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LTLL Mid-point Gathering. St Laurence’s School, FORBES. What did we set out to do?. Reflecting. Teacher knowledge and skill development. Provide meaningful feedback to students and parents. Focus 1 : The transformed learner Focus 2 : Teacher as Leader
LTLL Mid-point Gathering St Laurence’s School, FORBES
What did we set out to do? Reflecting Teacher knowledge and skill development Provide meaningful feedback to students and parents Focus 1: The transformed learner Focus 2: Teacher as Leader Focus 5: Educative Leadership (leadership for professional learning) Focus 6: Authentic Learning (Assessment FOR and AS learning) Learning from colleagues Learning journeys / 3 way interviews Integrate ICT Engaged learners Authentic learning experiences Authentic assessment
Why? Focus 1: The transformed learner • We want our students to be excited by learning, to be critical and creative thinkers and problem solvers. • We want to try different ways of teaching to accommodate different learning styles while providing ‘real’ learning experiences. • We saw the need for a better use of technology within the curriculum.
Why? Focus 2: Teacher as Leader Focus 5: Educative Leadership (Leadership for professional learning) • We want to provide our students with authentic learning opportunities to assist them to become transformed learners. • We want to become more skilled on how to provide authentic learning experiences. • We want to continue to learn; build our knowledge, skills and to also change our practice. • We want to become more active in our contributions to the educative leadership of our school. • We want to seek professional learning opportunities outside of the school while also utilising the many skills of our teaching staff to share their knowledge and skills in school based workshop sessions.
Why? Focus 6: Authentic learning (Assessment FOR and AS learning) • We want to become more confident and build our skills when assessing our students. • We want to provide our students with authentic learning experiences and learn how to use authentic assessment strategies to inform our teaching. • We want to make assessment an integral part of the teaching and learning process; basing our assessment on the curriculum and using the assessment data to shape our teaching and learning. • We want to become more effective at providing regular, clear and meaningful feedback to students and parents.
What have we actually done? • Developed an action plan. • Surveyed the teaching staff regarding Professional Development interests. • Surveyed the teaching staff regarding their areas of expertise and colleagues that they would like to observe in ‘action’ to appreciate and learn from. • Scheduled Professional Development Workshops into the staff meeting agenda utilising the skills of ‘guru’ staff members.
What have we actually done? (continued…) • Implemented Learning Journeys/Three Way Interviews K-6 (Term 1 & Term 2). • Surveyed teachers, parents and students regarding the Learning Journey/Three Way Interview process. • Organised and allowed teachers to be released to observe their colleagues in ‘action’ to appreciate and learn from them.
ES1~ Term 2 Learning Journeys/3 Way Interviews • Prior to the 3 Way Interviews, students ‘flagged’ 1 page in each work book (all KLAs) with a yellow tag and 1 page with a blue tag, giving reasons for their choice. • Students took their families on a journey of their learning around the classroom starting at station ‘1’ through to ‘6’. • Students explained what they have learnt, what was easy/enjoyable and what was tricky/difficult. • Students then showed their families their workbooks, specifically their ‘flagged’ pages, explaining reasons for their choice.
Stage 1~ Term 1 Learning Journeys Year 1 Our main focus for our learning journey this term was Literacy (Reading/Writing): • In each child’s reflection folder we included a checklist of reading and writing strategies that Stage 1 would be focusing on this year. • Included in Year 1’s folder was a reader ‘flagged’ to highlight some of the above reading strategies. • Included in the folder was a reader, ‘flagged’ with stickers to highlight some of the above reading strategies. ICT: • Focused on Persuasive Text writing. • Students selected topics and formed opinions. • Students identified the persuasive devices used by advertisers. • Students created their own ads and reflected on the devices they used. • We recorded the ads onto a CD.
Stage 1~ Term 2 Learning Journeys Year 1 • For our 3-way interview process we selected a sample from each KLA and used a selection of cue questions. • Students practised the process with their Stage 3 buddies. • We showed a photo page as an introduction followed by a classroom walk.
Jack Nadin 1B is lucky to have Jack in our class because he is always a friendly and happy young man. Jack works hard and likes to share his ideas. Jack loves to be challenged. Can you see the line of Symmetry in our pattern? We have been playing instruments to get ready for the Eisteddfod. I am playing the triangles. We are going to perform ‘Minute Waltz’ by Chopin and ‘Hampster Dance’.
Stage 1~ Term 1 Learning Journeys Year 2 • Introduced tagging work that reflected 3 strategies we used well and 1 we found difficult or had trouble with. • Daily oral reflections with students regarding their learning achievements and difficulties. • Practice sessions on talking to parents about their learning journey. • Learning journeys sent home and returned. Students then reflected on these.
Stage 1~ Term 2 Learning Journeys Year 2 • 3 Way Interviews used IWB technology as part of students reporting to parents. • Prompting questions near pieces of work that students wanted to present to their parents during their ‘journey walk’ of the classroom. • Books available on desks for students to show tagged work and discuss. • Photos also used as part of interview process.
Stage 2~ Term 1 Learning Journeys Reflection process: • We looked at different ways of reflecting • KWHL chart • Mind Maps • Learning Log • Pre and Post assessments • Students were given opportunities to use each of these reflective tools during Term 1. What did it look like?: • What did the students take home?
Stage 2~ Term 2 Three Way Interviews • Students were given opportunities to utilise the various ways of reflecting to assess their work prior to the Three Way interview. • Students were coached on the ways in which they could present and discuss their learning. • Year 4 utilised a script to reflect and then report on their work samples. • Year 3 utilised prompting questions that were displayed next to their work samples around the room.
