transitions Program®. Retrieved from http://www.caretransitions.org Health Workforce Solutions LLC, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2008). Care Transitions Intervention. Innovative Care Models. Retrieved from http://www.innovativecaremodels.com/care_models/12/overview Health Workforce Solutions LLC, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2008). Transitions Care Model. Innovative Care Models. Retrieved from http://www.innovativecaremodels.com/care_models/21/overview National Committee for Quality Assurance. (2011) Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH 2011 Standards. Recognition Training. Retrieved from http://www.ncqa.org/Programs/Recognition/RelevanttoAllRecognition/RecognitionTraining/PatientCenteredMedicalHomePCMH2011Standard.aspx Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2012, September 13). Health Policy Brief: Care Transitions. Health Affairs. Retrieved from http://www.healthaffairs.org/healthpolicybriefs/brief.php?brief_id=76

  8. Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers Community-Based Care Management for Vulnerable PopulationsKelly Craig, MSW, LSW www.camdenhealth.org

  9. John’s Story 44 year old former Pro Wrestler “The Black Scorpion” Suicide Attempt by hanging Homeless Lack of Family Support Poor Medication Adherence Drug Use Seizures & Hypertension Anxiety & Depression Insulin Dependent

  10. Patient Centered Care Coordination Accompaniment Transport Apart-ment Hospital #2 Streets Shelter Hospital #1 Behavior Day Program PCP Collab. Support Program Neuro Wiley Christian Day Child Support Physical Therapy Legal Aid SSD Occup Therapy Ortho- Pedics Cherry Hill Partial Day Tempus Pharmacy Endocrine Nephro Podiatry

  11. What is the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers? Mission: “…to improve the health status of all Camden residents by increasing capacity, quality, coordination, and accessibility of care in the City” Vision: “To be the first community in the country to dramatically bend the cost curve while improving quality outcomes” www.camdenhealth.org

  12. Camden Cost Curve, 2011 10% of patients accounted for 73% of all charges 5% of patients accounted for 58% of all charges 1% of patients accounted for 26 % of all charges www.camdenhealth.org

  13. Hospital Discharge Framework The Carry The Catch The Push

  14. The Carry: Community Based Care Coordination Outreach Triage Graduation Data

  15. Tenets of Good Care • Enroll patients based on data; history of repeat admissions (high cost) and specific inclusion criteria • Provide immediate and intensive follow-up coordination post discharge(<72 hours) • Connect patient to PCP as quickly as possible (target = 7 days post d/c) • Improve the relationship between patient/family and PCP/specialists • Equal focus of intervention on coaching www.camdenhealth.org

  16. Key Intervention:Home-Based Medication Reconciliation www.camdenhealth.org

  17. It takes a team • Registered Nurse • Social Worker • Behavioral Specialist • Intervention Specialist Team Awesome Team Dynomite • Licensed Practical Nurse • Licensed Practical Nurse • Community Health Worker • Health Coach • Health Coach • Licensed Practical Nurse • Licensed Practical Nurse • Community Health Worker • Health Coach • Health Coach • Program Director • Associate Clinical Director

  18. 2012-2013 NACHC AmeriCorps Health Navigators

  19. Division of Work (0-30 days)

  20. Division of Work (30 days and beyond)

  21. The Catch: Primary Care Capacity Building

  22. Expansion to Primary Care • Incorporating Community HealthCorps Navigators in 4 Primary Care Practices/FQHCs • Maternal/Child Health programming

  23. The Black Scorpion Speaks… “At first I was reluctant, but the communication and the relationship with the team is wonderful and very supportive. They are always in touch with me and assist me in meeting my goals. For example, guiding me to my new apartment and MICA program. I feel security with the team. I was not just left, put out in the middle of nowhere. They actually did what they said they were going to do and that made all the difference.”

  24. Thank you for your time Questions/comments please contact Kelly Craig -kelly@camdenhealth.org www.camdenhealth.org

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