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EMCAL Offline Status. J.L. Klay Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Offline Week - 07/July/2008. Overview. Completed tasks Tasks in progress FDR tasks Summary and plans. Recently Completed Tasks. EMCAL>>Calibration>>SHUTTLE
EMCAL Offline Status J.L. Klay Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Offline Week - 07/July/2008 ALICE Offline Week
Overview • Completed tasks • Tasks in progress • FDR tasks • Summary and plans ALICE Offline Week
Recently Completed Tasks • EMCAL>>Calibration>>SHUTTLE • Task 222: (01/04/08) Provide list of data points to be retrieved by the Shuttle; analysis and storage of DP arrays in the preprocessor • Task 1809: (30/5/08) Incorporate LED calibration code into AliRoot • EMCAL/AliCaloCalibSignal.* and EMCAL/EMCALSignalda.cxx • Stores amp vs. time for each tower, can be saved in graph or averaged over some time interval as Tprofile with RMS • LED events selected based on fraction of towers fired • Task 2260: (01/04/08) Add list of run types to preprocessor • PHYSICS • STANDALONE • EMCAL>>Calibration>>Online • Task 1271 (“Done” for some time, but DAQ DAs certified as of 12/06/08.) • Next update after detector installed at Pt. 2 • Task 1272: (14/05/08) Provide the name and the related implementation for the Data Points to be monitored and archived by the DCS Archive Data Base ALICE Offline Week
Recently Completed Tasks • EMCAL>>Calibration>>Online • Task 1273: (14/05/08) Implementation of the Detector Application running in DCS and producing the calibration data to be collected by the Shuttle • No DCS DA is currently foreseen for EMCAL (temperature sensor data does not need a DCS DA to provide the needed info) • Task 1274: (04/06/08) Define the output files produced by DCS, stored in the File eXchange Server and collected by the Shuttle • Simulation files created and stored to OCDB • EMCAL included in June 2008 SHUTTLE exercise, but a few small issues are still being worked out ALICE Offline Week
DA Status http://ph-dep-aid.web.cern.ch/ph-dep-aid/DA-framework/status/ No detector yet! ALICE Offline Week
Recently Completed Tasks • EMCAL>>Calibration>>Online • Task 1275: (07/07/08) Implementation of the Detector Application running in the HLT and producing the calibration data to be collected by the Shuttle • Should be done by today • clusterizer component - reads the raw data and produces the recpoints - done • tracker grabs (whatever) input from other detectors (translates into ESD format if not done before) and runs the std emcal tracking - almost done, few small touches to be wrapped up this week • Few small changes in the AliEMCALClusterizer(v1) and AliEMCALRawUtils are necessary prior to the HLT commit. • Testing of the tracker component (corresponds to the AliEMCALReconstructor::FillESD) can happen after a TRD-TPC matching component is finalized (ongoing - started last week TPC/TRD/EMCAL in HLT) • calibration component can accept any necessary input, the implementation awaits the calibration code in emcal to be stabilized - there might be modifications required.. • we plan to have the trigger component for gamma and jet physics... • Task 1276: (14/05/08) Define the output files produced by HLT, stored in the File eXchange Server and collected by the Shuttle For more details on HLT-EMCAL, see HLT Forum Thursday 2pm ALICE Offline Week
Recently Completed Tasks • EMCAL>>Reconstruction • Task 1815: (26/05/08) Implement cluster unfolding in AliEMCALClusterizerv1 • Code tested/committed • Option to use unfolding is included in AliEMCALRecParam object that is stored in OCDB (default is set to off) • New Task to be defined: • Testing for various cases and pi0 • Include non-zero pseudorapidity cases • Task 2298: (25/06/08) Planning of AliRecoParam • No AliEventRecoParam object yet exists in STEER to inherit from, only a very skeletal AliDetectorRecoParam and AliRecoParam object. According to the webpage http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/Offline/Activities/RecoParam.html, these classes are currently in flux. Once the base classes are defined by the offline group, we will modify AliEMCALRecParam to inherit from the correct one. • New task to be defined: • Implement reco parameters once Offline group finishes AliRecoParam definition ALICE Offline Week
Cluster Unfolding Code • class AliEMCALRecParam • Float_t fLocMaxCut=3*0.37 MeV; //minimum energy difference to consider local maxima in a cluster • Bool_t fUnfold; // flag to perform cluster unfolding • → set in OCDB (by default : fUnfold=kFALSE) • class AliEMCALGeometry • ImpactOnEmcal() : Return the absId of the tower hitted and the impact point of the track on the EMCAL front surface projected at the center of the module (global position = center of the module) • → useful for shower shape determination • class AliEMCALClusterizerv1 • InitParameters() • MakeUnfolding() • UnfoldCluster() • FindFit() • ShowerShape() → showershapeparameterization(twodimensionsyz→onedimr) • ShowerShape() → shower shape parameterization (two dimensions y,z → one dim. r) • UnfoldingChiSquare() • → chi square (and if required gradient) calculation • unfolding for only two dimensions y,z: assumed for adjacent towers • class AliEMCALReconstructor • Short_t fNExMax ; // number of (Ex-)maxima before unfolding • code implemented since aliroot revision 26174 (only trunk) • tested for simple case : 2 photons of 10 GeV ALICE Offline Week