Stage 2~ Term 2 Three Way Interviews(continued…) • Year 4 students presented their work utilising the ActivBoard. • Year 3 students presented their work on a “Walk Around the Room” tour with their parents and teacher. • Despite the different presentation formats, the interviews used similar reflection questions / prompts in order to explore their learning. E.g. This task was important to my learning because..
An example of the students “Script” Year 4 - Using the ActivBoard
Stage 3~ Term 1 Learning Journeys • Movie Maker was a tool used by some of the children to present their science work. The children made use of the various cameras to present their progression of their work. • The children tagged their writing books to show the progression of their writing through planning, drafting, editing and publishing.
Stage 3~ Term 2 Learning Journeys • In Term 2 Stage 3 decided to teach the children ‘Power points’. • This was to teach the children new ways of presenting their work. • The children combined PDHPE and HSIE into one presentation that was used in their 3 way interviews with their parents, as well as tagged work in their Maths, Religion (on Mary), English books as well as their major assignment of an artist study (this was an opportunity for the children to present their work in their own preferred style e.g. booklet, poster, PowerPoint, Movie Maker etc)
Definition of a drug A substance that effects the senses or your mind Drugs are so bad MMM Kay?
How did our plans change along the way? • We went into much greater detail and depth than we initially anticipated. • Timeframe – we did not expect it to be as involved as it became with lots of collegial discussion necessary. • An increase in use of technology in the classroom. • Lots of revision and refining the process and the final product. • Making it an ongoing initiative. • We set a scaffold for the 3 Way Interview process. • We introduced an online booking system for parents to book the 3 Way Interviews.
How successful have we been? • Teachers and students skills with reflecting have developed during the process from Term 1 to Term 2. • An improvement in oral language skills – YEAH!! • Positive feedback from parents, students and teachers. • Gained valuable ideas for areas of future direction/development. • Teachers embraced this new pedagogy and have become confident. • It has given students ownership of their learning. • Increased levels of student motivation and engagement. • Allowed students to represent their learning in different formats. • Students are starting to understand their preferred learning style. • Students are more tolerant of others (e.g. group work). • Students and parents discussed aspects of their learning that they may not have otherwise discussed.
What evidence do we have for this? • Teacher survey ~ (Focus 2: Teacher as Leader & Focus 5: Educative Leadership – Leadership for Professional Learning) • Parent survey results ~ (3 Way Interviews/Learning Journeys) • Student survey results ~ (3 Way Interviews/Learning Journeys) • Teacher survey results ~ (3 Way Interviews/Learning Journeys)
Evidence - TeachersQuestion:With regards to Professional Development, what are the areas you would like to improve your knowledge and skills?
Evidence - ParentsStatement: Learning journeys/3 way interviews provided me/us with a deeper insight into our child/ren’s learning. “We found the learning journeys & 3 way interviews to be a highly valuable & insightful experience. The interview, in particular, allowed us to see a whole new side of our daughter that we would not normally see.” (Parent)
Evidence - StudentsStatement: Did reflecting help you talk about your learning? “I was very excited to present my work to Mum and Dad. They loved seeing my work. I think learning journey’s are the go!”(Grace, Year 5) “I liked doing our learning journey. I realised that I am good at more than I thought.”(Lily, Year 5)
Evidence – Teachers • 92% thought that this process helped the students in their class reflect on their learning. • 85% thought parents were provided with a deeper insight into their child’s learning. • 0% thought portfolios were a better tool than learning journeys in providing parents with clearer information about their child’s learning.
Evidence – Teachers • 92% thought the time investment in the learning journey process was more relevant than time previously spent after hours on portfolios. • 92% thought developing consistency K-6 would support this process. E.g. KLA term focuses; use of guiding questions in the 3 way interview. • 69% have noticed a significant improvement in oral language skills and children’s ability to talk about their thinking.
What difference did our actions make? For staff: • New skills (technology, reflecting, planning, programming, etc.) • Increased motivation and interest. • Increased confidence. • Awareness that younger students are capable of reflecting and reporting. • Awareness of students’ learning styles. • Provided with insightful information regarding students’ knowledge and understanding of what has been taught. • Collegial planning, reflecting and refining (sharing of ideas). • Provided with authentic assessment evidence. • Increased integration of technology into our classrooms and into this process.
What difference did our actions make? For students: • Increased levels of motivation and engagement. • Ownership of their learning. • Flexibility to represent their learning in different formats. • An awareness and understanding of their preferred learning style. • An increase in tolerance towards other students (e.g. group work). • Ensuring learning is a more rewarding journey. • A feeling of pride to be given the opportunity to share their learning with their families.
3 Challenges • Keeping the reflecting process ongoing, of a high quality and an integrated component of the programming and learning process in each classroom – ‘work smarter not harder!’ • Educating the parents about the process. • For a number of reasons, keep to a timetable during the 3 Way Interviews.
3 Learnings • Insights gained during the 3 Way Interviews about students’ knowledge and understanding of what has been taught. • Finding out that younger children are capable of reflecting and reporting. • Using technology is a valid tool to record learning and students quite easily adapted to using it effectively.
3 Questions • What form will the Learning Journey/3 Way Interviews take in Term 3 and Term 4? • How can we continually challenge our students to set and measure learning goals? • How can we successfully educate the parents towards these changes?
The End! Thank you for listening to our presentation.