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GHS Review Conference for SE Asia

GHS Review Conference for SE Asia. Achievements and lessons learned in the region: 2005-2012 Peter J Peterson UNITAR. Lessons Learned.

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GHS Review Conference for SE Asia

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  1. GHS Review Conference for SE Asia Achievements and lessons learned in the region: 2005-2012 Peter J Peterson UNITAR UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  2. Lessons Learned Lessons learned is taken to mean knowledge and experience gained from implementation of the national and regional GHS capacity building programmes, discussions and conclusions arising during the workshops and other national initiatives; Lessons learned are discussed in relation to components of the standard UNITAR/ILO GHS capacity building programme: six steps: UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  3. UNITAR/ILO GHS capacity building in:Africa, LA & Caribbean, C & E Europe, Arab, Asia Regional GHS Meetings in Asia • 2013 GHS Review Conference for SE Asia, Malaysia; • 2011 GHS Stocktaking Workshop for Southeast, and Central Asia, PR China; • 2007 GHS Conference for ASEAN: implementation towards 2008 and beyond, Indonesia; • 2005 GHS Regional Workshop on Chemical Hazard communication for countries of ASEAN, Philippines. UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  4. UNITAR/ILOGHS national Capacity Building in Asia, Phase I and II • Cambodia 2006 • China PR 2013, 2011, 2011 • Indonesia 2007, 2006, 2005 • Lao PDR 2006 • Malaysia 2011, 2006 • Philippines 2011, 2006, 2005 • Thailand 2012, 2011, 2006, 2005 • Viet Nam 2008 UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  5. UNITAR/ILO Training Materials • ‘Developing a National GHS Implementation strategy’ a guidance document revised 2010; • ‘Companion Guide to the GHS ‘purple book’ revised 2012 to bring it into line with the GHS 4thRevised Edition; • GHS Comprehensibility Testing Manual** updated 2010, also questionnaire and sample tables • ‘Linkages between the GHS and the other International Chemicals Conventions’, draft • ‘IOMC assisting countries with the transition phase for GHS implementation, 2008 UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  6. GHS :Capacity Building Action Plan national coordination mechanism Implementation focal point stakeholders Comprehensibility capacity building testing training & awareness raising UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  7. GHS Capacity buildingMulti-stakeholder participation essential for success • Establishing a national coordination and communication mechanism is an important key to establish ‘ownership’ of the process, • Agree a national focal point; may be different ministries in countries; also agree sector focal points • Capacity building: Establishing a GHS situation and gap analysis, then planning, policy development, and adoption phase UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  8. GHS Capacity BuildingTraining and Public Awareness • Major benefits to workshop participants from national translation of ‘purple book’ into the language of PR China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam. (Translation also for Japan, & Korea). • Training materials developed by many national entities: CDs, brochures, pamphlets, posters, comics suited to the ‘audience’. Creates national ownership • Public involvement in GHS webinars and awareness raising : Thailand held public hearings related to implementation of GHS. Recall Principle 10 Agenda 21 ‘involvement of concerned citizens’ UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  9. GHS Capacity buildingTraining and Capacity building Workshops • 360 participants total in the Four Regional Meetings • 1091 trainees in phase II country workshops in year 2011 involving basic and advanced training in PR China, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Thailand. • 3449 trainees from train-the-trainers within state workshops; not all states/provinces included in training • Working Partnerships established between Countries and UNITAR/ILO; mutual benefits, e.g. Revision and strengthening of training materials: UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  10. Phase II: training 2011, train-the-trainers 2012 Trainees from government, industry & civil society Not all states/provinces chosen in train-the-trainers • China PR, 325 trained; 1280 by train-the-trainers • Indonesia, 157 trained; 299 “ “ “ “ • Malaysia, 180 trained; 939 “ “ “ “ • The Philippines, 214 trained; 681 “ “ “ • Thailand, 215 trained; 250 “ “ “ “ 1091 direct trainees; & by train-the-trainers 3449 UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  11. GHS Capacity BuildingComprehensibility Testing , 6 ASEAN countries Tool for evaluating understanding of GHS hazard communication components to take precautionary actions: revised rapid method, national language Results feed back into capacity building and training, • Cambodia 200 workers, four Sectors • Malaysia 150 industrial workers only: multinational, national and SMEs; predominately male workers • The Philippines 225 workers, four Sectors, predominantly male except consumers 50% male UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  12. GHS Capacity Building: Implementation predominantly Industrial Sector • Time table for GHS implementation in Industrial sector related to extent and economics of chemical industry ; especially export of chemicals; early implementation in PR China, Korea, Japan, Singapore compared with e.g. Laos and Myanmar with their predominantly agricultural setting; • Laos 2006-2020 strategic chemicals plan developed; • Rapidly industrializing countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, implementation 2013 UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  13. GHS and National Legal Infrastucturesdeveloped by various departments/ministries • UNITAR/ILO Training modules provide generic approach to national GHS capacity building; • National legal frameworks vary between countries for GHS in industrial sector; • Indonesia Presidential Decree: Ministry of Industry Regulation No. 87/M-IND/PER/9/2009 ; • Philippines Administrative Order, 3rd draft, 2011; • Malaysia CLASS Regulation 20XX; replaces CLP; • Vietnam Law on Chemicals, No. 06/2007/QH12; • PR China National Standards, e.g. GB13690-2009 UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  14. GHS Integration in Chemicals Management • Integration of GHS into lifecycle of chemicals stressed by WSSD and in SAICM Overarching Policy Strategy; • Packaging and labelling at international standards referred to in Rotterdam and Basel Conventions, while with Stockholm Convention international rules, standards apply to transport of POPs chemicals; • Few countries have considered how the GHS can be integrated into their chemicals management framework including relevance to chemical Convention • PR China 2014 plans introduction of safety rules and labelling of chemicals hazardous to ozone layer, Re: Chapter 4.2 , GHS ‘purple book’ 4th Revised Edition UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  15. Towards ASEAN Single Community, 2015significance for chemicals ? • Adoption of single economic market within ASEAN Economic Community, scheduled 2015 • Based upon free movement of goods, services, skilled labour, investment, capital etc. • National GHS implementation in ASEAN is relevant; e.g. standardization reduces barriers to trade in chemicals • ASEAN OSHNET & ASEAN Guidelines relevant to health; • ASEAN-PR China Science & Technology Partnership agreed 2012. Will it cover chemicals? • Protocol 9 of UN’s Transport of Dangerous Goods adopted earlier by 10 ASEAN countries for goods at ports ; • Harmonization of Pesticide MRLs in foods traded in ASEAN UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  16. UNITAR/ILO Project Delivery in Asia Outstanding: • How to measure policy inputs into establishing GHS • Costs of benefits/beneficiaries of adopting GHS? • Some synergy within different government entities; • Challenge of GHS implementation for agricultural and consumer chemicals? Some countries developing guidelines for consumer chemicals • Only some integration of chemicals into national development plans? Are policy-makers up to date? • Has implementation of GHS improved chemical governance? UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

  17. Summary: Asian GHS projects I and II2004-2012 • Seven ASEAN countries plus PR China involved directly, three remaining ASEAN countries attended workshops; • Country driven process essential with stakeholders • Guiding principles: situation, gap analysis & development of implementation strategy; • Essential knowledge transfer to participants/trainees; • National translations essential for training; • Comprehensibility testing evaluated training; • Weak linkages still remain between GHS, chemical Conventions and national chemicals management; • Partnerships have led to success of projects I and II UNITAR/ILO GHS Review Conference for SE Asia 2013 KL

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