Impact of digitization changes • Few changes in aliroot : • electronic noise increases: fPinNoise=10 to 37 MeV • digitization threshold has to be increased (fake clusters): fMinECut=30 to 160 MeV → cluster multiplicity, size of lateral shape decrease • digit energy difference to define a local maximum: 3*fPinNoise • Consequences for cluster reconstruction: cell energy/cluster / local max threshold 0.16 GeV / 0.2 GeV / 0.111 GeV cell energy / cluster / localmax threshold 0.01 GeV / 0.1 GeV / 0.03 GeV clusters with 2 local maxima = cluster candidates to cluster unfolding g1 10 GeV + g2 10 GeV → fewer clusters to unfold ALICE Offline Week
Recently Completed Tasks • EMCAL>>Simulation • Task 199: (14/04/08) Add final APD/FEE parameters to convert hits to digits • There were parameters available already for some time, but new ones based on our current understanding (from testbeam) were added • 5.2 photo-electrons/MeV. • Digit Energy range: 250 MeV (low gain low) - 15.6 GeV (high gain high) • Hi/Lo Gain: ~16 >> dynamic range is 250 MeV to 250 GeV • Noise: 2-3 channels = 30-45 MeV • Pedestal = 0 (zero-suppression mode) • New task to be defined: • Correct simulation timing model for generating digits with accurate time info ALICE Offline Week
Recently Completed Tasks • EMCAL>>Event Display • Task 1818: (01/07/08) Incorporate EMCAL to eve in compiled code • What the visualization does: • reads hits, digits and clusters from AliRunLoader • reads hits, digits and clusters using AliEMCALLoader • reads digits and clusters from ESDs • reads raw (not yet implemented) • And visualize them at the same time at the level of each supermodule. • Hits (TEvePointSet), digits (TEveQuadSet) and clusters (TEveQuadSet) are daughters of each super module (TEveElement). • How it runs ? • Compile in EVE the following classes:AliEveEMCALData, AliEveEMCALSModuleData, AliEveEMCALSModule • Run the compiled code with the macro: "emcal_eve.C” • Read the information from the runloader, emcalloader or ESDs • What needs to be improved ? • For the moment a cluster is just a cell (TEveQuadSet) which holds the total cluster energy. Looking into modifying by defining a surface (association of several digits) and to represent only the contours of such object. ALICE Offline Week
Event Display Hits+Digits ALICE Offline Week
Recently Completed Tasks • EMCAL>>Geometry • Task 2209: (30/05/08) Clearance around alignable volumes • EMCAL envelope expanded slightly to allow for misaligned supermodules without overlaps • No overlaps detected with other volumes nor within misaligned EMCAL • EMCAL>>Quality Assurance • Task 1349/1350: (15/05/08) ESD/Digit QA • Implemented AliEMCALQADataMakerRec.*, AliEMCALQADataMakerSim.* and AliEMCALQAChecker.* following QA framework • Hits/Sdigits/Digits, RecPoints, ESDCaloClusters and ESDCaloCells histograms defined and filled (see next slides) • Removed a lot of obsolete histogramming code from AliEMCALClusterizerv1, AliEMCALDigitizer, AliEMCALSDigitizer • **Need advice on RAW data QA • EMCAL RAW data is a series of time samples that are fit with a gamma2 function in AliEMCALRawUtils to create EMCAL digits • In QA code, need to use AliEMCALQADataMakerRec::MakeRaws(AliRawReader* rawReader) to access raw data • If we want to QA EMCAL “RAW” Digits, have to run AliEMCALRawUtils::Raw2Digits twice! ALICE Offline Week
QA Output (Hits/SDigits) Hits Energy (GeV) Multiplicity SDigits Energy (GeV) Multiplicity ALICE Offline Week
QA Output (Sim. Digits) Digits Amplitude (ADC) Multiplicity • Comment/Question about QA framework: • Currently using largest common denominator for bin ranges for histograms whether for p+p or Pb+Pb but e.g. multiplicities are very different in p+p and Pb+Pb • Would be nice to have option of selecting which histos to book and fill depending on beam type, energy, trigger condition, etc…? ALICE Offline Week
QA Output (RecPoints) RecPoints Energy (GeV) Multiplicity Digit Multiplicity ALICE Offline Week
QA Output (ESDs) CaloClusters Energy (GeV) Multiplicity CaloCells Amplitude (ADC) Multiplicity ALICE Offline Week
Recently Completed Tasks • EMCAL>>Geometry • Task 1816: (13/04/08) Clean up of AliEMCALGeometry for final design • Many old, obsolete geometry options removed from code • Cleaned up the definition of parameters - much clearer code • More detailed comments added • Two primary options currently available • EMCAL_PDC06 == “SHISH_77_TRD1_2X2_FINAL_110DEG” in old notation, kept for backward compatibility to EMCAL DOE CD-2 simulations • EMCAL_COMPLETE == “SHISH_77_TRD1_2X2_FINAL_110DEG scTh=0.176 pbTh=0.144” in old notation, is official version of complete EMCAL (10 full, 2 half SM with correct Pb thickness) • Others will be added as needed (e.g. first year geometry as installed, etc.) • Default geometry name (EMCAL_COMPLETE) now included in all versions of Config.C in $ALICE_ROOT ALICE Offline Week
Tasks in progress • EMCAL>>Calibration>>SHUTTLE • Task 221: (31/12/08)Implementation of access to DAQ and HLT file exchange servers in the preprocessor • This task should be done fairly soon (Mateusz Ploskon) • EMCAL>>Calibration>>Online • Task 2329: (15/08/08) Provide interface to time-dependent calibration corrections • Based on the temperature sensor info and analysis of LED events, from the Preprocessor output, provide time-dependent corrections during the runs for AliRoot analysis. (Josh Hamblen) • EMCAL>>Reconstruction • Task 2258: (01/09/08) Global tracking integration • May need to re-assign to new person and/or adjust due date (Josh has a lot on his plate, currently) ALICE Offline Week
Tasks in progress • EMCAL>>Quality Assurance • Task 2314: (OVERDUE) Reference distributions • Generated QA histos from 2 runs: pythia minbias (“p+p”) and hijing minbias (“Pb+Pb”) • Committed macro $ALICE_ROOT/EMCAL/macros/QaDB/makeEMCALQARef.C to create and store OCDB object • “p+p” reference histos stored in OCDB directory $ALICE_ROOT/EMCAL/Ref/Sim/Run0_999999999_v0_s0.root • Task will remain open until Offline group determines acceptable list of run types for QA framework • In my opinion we need for real and simulation data at least beam type, energy and trigger condition since QA reference histos will vary according to these options • Task 1423: (15/07/09) Pre-production validation - validate the entire detector software (geometry, alignment, simulation, calibration, reconstruction) on the set of data produced with day-1 version of AliRoot • Remains long-term task until EMCAL installed/ready to take data in ALICE ALICE Offline Week
Tasks in progress • EMCAL>>Geometry • Task 1319: (31/03/2009) Validation of geometry as installed • Will be done when first SM(s) installed. Depending on that schedule, due date may need to shift • Task 1817: (01/09/08) Add spaceframe and strongback to EMCAL geometry • Summer student (Ryan Ward) working on this; expect completion on time ALICE Offline Week
Other updates • Jetfinder code removed from compilation • $ALICE_ROOT/EMCALjetfinder code still there but no libEMCALjet.pkg anymore • Some cleanup of use of TClonesArrays in EMCAL code, memory management suggestions from Federico • AliEMCALTrigger code updated to CD-2 simulation level • Improvements to AliESD(AOD)CaloCluster • Remove fM11 shape parameter, add fTOF • Added some useful testbeam calibration code to $ALICE_ROOT/EMCAL/beamtest07 • AliCaloRawStream updates for better handling of LED event info • Calibration code updated and moved to $ALICE_ROOT/EMCAL/Calib, new package created libEMCALcalib.pkg • Testbeam/Cosmics analysis continues • EMCAL PPR Simulations/Analysis ALICE Offline Week
Testbeam tracking study ALICE Offline Week
Testbeam position resolution study Analyzing Run 253 (80 GeV) using 3 MWPC chambers from Grenoble y vs. x in each chamber looks good, as well as projection at EMCal face x vs. x and y vs. y correlations between chambers ~1 All scales are in cm J. Hamblen ALICE Offline Week
Track correlations with EMCAL signals All scales are in cm Track x,y vs. EMCal x,y scatter plot Track x,y vs. EMCal x,y profiled and fit. Slopes beginning to reach 1 in central region Preliminary look at position resolution: Next steps: • use gain calibrated EMCal data • optimize EMCal threshold signal cuts, energy weighting procedure • investigate tower sampling windows • currently 3x3, need to check 5x5, etc. • look at runs with other beam momenta/ positions (center of tower vs. corners) Track and EMCal positions have arbitrary offset ALICE Offline Week
FDR Tasks • These tasks are defined and/or done in the EMCAL area. Why are we duplicating tasks under the FDR? • Better: link to the dependent tasks? • When new tasks are defined by someone other than the person responsible, would be nice to have an email explanation (not just the automatic mail from the planning tool) with details of what is expected and a request for due date or request for confirmation of due date ALICE Offline Week
Summary and Plans • Good progress on EMCAL offline software • 16 Completed tasks • 7 Tasks in progress • 2-3 new tasks to be defined (and others as they arise) • Personnel issues • JLK on “sabbatical” from 01/10/08 until March 2009 offline week • Interim coordinator will be found to lead effort for that period (JLK available for consultation) • Aleksei Pavlinov not currently available to work with us (hopefully this is temporary, but might not change soon…) • Very important team member - especially on calibrations, trigger, etc. • Two parallel efforts requiring our attention in the next 6 months • Testbeam analysis (ongoing) • PPR simulations/analysis (PPR due 31/12/2008) ALICE Offline Week